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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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I'd give a months income for a veteran adventurer right now. So far all the existing ones seem to be ignoring my efforts to command, bribe or threaten them. There's been some mention of books of banishing and scrolls and portal stones, but I want details! Have they been tried, or can they just not get them, or are the adventurers blissfully unaware of the impending apocolypse or what?

On another note, if we do lose, I hope there's some opportunity for characters to go down fighting. Askarn certainly isn't leaving Beluaterra.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Quote from: Iltaran on March 27, 2012, 02:43:27 PM
I'd give a months income for a veteran adventurer right now. So far all the existing ones seem to be ignoring my efforts to command, bribe or threaten them. There's been some mention of books of banishing and scrolls and portal stones, but I want details! Have they been tried, or can they just not get them, or are the adventurers blissfully unaware of the impending apocolypse or what?

On another note, if we do lose, I hope there's some opportunity for characters to go down fighting. Askarn certainly isn't leaving Beluaterra.

Nor is Malos. Possibly because he emigrated from EC to join the war in the name of the Church. If he died, he'd probably be recognised in some way back home. As would all of the Church's BT branch, in fact.


Quote from: Iltaran on March 27, 2012, 02:43:27 PM
I'd give a months income for a veteran adventurer right now.

It's not that exciting. Believe me.


Quote from: Peri on March 27, 2012, 03:33:52 PM
It's not that exciting. Believe me.

Less talking, more scroll-hunting!


Quote from: Iltaran on March 27, 2012, 02:43:27 PM
I'd give a months income for a veteran adventurer right now. So far all the existing ones seem to be ignoring my efforts to command, bribe or threaten them. There's been some mention of books of banishing and scrolls and portal stones, but I want details! Have they been tried, or can they just not get them, or are the adventurers blissfully unaware of the impending apocolypse or what?

My advy had put together three books. Got five scrolls and was told the netherworld- BT link was weakened. Then my advy hunted around for more, and got two. Never found the third despite months of search and pleading with nobles and freemen alike. He must have toured the north a dozen times messaging all nearby advies to start the search for the books. Yesterday, I got bored of it and ennobled him after giving the books to another advy.

The last straw was when I wasted an entire week searching for items using the balanced approach, and didn't pick up a single item.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Riombara has two books and we're doing all we can to find the third one.  8)
Gregorian (Eponllyn), Baudouin (Cathay), Thaddeus (Cathay), Leopold (Niselur)


Quote from: Lorgan on March 27, 2012, 06:00:51 PM
Less talking, more scroll-hunting!

Couldnt agree with you more!

We need those scrolls and books  8)
Michael (BT) - Marcus (BT) - Antonious (EC) - Claudius (EC)


Quote from: Turner on March 28, 2012, 01:23:47 AM
Couldnt agree with you more!

We need those scrolls and books  8)

Actually, I want more talking! To the peasants! Gotta convert them all to The Way!
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on March 28, 2012, 01:31:00 AM
Actually, I want more talking! To the peasants! Gotta convert them all to The Way!

And get beaten up in the process... ::)
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Quote from: JPierreD on March 28, 2012, 01:32:55 AM
And get beaten up in the process... ::)

Indeed... If Guillaume doesn't reply in the coming days, you know why...
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Draco Tanos

Real men are priests.  Look at our scars.  Not like those pansy warriors with their heavy armor!


Ahhh, the wonders of being the dominant religion in your area...
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


So there's a bunch of flaming vortices that appeared in the blight now...

It's starting to feel more and more like we'll have a diabolus ex machina this time around... or does anyone know how the hell to stop Overlord from doing his mumbojumbo? Obviously, defeating him over and over again doesn't help...


Quote from: Lorgan on March 30, 2012, 12:40:06 AM
So there's a bunch of flaming vortices that appeared in the blight now...

It's the end of the world. Best to just give up and let the daimons win :)
Join us on IRC #battlemaster@QuakeNet
Read about the fantasy stories I'm writing.


Quote from: Lorgan on March 30, 2012, 12:40:06 AM
So there's a bunch of flaming vortices that appeared in the blight now...

It's starting to feel more and more like we'll have a diabolus ex machina this time around... or does anyone know how the hell to stop Overlord from doing his mumbojumbo? Obviously, defeating him over and over again doesn't help...

What? Where? I saw no continent-wide message about this...