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Messages - Heq

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Beluaterra / Re: Fifth Invasion
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:52:52 AM »
Well, I'm hoping Prudent shows up again so Nothoi can serve her, so we can continue to work on our extraplanar research.

Beluaterra / Re: Sint selling out
« on: December 07, 2011, 06:57:24 AM »
Nonsense, just like the "humans", they are a unified force led by a single will with discernable goals.

Dwilight / Re: GDP Per Capita
« on: December 05, 2011, 07:50:18 AM »
Vellos,  we'll probably just disagree on this one flat out, I tend to believe that the urbanization pre-900 was for military rather then capital creation reasons.  After all, one of the major things the Solow model types would have considered capital would have been the animals and whatnot.  This all changes once we get stable shipping again, but BM doesn't seem to have real trade routes except for when nobles hoof it, so we're talking about Autarkies here.

Not that european economic models are really my area, so you're probably right and I'm just being hard-headed *l*.

Dwilight / Re: GDP Per Capita
« on: December 04, 2011, 09:19:19 AM »
Chenier, Well, it depends on which model we're using, but the only modern model appropriate for this time period is likely some version of the Solow Model for long-cycle growth paths, which predicts that GDP per cap is a function of Capital per Cap.

As Capital can be reasonably be said to become more difficult to aquire as centres become bigger, income per cap goes does as pop goes up, (blah-blah-blah, trending towards a steady state based on capital reinvestment)

Anyways...The big issue would likely be the beurocratic overhang that comes with a low population, as it's the peasants that die out rather then the middle and upper classes.  The best recorded incident of this was probably Shizumo (sp?) province in Japan, where the warrior class essentially went to war or committed suicide as a preferable answer to starvation.

It likely happened a fair bit in the west too, but we ain't so good with the economic recordings and the numbers and the literacies.

Far East Island / Re: Toupellon: The next FEI superpower?
« on: December 04, 2011, 09:09:52 AM »
Yeah, I was thinking about the current wars.  The only think that confuses me is why he didn't make himself King when Ryeena stepped down because he had the support, but I suppose that could have gone hell-for-leather wrong really easily.

Far East Island / Re: Toupellon: The next FEI superpower?
« on: December 03, 2011, 09:22:54 PM »
Just one correction, the war was really started by Farnese and Rodiriz making some serious miscalculations and Ryeena not catching onto the fact that they were doing so.

Otherwise, yes, I too tip my hat to Wilson's spy skills and am even more impressed that even after all that he still has "friends" in the Adgharian leadership.  By that I mean the BM term for friend which is "Still trust that guy more then those other guys"

Beluaterra / Re: 1st Son
« on: December 01, 2011, 01:25:21 AM »
Of course, everyone knows FEI is lying, because once we get done with Fronen, we'll tie up that loose end and make them beg.  If they really want peace, they can simply acknowledge that they are a vassal of Sint and allow Sint to name their next head-of-state.

Development / Re: +1 character
« on: November 29, 2011, 09:10:54 AM »
Blue Star,  I'd make the argument that it's likely that there has been an increase in clumping.  Rpers want to play with Rpers, so you end up with big lumps of rp rather then scattered events.

Far East Island / Re: Rebellion in Arcachon
« on: November 26, 2011, 08:08:24 PM »
It's pretty much the Baron's War, come to think of it.

Far East Island / Re: Rebellion in Arcachon
« on: November 25, 2011, 04:57:24 AM »
I'm of the opinion that some people log in more when they feel that their character is exciting or dramatic.  It's probably a different engagement function for each player, but they can probably be grouped fairly easily, maybe along the lines as to if this is a a roleplaying game with strategy elements, or a strategy game with roleplaying elements.

Of course, I was agog when I discovered people play D&D for the dungeons and the dragons (IMHO birthright is one of the greatest games ever), so my friends and I may be a little off.

Far East Island / Re: Rebellion in Arcachon
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:16:42 AM »
Almost certainly, the question is if the engagement level changes, or if it's tied to those particular people.

Far East Island / Re: Rebellion in Arcachon
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:12:02 AM »
I'll give you that is something I discount.  I always assume that a small nation can go to war at pretty much any time and have troops on the front within days (at most).  You're probably right though, Ohnar West probably can't put 4-5K in the field at the drop of a hat.

Well, with the core marshals potentially leaving Arcachon, I guess this will show if it's the marshals that make for the mobilization speed, or some hidden "these types of players" variable.

Far East Island / Re: Rebellion in Arcachon
« on: November 24, 2011, 05:49:10 AM »
Well, I suspect this can't be advanced at all.

I completely disagree with you and think this is a once in a lifetime chance for Arcaea to finish Arcachon off and even then it's going to be a hard, brutal, slog.  By the end of next winter Arcachon will be refortified and go back to being a nightmare campaign with very little payoff and everyone else opening the money-taps again.

There are likely fundemental back-end parts of our decision trees that diverge somewhere and without everyone laying out every assumption in some tedious philosophy class type structure, it's not going to be resolved.  I suspect it's something around the "Can Arcaea sustain a very long stalemate war effort with Arcachon?" or some modification of that, but it may be more fundemental, such as what attracts/retains nobles in a realm.

Far East Island / Re: Rebellion in Arcachon
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:24:31 AM »
I don't mean to sound condescending, but you actually don't need to know or care about what someone says their motivations are to discern their likely response function.  In effect, Arcaea is currently pinned in their response function such that there is no likely effect to taking, say, Ecsetuah or Mnalor.

If they were willing to go to war over them, then they were already planning a second stage expansion which would result in war anyway.  It's compeltely to OW's advantage to snatch those territories and there is little to nothing Arcaea could do about it save for war, but that's probably not an option unless they trust Arcachon to hold to a treaty, which no-one would.

You need to stop the hissy fits because your plans get derailed.  It happens, it's BM.

Far East Island / Re: Rebellion in Arcachon
« on: November 24, 2011, 01:20:44 AM »
Wait, your argument amounts to "Don't take the easy win, because Arcaea wants it and so you shouldn't take it."

Why should OW care at all about what Arcaea's long term goals, they can take and hold a bunch of territory and really, Arcaea isn't in any shape to stop them short of delcaring war, and the risk reward analysis should probably be based on that.

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