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[Forum Game] Werewolf III: A Perilous Voyage

Started by Barek (jerm), August 24, 2012, 10:06:04 PM

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We will Slapsticks i'm sorry if youre innocent but I have to find the 2 factions leader in order to find the sympathizers.
Atamara:    Dwilight:


Quote from: Ross on August 31, 2012, 05:48:21 PM

Indirik is clearly a bad guy maybe a daimon worshipper

I suspect Slapsticks to be a mutineer.

Meanwhile i reveal i have a seer power, i can find the allegiance of one person only. Besides Slapsticks and Indirik, the only person i feel suspicious is Lefanis, i feel he has link with indirik.

I feel there's something sketchy about indirik lynch, maybe he has some bureaucratic skills or something to prevent his death, and that's why Lefanis vote for him, so Slapsticks can take his place.

Lolz. You're funny. I vote this guy for death and suddenly I'm his ally. That's brilliant logic. Wait for a few minutes, till Indirik is sleeping with the fishes.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


We will see I swear I want to believe you. I'm waiting the fish report.
Atamara:    Dwilight:

Barek (jerm)

Day 3 / Night 3

Slapsticks -4- Sonya(176), Indirik (191), Perth (202), Velax(214)
Indirik -4- Slapsticks(178), Fury (193), D'Espana(215), Lefanis (218)
Velax -1- Penchant (179)

not voted - Ross,

Through the day the storm wracks the seas, pitching the ship like a toy.  The mast creakes dangerously, but holds.  The sailors work tirelessly to maintain their course, a job made more difficult by having fewer sailors than when they'd set out.  The storm seems almost like some angry force from the gods, for it lashes the ship without a break, as though the storm was bent on the ships destruction.

The sailors know that among them are those who would see the rest of them dead, and so they must root out the murderers among them.

They agree that there are likely two killers among them, Slapsticks and Indirik must certainly be the killers, and so they take the body of Telrunya and bind the three of them together.  It is only fitting that, accused of this murder, the two murderers should go rest in the ocean along with his victim.  Up they go, and over the side of the ship.  The dead weight of the corpse drags them immediately beneath the water, and soon the water turns red as a group of hungry sharks make short work of them.

And yet wickedness still lurks on the ship.  The rain abates some as night falls, but the wind continues.  A crack of lightning briefly makes it seem as bright as day, but the corpse lying on the deck pays little attention.  A thin cord is still tight, biting into the flesh, and knotted at the back.  There are deep claw marks on the flesh of the neck where Sonya tried to pull the garrotte away, but could not gain a hold.  Open mouthed and with eyes staring, but seeing nothing.

Indirik the unattached Sleeper fed a couple of hungry sharks.
Slapsticks the Spiritually Attuned (Fighter) Sailor was desert.
Sonya the Mortician was garrotted in the dark.
You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.


D'Espana Family


Nice way of killing the neutral character....  >:(

bleh, whatever, PM me when next game starts.


Mortician is neutral ?

I was thinking he was in sailor team ?

Well I wish to say I'm quite confused and we just lost our mortician and for information I swear I didn't reveal Sonya identity to anyone so I don't know who's responsible, we will have to analyze it.

I'm waiting my seer report Barek cough cough give me an assassin *cross fingers*
Atamara:    Dwilight:

Barek (jerm)

You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.



This keeps getting better and better. :D
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


How come i didn't had a trait?

This is not fair! (╯゜□゜)╯︵ ┻━┻

Sorry Slapstick.......... the game is so blindly now that i used Occ reasons to choose you.   :-[


Dadadadadadada... Waitin' for Ross's intelligence report...
D'Espana Family


oh yeah.

Hi Lefanis !

Have you found a sleeper or an other assassin we could lynch at your place tonight ? Because i found one last night.
Atamara:    Dwilight:


Quote from: Ross on September 01, 2012, 12:52:22 AM
Hi Lefanis !

Have you found a sleeper or an other assassin we could lynch at your place tonight ? Because i found one last night.

What are you talking about? Your comportment of late has alarmed me very much. You have so far-

  • Participated in lynching innocent Slapsticks when Indirik alone would have died
  • Lynched Zaki the double voting sailor
  • thrown around unsubstantiated accusations

So my question for you is, were you at my place last night? Cause thats the only way there was an assassin in my chambers. Perhaps you thought you'd get me before heading for Sonya? Perhaps you are just being manipulated by the mutineers and Daimon lovers. D'espana was right about one thing- I am the strongest sailor. If the killers do come for me, they've got another thing coming...
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell



Quote from: Lefanis on September 01, 2012, 04:44:33 AM
What are you talking about? Your comportment of late has alarmed me very much. You have so far-

  • Participated in lynching innocent Slapsticks when Indirik alone would have died
  • Lynched Zaki the double voting sailor
  • thrown around unsubstantiated accusations

1.)  I take the blame for Slapsticks death. For that, you bring a good point, but i did what most of us feel was acceptable and didn't wish to do because they would be point at as being a bad guy. If people would have trust me (and indirectly trust Slapsticks too) we could have avoid that, i don't blame anyone, it happens, and look at me, i didn't trust Slapsticks. I don't claim being better than anyone else.

Trusting everyone and lynching them unless we have a bulletproof evidence for everyone is rarely gonna happened, sorry to tell you.

We needed to know. Blame me for it, throw rocks at me, vote for me, it is a valid accusation.

2.)  Irrelevant, why then don't you propose we lynch the 5 who vote against Zaki while he was away unable to help himself without us knowing.

Oh, and you voted ?... I need to remind you i guess:

Perth -1- Lefanis (163)

So your logic tell us we should all vote each of us for a random guy we have no chance to lynch ?

Here i will quote your friend, few hours before his death :

Quote from: Indirik on August 30, 2012, 08:33:28 PM
So you're a bandwagoner then, eh? A sure sign of a murderer. Trying to hide among the multitudes.

I guess you need to hire better speech writer for the assassins. That argumentation has never been proved to be right. And if you apply it, i couldn't conceive how we could eliminate the assassins by refusing to group our vote against someone.

3.)  Seriously, i don't want to go over all those 16 pages again.

You've been acting in the shades, voting random persons, PMing you are a sleeper to few of us since i called my scan on you. What are you looking for ? Another assassin ? I was expecting something more original.

I challenge you that for each sloppy accusations you could find against me, i will give you a solid fact i brought to the sailors.

FACT 1: You are a bad guy.

Atamara:    Dwilight: