Author Topic: Fifth Invasion  (Read 448496 times)

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Re: Fifth Invasion
« Reply #435: January 23, 2012, 12:49:24 PM »
Okay, so ICly I plan to have my character fully ignorant to all this hoo hah on BT. Thusfar he's kept his head down and hunted little monsters and zombies, having never even seen a daimon before. I intend to keep it this way all the way until the 5th Inv ends, in which case Larry scratches his head and goes "Huh? What happen?"

But OOCly I got no qualms about going on about crazy !@#$ I think of randomly. Apparently the one after Midnight is Darkest Hour. Huh, well, I guess Breaking Dawn But close enough. I'd say keep up the...good work(?) and try to kill as many of those as you can. At some point the "darkness of the cardinal directions" will exhaust and that something about the darkness in that cardinal direction or something. Possibly after Darkest Hour there is no more from that cardinal direction, thus reducing significantly the daimons' forces.

Kill the Sons. Goddamn like seriously. Kill those stupid priests. How hard is it anyway? Sure they have that rumored time drain, but Tom can't stay logged in forever. Or maybe he can, but no matter how active, if a single player gets outnumbered, then much like in real life, no matter how good, he's still toast. Metagaming? Nah, it's a legit countermeasure to a rumored ability the character has. Surround and blindside has always been a sound strategy when you have numbers against an individually superior foe.

In short, I think it'll really boil down to whether you can narrow the field to where Overlord must stand alone. A general without an army, anyone? Sure he'll still have some daimons, but even then, it's ONE single unit of daimons. Furthermore, there's probably no such "cheat mode" where Overlord can summon infinite daimons. And it'll probably be really damn hard to get Overlord alone. Heck, I reckon we'll more likely lose before we even get to Darkest Hour of the last cardinal direction. But whatever, keep running forward screaming like a monkey swinging the arms. It works for Ash Ketchum and look what he's achieved: Top 16 Kanto, Orange League champion, Top 8 Johto, Top 8 Hoeen, Kanto Frontier Brain, Top 4 Sinnoh.