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Messages - Noone you know

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Feature Requests / Simple popup modal per character in message writer
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:29:01 AM »
In the message writer, have the list of names of who it is going to be hoverable with a small modal giving details about each person.


titles & region

In order to write consistent sounding messages & roleplays involving other characters it is nice to know who you are talking to, but can be very time consuming to open a bunch of tabs & look everything up each time.

I thought we had a gender symbol, but it only seems to be in some places or some islands.

Feature Requests / Make Sharing Scout Reports simpler
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:20:53 AM »
The Share with army works great, but...we don't really do that much anymore, unless you live in a realm with one giant army.


1) the new data tables makes copy/pasting flaky, and runs the results together in an unreadable string

2) copying the link from each scout report means you need to open up a tab for your message, open a tab for scouting, scout, copy/paste, go back to information, scout, copy/paste,  go back to information, scout, copy/paste,  ..... until you've finished

This is one of the more annoying wastes of time in the game, leaving little time for adding comments or writing other letters

Possible solutions:

1) drop the "no sharing to realm" all together, or at least with realms under (for example) 20 nobles

2) add links to share to realm on the scout page

3) make a members group flaggable as "military council" & add a "Share to Military Council" link

4) on the Scribe page, add the same links in a column to make it easier to re-share or forward foreign scouting reports

5) on the message writer, have a listing/modal with the scribe reports you have that you can click to insert into your letter, to make things faster & easier to pass on to other people

6) review all of these and make sure they are completely & clearly identified, so we don't share "Scout Report" & have to type in what it is.

We should not have to spend as much time & effort copy/pasting simple pieces of information as we do.


Feature Requests / Re: Reply All button
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:31:59 AM »
No one has ever told you that the way you are describing is the way you need to do it. In fact we are explicitly telling you to NOT do it that way. You may, of course, continue to do it that way, if that's what floats your boat.

Alternatively, you could try the way we're recommending: Create yourself a military coordination guild. If you think that creating the guild is too difficult and time consuming, then ask one of your fellow players to do it. Throw it out to the realm, and to your allies. "Hey, this would be a good idea. Would someone like to do it?" I imagine you'll have a few volunteers. Players like to participate in things, and feel like they're contributing. If you can get the lord of the capital to do it, then your players won't even have to take a side trip to do it. You'll have greater participation from other players, redundancy in your command structure, ease of communication, and a better game experience from everyone involved.

If you choose to continue trying to play the way you describe, against the advice of everyone, then I'm afraid there's not much we can do for you. You'll just have to deal with the problems you're creating for yourself.

This is another case of the "let me quote the theory to you" you are somewhat infamous for, like your years of "have  a rebellion" when 90% of every realm was barely active & didn't care or respond.

If you won't read the use cases we are describing, and recognize we have already explained why your answers are dead on arrival, then the hell with wasting more time on this discussion.

I simply won't respond in those cases, and let the game be poorer for it.

Feature Requests / Re: Reply All button
« on: January 26, 2016, 12:44:26 PM »
That's all nonsense. The only "ineffectiveness" is Real Life waste of time because of bad design.

If I were an actual character, I could sit and write letters all day. As a real person with a job, a wife, two children, responsibilities & a personal life, I don't want to waste my time clicking the same buttons over and over & copy/pasting the same message in to send to 5 people individually when a decent tool can do it at once. I have contacts records for all of them.

This is not the game, this is an out of date web tool. This is a really stupid thing for the dev team to be arguing against so strenuously when all the players are telling you it is a real life annoyance & they play less actively because of it.

Feature Requests / Re: Reply All button
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:49:31 AM »
Actually, wasn't trying to.

Wanted to get you guys to show us how several exclusive channels (only rulers, only council) have been working perfectly fine, so that we can dispel this myth that "Reply all will make exclusive channels that will destroy the game"

Now that we've hopefully moved past that, let's discuss the royal pain in the ass it is to try to have conversations over a short period of time with a small group of people because of the lack of a reply all.

One of many examples - as General of a realm in an Alliance of half the island, where the generals frequently changed and guilds did not suffice, I frequently simply avoided answering when I didn't have the time/patience to go click through  a half dozen checkboxes. And that's pretty simple.

I would find cases where the general was asleep and the ruler managed the military for a realm, making it a royal pia to include him and also the Generals.

If I need to do it with a group of my Contacts, it is an excruciatingly long list to pick through over and over.

Interrealm relations are something that livens up the game, but this crushes all but the most minimal attempts to have it.

My personal feeling is, this is a very practical OOC tool that a great many people want for real life reasons. If you feel there is some way of some how abusing it, then go fix the abuse. Let us have something that makes gameplay easier.

Feature Requests / Re: Reply All button
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:34:31 PM »
I'll do it with one word:


BM General Discussion / Re: What to do about adventurers?
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:33:10 PM »
Sounds good - look forward to those.

"Adventurers should not integrate too much with nobles" -my interpretation of this is that In Game they should not be buddy-buddy. That doesn't mean that the characters can't mingle, via RP. That was always my take, anyway.

This may simply be too many characters fatigue on my own part. I know others do a lot of good RP with them.

On the other hand, I'm seeing a lot of second-character syndrome where the adventurer is just being used as a mindless drone to come clear monsters from an area.

Feature Requests / Re: Realm Wide Duel announcements
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:37:47 AM »
Yeah. I actually agree. Training match is... just for training. If someone insults you, you should just duel the bastard. I think removing RP restriction on duels can really make people enjoy the feature more.

I like this, as well. There is far too much casual insulting with no consequences, in my opinion. Feels like you're in a chatroom at times.

Feature Requests / Re: Reply All button
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:34:47 AM »

Except you made the Council Channel & the Ruler Channel, which nearly sunk the game.

This is nothing more than an annoyance remover - I know personally I have not bothered responding to messages on many occasions because it was too big a PIA to hunt through the list of check boxes.

This doesn't give anything new, it merely eliminates OOC irritation.

BM General Discussion / What to do about adventurers?
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:06:04 AM »
I created a bunch of new adventurers - and then paused them all. Too many characters. I tried to make personalities for each, but the communication is so bad and there are so many, it just became a "log in and click" exercise.

Should we give some thought to how adventurers can better integrate with the realm & real game, to make them as desirable as nobles? Or is that already happening places?

All ideas welcome. Remember - "We will NEVER have a forum in Battlemaster!"

Beluaterra / Re: Invasion?
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:51:52 AM »
Unfortuantely, this current invasion seems to be turning into little more than run back and forth dealing with monster threats. The monster threats are a little bigger, but the initial excitement has worn off. Our island-wide war has stopped for the meanwhile.

Places that never had enough nobles to support all the regions they owned are going rogue, but no big changes to other places. BT didn't get the big influx of new characters it really needed.

What HAS been helped is more roleplaying, to a point, but it's starting to become that weekly letter to your mum. Not sure what can spice the place up.

Development / Re: Ranged unit balancing
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:41:05 AM »
Exactly. Just try some new tactics - I don't think these things have changed much for many years.

An aggressive infantry or cavalry charge should cure them of not bringing infantry to the game.

Development / Mark messages about actions as "read"
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:33:33 AM »
I don't know how the messaging system is set up, but it would be nice if, for example, when I do some takeover work and the message goes out to the region, it was marked as "read" for me so I don't see "new messages" signaled afterwards.

Helpline / Re: Scroll of Fireball
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:26:27 AM »
One does not attempt to make sense of the Adventurer class.

One merely accepts what is, and enjoys the freedom.

However, in this case I think reading a magic scroll and writing a letter informing others that there are monsters in the area can safely be described as rather different things.

Just imagine we're in England and the scrolls are written in French, which every member of the nobility learns as a first or second language but few peasants did. It is just some inconsistent wording that causes the grief.

Development / Re: Suggestion for Mercenary Setting
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:23:55 AM »
There is a huge benefit, though not so obvious.

Try marching your men from Makar to Suville. The morale will crush you to the point of having to turn back by the time you reach Falasan. Nearly impossible to wage a long-distance war without mercenary settings.

Likewise, if your Ruler is too chicken to have less than "I love you dearly forever" relations with everyone on your end of the island, you'll never manage to learn the Joy of Looting.

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