Author Topic: If all the continents merged?  (Read 16798 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: If all the continents merged?
« Reply #15: October 25, 2011, 08:03:08 AM »
Indirik, that's kinda my point.  Adgharianism and Blood Star worship are profoundly alien to each other and oddly enough it's common ground which tends to cause dissent.  After all if Tark wasn't Sartan who would give a damn?

The idea of a triumverate religion set-up (each faith has three profoundly different ecclesiatical orders) means that at least in theory each position would have someone else to communicate directly with who they likely have a more similar viewpoint to then even members of their own faith.  I only know a couple of the continents and though the characters are completely independent if the overlap between say, Ciann and Allison (each of whom fulfills eerily similar roles within their faith) is the same as between the other branches of SA and Adgharianism it would just make a natural match IMO.

Outer Tilog would probably drop below Rio and Sint the moment the stories of the last invasion started flying around.  Outer Tilog is evil and kinda crude, but they didn't betray mankind to daimons or monsters (actually, if they were really on the up and up with investigation they'd burn Nothoi first and Sint second).