Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 560610 times)


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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #105: October 13, 2012, 12:59:31 AM »
well if their federated allies had responded earlier, instead of waiting until barca and Aurvandil were in peace talks, to go and get themselves slaughtered then their would be no issue against either of you. But when you almost assure the destruction of your "ally" by attacking us, the "big bad" I think Barca would rather you not have "obliged" them.

If Barca's ruler had provided any indication whatsoever to Terran and D'Hara that they were making good progress with the peace talks, then we might not have declared war on Aurvandil. Barca's ruler--through inactivity or just a lack of communication--led Terran and D'Hara to assume that an Aurvandilian army was about to return to Rettleville and slaughter them; we had no reason to believe otherwise. We made the strategic choice to taunt Aurvanil into attacking our army in Maeotis in an effort to spare Barca.