Author Topic: Modifying TMP Training Reductions  (Read 86457 times)


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Re: Modifying TMP Training Reductions
« Reply #30: September 01, 2011, 02:17:35 PM »
Really? You are going to go to war so you can have a boost in region stats? I don't believe it for a minute.

It was just a quick example of what the positive things to encourage war could be. Of course, that alone wouldn't be enough. Read what some others have suggested in that area.

I stand by my earlier post - the reason it isn't working is because you haven't changed your way of ruling the realm yet. Break up those 8 year old friendships, take offense more easily, let your knights have a freer hand at looting neutral realms.

When I used to play before, whenever I would complain about the gridlocked peace everywhere, people would always say, "then go start a war". Which we all knew was bull!@#$, because if you did your Ruler would just cry, "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry - bad knight!" and ban you.

You brought TMP on yourselves. Suck it up and play through it.

You think it's ok that a realm that has nearly no capacity to actually fight a war, gets threatening notes from the game that basically boil down to "What a crappy realm you have there. Go kill yourself off in some random battle or I'll put a world of hurt on you that will ensure you'll die anyway." Gee, way to make the game fun.

The TMP code has been in the game for what, over 2 years? It has changed nothing in that time so I highly doubt it ever will. All it has done is make players hate it and cause problems where none are needed. It's a failed experiment that needs to be put down as much as some of the other failed experiments.
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