Author Topic: New Estate System  (Read 119719 times)


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Re: New Estate System
« Reply #120: September 12, 2011, 07:14:38 PM »
I have two questions:

since there are going to be no more oaths, will be tournaments still be a good place where to snatch foreign knights with promise of gold? Certainly Lords will still be able to advertise but 1) potential knights won't be able to see if he's lying 2) maybe they will no longer be able to join him directly at the tournament.

Also, right now one can swear an oath to a Lord of a foreign realm when in the same region, but there are no informations on how much you would earn from it to prevent (I guess) nosing into enemy's finance too much. Would this be still the case, or can knights claim an estate even in foreign realm without any limitation to the informations they can access while evaluating whether or not to do the claim?

I think the answer to both of these is the % of region number. If a lord offers you 30% of the region, you can then go to Information>Region List>Gold and run some quick numbers to determine how much you might get from that. The amount of taxation he can change later anyway.