Author Topic: Really Eponlynn?  (Read 40676 times)


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Re: Really Eponlynn?
« Reply #30: July 04, 2016, 03:59:28 AM »
Instead of ignoring what I said and blindly aggrandizing Perdan lets look closer at that definition.
With Al Arab and Ibladesh, by your definition, Perleone isn't a small realm. I'd disagree of course, it has two cities, but with a total of four regions, it's tiny. Of course Perleone is a small realm when you think of it logically, every bit as much as Fallangard, Alara, Eponllyn, First Oligarch, Obsidian Islands, Shadowdale, and Minas Nova.
About Perleone. If we compare Ibladesh city with Oligarch city, of course Oligarch city is the richest. Probably that is main reason why Oligarch hold out longest against Sirion.

Everyone in the north left Eponllyn hanging.
Agree, it is everyone to be blame. Especially if you considered that 2 realms were beating Eponllyn 8)
If it is 1 realm versus 1 realm war, Eponllyn could at least fight evenly.

I concur with Gabanus, First Oligarch was at war with Nivemus, Sirion and Shadowdale at first. Looking at the odds, Eponllyn decided to join the war to get more lands.

Eponllyn only has one city and 2 other regions, such a far cry from what it was back then. It is really just a simple matter of survival and opportunity, even more so due to Perdan's aggressiveness and (hatred*?) towards Eponllyn.   

Hic Sunt Leones,
I think it is natural process that "if you can't beat them, you beat other". We all hear the saying "if you can't beat them, join them". I wish to modify that saying for Battlemaster. "If you can't beat them, you beat other".
In this case, Eponllyn could not beat Perdan, nevermind Vix on its own. So I agree with you and Gabanus here, lands is the reason for war. But there are more reasons behind it, if you are from Eponllyn, Sirion or Nivemus realms, you would understand why. As part of your curiosity, I leave it to you to find out ::)

The North has to be clear and secure from all enemies before they head south to deal with Perdan. This has and continues to be the prevailing strategy.
Agree, it makes sense logically :)
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