Author Topic: Discord, the realities of the BM community, inclusion  (Read 9389 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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While I agree with what has been said here that players can enjoy the game just fine without being part of the Discord community, there is one point in the original post that I would like to talk about. In fact, I think it was the crux of his post, and that we have meandered slightly off point.

I rarely could voice an opinion without being diminished, dismissed, or mocked.

I have been on a personal mission to alter this, because it is a very real problem on Discord that I have witnessed and have had to deal with.

I have even been pinged as a Moderator or PM'd directly and told that a player is causing trouble on a channel just to find that "problem player" repeatedly trying to voice their opinion (non-aggressively, without swearing) and being met with a constant wall of "No" or "You are wrong". No discussion. No trying to see something from their side. Just blatant dismissal and rejection.

Quite honestly, it is often the players who deem themselves the "good" players, and it makes my blood boil. Anyone reading, if you have ever been that stone wall mentioned above because you don't like a player, I sincerely hope you feel ashamed.

This is a game. Discord is for discussing that game.

Every time I have encountered this, after the situation was diffused, I have messaged the player privately to discuss whatever concern they were trying to bring up. I let them talk. I ask questions. And literally, literally, every time they have said "Thank you, it was nice to just have someone listen". That seriously bothers me.

I have never fixed BM in those discussions. Heck, I don't think I usually fix the player's specific problem. But jeez, it isn't hard to sit there and actually listen to someone, let them voice their opinion, and then discuss it.

If you can't manage to have at least that much decency, then just avoid the topic and talk to other people.

Sorry for the rant. Gildre out.
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.