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Messages - Penchant

Pages: 1 ... 183 184 [185] 186 187 ... 194
Development / Re: Realm Ratings
« on: March 25, 2012, 09:06:37 PM »
So in other words you want realms to be unbalanced, either dead as can be because it got a bad rating and people would have livened it up but saw the low rating and didn't want to join that realm or realm's that are super active and full of roleplay always because it got good ratings so all the active people and roleplayers joined that realm instead of a realm that has fewer active people and people who roleplay not as often because it got a bad rating.

Feature Requests / Re: Delayed Standing Orders
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:09:25 PM »
It is not irrelevant as that is one of the key reasons.egamma didn't say they told him out of character but that the rate of movement is terrible if he doesn't and in-character complaints are done. So if he wants to be a good marshall, have an army that doesn't have a ton of stragglers, and actually win wars, he will need to be logging on right after turn change but with delayed standing orders it does not require that making the job possible for more players to do effectively because if you have great strategy and tactics it isn't very useful when half your army follow your orders because orders weren't issued in time. This is a change that will improve the job of marshall a ton so that there isn't only 1 person in a realm that can be marshall because no one else fit for the job can get on in time to give orders early in the turn.

Feature Requests / Re: Reworking Prestige/Honour, etc.
« on: March 25, 2012, 12:57:12 AM »
Its a problem because of the stats actually effecting things, so if a courtier never stepped foot in a battle yet using honor as a base which through his many ventures he has gained a lot of honor he can field a massive unit yet a stat like largesse which there are several ways that a courtier could have easily gained he will be equal to everyone else, and thats just one scenario.

Feature Requests / Re: Reworking Prestige/Honour, etc.
« on: March 24, 2012, 04:52:47 PM »
Its a good question but if you think about it, really hard to answer.

Development / Re: Recent Change to Generals
« on: March 24, 2012, 04:45:58 PM »
What about JPierre's suggestion of the 7th of Spring, 1st of Winter, etc.

Feature Requests / Re: Reworking Prestige/Honour, etc.
« on: March 23, 2012, 07:24:17 PM »
Also a plus to having donating to temples being a main way of gaining a little largesse so your not too low it encourages players to actually be in a religion.

Development / Re: Recent Change to Generals
« on: March 23, 2012, 07:14:58 PM »
One idea I got from reading, feel free to make it a new thread:

Delayed Standing Orders.

I think many marshals would like to avoid saying "next turn" in the standing orders, because when the next turn rolls around, well, it still says "next turn.". Some sort of "rolling" standing orders would be nice. I see it like this:

Current orders: Move to Region A
Next turns orders: Wait for stragglers and misdirect to region B
Next: Move to region C
Next: Wait for stragglers and misdirect to region D
Next: Move to region D

Each turn, the orders move up one slot, so that everyone knows what they should be doing at that time, and what they should do the next turn.

To keep this from becoming useless in actual combat, marshals should be able to delete one or all of the orders.

And yes, there is a risk from planning 4 days in advance: if your marshal gets stabbed, then players may follow the wrong orders.

Development / Re: The Problem of Blobs
« on: March 23, 2012, 07:10:43 PM »
1. Give regions some small morale/loyalty/control bonus from the number of friendly (same realm) troops in it, as seeing their own armies give the peasantry some patriotic pride, or something. This would encourage us to keep some reserve forces adjacent to the main blob, so that more regions get the bonuses. The blobs would only form before major battles.

It would also be a nice additional way to repairing regions, compared with the Priest/Ambassador spam that realms are using now, as it would generally allow for more participation.

2. Make looting multiple regions simultaneously more effective than looting one. (This is already sort of true, due to the peasant militia, but more carrots for the attacker is always nice. This game is already very biased toward the defenders: digging in, fortifications, etc.)

3. Make Marshals and Vice Marshals a "big deal". Give them faster honor/prestige gain, just like Cavaliers/Heroes. The bonuses do not even have to stack. Let Vice Marshal titles show up in message signatures. Give Marshals/Vice Marshals extra honor for actually showing up and leading their armies to victory. Make them positions that nobles would actually want to compete for.
I personally am not for the looting increase option as I am apart of a realm that was looted several monthes ago in multiple regions at once while in a two front war and could not stop the looting efficiently. There is one region that borders a city that was able to get to full population, the rest of the regions are still recovering with several still being limited a little due to population not being high enough. In my opinion multiple region looting simultaneously is already plenty strong.

Dwilight / Re: Aurvandil's War Machine
« on: March 23, 2012, 04:53:25 AM »
Well from what I have read part of aurvandil's success is that it has done lots of investments to increase economy I beleive for it to pay for troops, rcs, and fortifications.

Feature Requests / Re: Erecting statues and monuments
« on: March 21, 2012, 09:51:08 PM »
I would think that who built a statue/monument would be recorded automatically by the game. How can it be prestigious to build it, if no one knows who did it?

BM General Discussion / Re: New food system -- inalienable?
« on: March 21, 2012, 12:49:24 AM »
I agree with Chenier. The point is not that Bankers or other lords/dukes can't boss you around its that they have no power over it so if they demand you sell it for 10 gold per 100 bushels but you don't want to, then don't. Sell it for 30 gold per 100bushels. Its a poltical risk, if you are constantly being selfish then someone who the the duke or banker will be able to boss around much easier might be who votes for in an election. If its the ruler who is also duke they might not reappoint you if you are captured.

Development / Re: Recent Change to Generals
« on: March 21, 2012, 12:42:41 AM »
Formations and settings aren't different actually its just the formations are names for a group of settings. So I believe settings for a formation were posted which is equal to posting a formation if the enemy is not being lazy with the info.

Helpline / Re: Unstable Government Causes Unrest
« on: March 21, 2012, 12:40:29 AM »
That is very true and you can do it peacefully since you could just protest the leader out but if you do the character will feel like a failure. Plus its not always that a leader is incompetent but that there are people who could do the job even better.

Feature Requests / Re: Erecting statues and monuments
« on: March 21, 2012, 12:36:21 AM »
That seems the point of the bugtracker to me, features that have been accepted are remembered to be done later so that when the devs are not having so much coding to do and can work on other features they can work on the old ones that were accepted thus saving the good ideas. Also I think it best that the thread is not locked until a verdict on accepting it or not has been reached so that we know to add it to the bugtracker if the devs don't feel like it at the moment even though its been accepted and so the players can expect it eventually.

Development / Re: Recent Change to Generals
« on: March 21, 2012, 12:31:24 AM »
I actually know that the realm I am in has done the formation different then the settings gave so that any spies would give the enemy the wrong formation to counter. If there are no spies you have no harm from it but if there are you gain getting your enemy to use the wrong formation.

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