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Fontan vs Westmoor III: third times a charm

Started by Iltaran, March 26, 2012, 01:04:36 PM

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Quote from: Zakilevo on April 09, 2012, 05:23:16 AM
Once Perdan joins, Sirion can join as well muwhahaha.
Once Perdan join in, Sirion join in, Caligus may want a piece of action. Or a piece of meat to bite and chew on ::)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


When I was in Fontan I tried to encourage better relations with Nivemus. The overwhelming opinion of Nivemus was that they were a Sirionite puppet realm, and thus pretty much hated by almost everyone.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Wasn't Sirion the reason why Westmoor agreed to give Krimml back to Fontan?


Yes. At the time Fontan was under the protection of Sirion due to Fontan's surrender to Sirion. Fontan was obligated to give Ashmoor to Sirion to found Nivemus, and they had no other city. If Westmoor didn't give back Krimml, Sirion would have had to put the smackdown on Westmoor.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


What actually happened was that a Sirion noble with a wealthy family snatched Krimml back from Westmoor by buying it when it was without a Duke. It was then handed  back to Fontan so we could get Ashforth.
EC: Ilias, Taelmoth (Sirion)
Beluaterra: Ivagil (Melhed), Thoron (Adventurer, Fronen)
Atamara: Haniel (Adventurer, Coria)


Quote from: Indirik on April 09, 2012, 04:35:14 PM
When I was in Fontan I tried to encourage better relations with Nivemus. The overwhelming opinion of Nivemus was that they were a Sirionite puppet realm, and thus pretty much hated by almost everyone.

Which is interesting, because Nivemus has made decisions which haven't been so popular in Sirion.

And, although Nivemus has Fontanese nobles in it, Westmoor had been founded by Caligus and Perdan and they later turned their back on both of them. Sometimes the apple falls farther from the tree than you would think... Just saying.  ::)


Yes, I hear OOC that they have broken away from Sirion. But as far as Fontan was concerned, they were a Sirionite colony that was carved from Fontanese land. Thus, they are beholden to Sirion. A totally reasonable assumption, I think, for IC.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Uzamaki on April 08, 2012, 08:07:56 PM
But this is all just talk as Nivemus has still a little expanding left to do Northwards of them. I'm just going to watch them pummel each other and enjoy the war right now. ;)

Edit: And it seems Fontan is having trouble anyways, if the past 36 hours are any indication. So who knows? Maybe it could turn into Fontan getting destroyed...
Yes, the conflicts between many characters in Fontan, General, Marshal, Judge and their supporters have threaten to change the course of war. Some General think he can issue private order as he pleased, he did not notice we are Democracy and we strive for council discussion, military has own military council. I am not part of the military council, so I cannot tell you much what is going on, except from the summary of what happened when they spoke realmwide ::)

Quote from: Indirik on April 10, 2012, 12:44:07 AM
Yes, I hear OOC that they have broken away from Sirion. But as far as Fontan was concerned, they were a Sirionite colony that was carved from Fontanese land. Thus, they are beholden to Sirion. A totally reasonable assumption, I think, for IC.
I seconded Indirik opinion which has not changed. Fontanese people think Nivemus as Sirion puppet, because IC-wise they say they are rebuilding a new Rancagua. Some people may view Nivemus as Fontanese puppet realm, but that does not matter to my character and my realm.

Anyone from Nivemus able to say how they view themselves as? :D
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Nivemus is sort of the rebellious teenage kid to Sirion who repeatedly tries to prove its independence by making less than well thought out decisions just to demonstrate that they are a separate entity...
EC: Ilias, Taelmoth (Sirion)
Beluaterra: Ivagil (Melhed), Thoron (Adventurer, Fronen)
Atamara: Haniel (Adventurer, Coria)

Draco Tanos

Teenage?  Still young enough for the parent to beat!  >.>


Quote from: Draco Tanos on April 10, 2012, 01:35:57 PM
Teenage?  Still young enough for the parent to beat!  >.>

So... the younger the kid the more appropriate it is for parents to beat it?

Draco Tanos

When it misbehaves?  A firm smack across the behind works wonders.  You correct behavior as young as possible after all.  Much like dogs.


Draco Tanos


The general Nivemus view of Sirion is that they are an overcontrolling Toddlers in Tiara's type Mom that want may want us to be their puppet, but to hell if we are going to be that. The general feeling is they don't give us near enough respect and only decide to consider us a sovereign nation when it is convenient for them. That is the general feeling, not necessarily my viewpoint.

And to answer the question: We view ourselves as a new, sovereign nation that is full of a melting pot of people looking to bring together the lands of the North. Some of these nobles are former Old Rancaguan members, former Fontan members, former Sirion members, and still others from other parts of the continent looking for a new life and adventure in Nivemus. We want to be good friend with Sirion and Fontan, but a friend of them. Not a lapdog for them to abuse. We are our own nation, after all.