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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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Night Falls   (1 hour, 52 minutes ago)
As the night falls, most of the peasants lock their doors, bolt their windows shut and pray to their gods - or maybe to darker powers, who knows?
The clouds still have not lifted, and it is still unnaturally warm. Neither the priests nor the old men seem to know what to make of this.


And there I thought that I was just getting that because there was a 20k cs demon army in the region next to me :o

PS: Who's been handing them the portal stones, anyhoo? ???


Every one of these invasions remind me of a tabletop roleplaying session where all the players are frustrated and confused, and the GM is pulling his hair out, saying "Why haven't you solved this puzzle/riddle already? It's so simple!"
qui audet vincit


Quote from: GoldPanda on March 20, 2012, 12:25:07 AM
Every one of these invasions remind me of a tabletop roleplaying session where all the players are frustrated and confused, and the GM is pulling his hair out, saying "Why haven't you solved this puzzle/riddle already? It's so simple!"

I am actually starting to give up on this...even if "we don´t share information" it is hard to find out things when most of the things that happens inside the game is like "the sky is getting darker" even Overlord stopped talking, and blabbering (not that would help anything but still).

When a game mechanics is all about order troops to go there -> wait 6hrs -> see results, it is hard to do something else, even use the knowledge you have to defeat it...specially when the role-play doesn't count for game mechanic (it is more a player interaction thing).

So in the end, BT is going to be blighted, the island is going to go away and we´ll move on to other things/islands
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


Less defeatist posts, please. If it happens, it happens.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Quote from: GoldPanda on March 20, 2012, 12:25:07 AM
Every one of these invasions remind me of a tabletop roleplaying session where all the players are frustrated and confused, and the GM is pulling his hair out, saying "Why haven't you solved this puzzle/riddle already? It's so simple!"

Why do you think there is a puzzle to solve at all?

I said a hundred times there will be no Deus Ex Machina. Solving a puzzle to make all the invaders go *poof* would be exactly what I said isn't there.


I meant it as an analogy, Tom. You were wondering aloud why the players have been so inept at information sharing and generally figuring things out, right? What's obvious to you is not always obvious to others. Maybe you think Overlord or some other NPC is dropping important clues, or maybe even devious misdirections, but everyone else just reads gibberish. People won't share information if they do not even recognize it as information.

Disclaimer: I don't even play on BT, but I'm seeing a lot of confused and frustrated players here in the BT forum. BT always seems to attract the more masochistic segment of the player base.  ;D
qui audet vincit


QuoteThe Weather Today   (1 hour, 11 minutes ago)
As the sun rises, it shines through mist and fog, but the sky is not quite as cloudy anymore. It is still warmer than it should be.

For those of you who don't get the Beluaterran Weather Report at home; today will reach an expected top of 39 degrees, clouds clearing, and a chance of being disembowled by Daimons.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Quote from: GoldPanda on March 20, 2012, 10:20:32 AM
I meant it as an analogy, Tom. You were wondering aloud why the players have been so inept at information sharing and generally figuring things out, right?

Yes, but not in the sense that there's a puzzle to solve. I was surprised that some of my Daimon leaders could loot realm X for days, while everyone else was wondering where the heck he is. Stuff like that.


Quote from: Tom on March 20, 2012, 10:55:31 AM
Yes, but not in the sense that there's a puzzle to solve. I was surprised that some of my Daimon leaders could loot realm X for days, while everyone else was wondering where the heck he is. Stuff like that.

Regarding TOing of Enweil's last regions before Enweilieos got blighted, for example, Riombara sent 20k CS of troops (the most it could muster) which awaited in Enweilieos for an opportunity, but the Marshal considered that the closest Daimon army (TOing Yncaloo) was too strong (around 21k CS, Daimonic CS btw), and attempting to flank them would simply mean the slaughtering of our army. That was only one of the three TOs running, and Enweil was so beaten up they had no more than 3k CS which they decided to use somewhere else, despite our efforts to have them join us in battle (poor coordination and them being intercepted before being able to meet us also didn't help).

You at the time said you were surprised that you were TOing 3 regions unopposed. I am not trying to whine or the likes, but at least Yncaloo's TO force was quite strong (and the CS was gathered not from scout, but from battle reports, if I recall correctly), and though I disagreed with our Marshal, saying we should have pressed combat instead of waiting for an opening that never came and forced us to return to refit, the truth is that it was not a simple matter of moving there to break the TOs, specially with no possibility of help from the north.

That said, I don't mind facing such kind of forces, and/or losing. I just don't really expect you to be surprised by that happening.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Quote from: Tom on March 20, 2012, 09:43:51 AM
Why do you think there is a puzzle to solve at all?

I said a hundred times there will be no Deus Ex Machina. Solving a puzzle to make all the invaders go *poof* would be exactly what I said isn't there.

So, you had decided many months that the skies would go dark on March 19th, no matter what?

Even do there is no Deus Ex Machina, I do hope that there are in game causes for the in game events. I haven't figured them all out yet.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Tom on March 20, 2012, 10:55:31 AM
Yes, but not in the sense that there's a puzzle to solve. I was surprised that some of my Daimon leaders could loot realm X for days, while everyone else was wondering where the heck he is. Stuff like that.

They don't ask.  ;D

When there are daimons in foreign lands, we can't do anything about it, so it's of little interest. When we have daimons in our lands, others can't do anything about them, so there's no point in telling.

Enweil (and usually Fronen) are told when daimons come to loot Fheuv'n, but what else to do? Invite the Riombarans over so they can loot alongside the daimons? I think not!

Nah, we just pull back our forces from wherever they were (damn daimons usually strike when our army finally gets a chance to help Enweil one way or another) and send them again and again and again at the Daimons until they get bored of slaughtering our army. Don't need no Riombarans to do that!

After all, Riombara's done nothing to gain our trust. They haven't given a sincere apology (other than "we are sorry for killing people after intentionally moving in to attack them"), they haven't offered actual peace, and they, predictably, have not respected their word that they would destroy the Order of Alluran. I invite Enweil to help, but they have nothing left. I'm not gonna ask people I'm at war with to come take a stroll in our realm. Especially since, with the time it takes, the daimon will probably have left by the time they arrive, allowing them to repeat their "you lied, there aren't any daimons here!" slogans.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Tom on March 20, 2012, 09:43:51 AM
Why do you think there is a puzzle to solve at all?

I said a hundred times there will be no Deus Ex Machina. Solving a puzzle to make all the invaders go *poof* would be exactly what I said isn't there.

So if there is no puzzle to solve, you can't say you have been giving clues on what is happening when you can just decide when things are going to happen, and on the contrary to what you say there are puzzles:

1- How to cross the blight - That is a puzzle to solve
2- How to unblight a region - That is another puzzle
3- How to kill and defeat the daimons - That is another puzzle

Unless, Tom, you say: "There is no way to cross it, there is no way to unblight, and there is no way to defeat the daimons, I want to sink this island for good, so no matter what you do I will blight everything and will destroy everything", we will keep searching answers and we will keep getting frustrated because we don't find them and the only thing we can do is to watch while you do your fun blighting regions, destroying armies and bringing flesh eaters to this.

You can't say that you "have being sitting on region X looting for days and nobody noticed" when the only thing we can do is:
Look scout report-> Compare daimon forces with our own -> Think: Hmm their forces is greater than ours -> Wait allies and bulk army -> attack region -> big battle, defeat(or lose to) daimons -> return home to refit -> repeat process.

This is how your game works, so we have only two options here:

A) Keep beating them until they give up, with luck gather some special item with adventures to boost army morale

B) Wait for you to trow in something on this that will help us to defeat them

You already said B is not going to happen, so we only have A left, and A is not enough A doesn't take us anywhere, and you'll be frustrated that "we don't get it/share info/leave your daimons to loot for days in the region X" and we'll be frustrated because there is nothing for us to do to stop this. No matter if we kill a daimon on the battlefield, he will come back the next turn, no matter if we execute a son, another one will take his place the next turn, no matter how many we kill, how much we do with what we can do (considering the game mechanics), I can't simply role-play that I have for days taken part in a ritual and now i have the power to cross the blight, it won't work.

In the end, thinking OOC, it is not a defeatist speech, but a more realistic one, that unless Tom changes his mind and start giving answers to the puzzles that don't exists, BT is going down, he just need to admit it to everyone that it is going to happen. This invasion is just to that is happens in a glorious way, that we can all go down fighting with honor(except for IVF of course).

Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


Quote from: vonGenf on March 20, 2012, 12:40:13 PM
So, you had decided many months that the skies would go dark on March 19th, no matter what?

Even do there is no Deus Ex Machina, I do hope that there are in game causes for the in game events. I haven't figured them all out yet.

No, I haven't. But understanding the cause for everything is not a requirement, either. There's a lot of info that is given only to people in a certain region, or only on the ruler channel or whatever, and that's fine. Some things become public after the event - like the blighting of Villriil, which was a secret operation right until it all went horribly wrong (or right, for me).

Really, if you want to enjoy the invasion, the best advise I can give is to play it like a roleplaying game and not having too much of a gamer mindset. There's things going on you will likely never find out. Which is ok, because there are other things going on that you witness, but those on the other side of the island will likely never learn about. It is these local events that ensure that the invasion isn't the same for everyone.