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[Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Official Game

Started by Perth, April 13, 2012, 08:37:59 AM

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His Majesty Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, sends his most cordial greetings to our friends within the German Confederation, especially the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Austrian Empire. The Kingdom of Prussian is also eager to see greater cooperation with our neighbours, especially in the area of a reduced tariffs and freer trade within the German Customs Union.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


The Empress Dowager Cixi, on behalf of the Tongzhi Emperor, wishes to greet the sovereigns of the world. While we express regret over the instability in many nations, we must emphasize the importance of ren in all societies, and of filial piety: rebels who break bonds of filial piety with their masters should not be supported. To that end, we wish the government of the United States of America good fortune against their rebel factions, even as we ourselves fight against a few small rebellions in our southeast.

Furthermore, the Qing Empire wishes to announce a change in policy. Hitherto, we have closed our borders to nations. However, in the future, the Qing Empire shall open itself entirely to foreign trade. All products may be traded at any port, excluding ports under the control of rebel elements, namely, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Nanking. Merchants of all nations are welcome in China. However, in exchange for granting full trade rights, the Qing Empire can no longer grant rights of extraterritoriality to foreign nationals. Though we pledge that, over the next several years, as we continue to pursue our Self-Strengthening Movement, laws will modernize, and regulations will become less burdensome.

Furthermore, the Ever Victorious Army of the Qing Empire seeks to modernize itself. Our wish is to purchase rifles and artillery from any nation that will make an offer. At present, we wish to purchase 100,000 rifles and 50 artillery pieces. We will hear offers on price from any nation.

Re: Japanese Declaration

Her Excellency the Dowager Empress, on behalf of the Tongzhi Emperor, greets our friend Emperor Komei of Japan, and wishes to extend an offer of exchange: 50 officials of the Chinese court to travel to Japan's court, and 50 officials of the Japanese court to travel to Peking.


To: The Monarch of Spain
Re: Claims in the South China Sea

The Empress Dowager wishes to resolve longstanding disputes in these lands. In exchange for 10,000 rifles and 5 artillery pieces, as well as a 2 year commitment from Spanish military advisors and officers to train Chinese soldiers, the Qing Empire shall relinquish claim to all islands in the South China Sea, and recognize Spain's claim, except for Hainan and Taiwan.


To: The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Re: Trading and Land Holdings in the Indies

The Empress Dowager, on behalf of the Tiongzhi Emperor, recognizes the great profit got by Dutch traders in the East Indies, and also sees the stability brought to those islands by Dutch control. As such, the Empress desires to come to an agreement with the Kingdom of the Netherlands with regards to the island of Borneo. In order to assist Dutch rule over it, the Empress Dowager would be pleased to instruct Chinese expatriots to show loyalty to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and to assist that regime in any way they might. Furthermore, the Empress Dowager is pleased to inform the Kingdom of the Netherlands that the ports of south China are now fully open to Dutch traders.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


The Empire of Brazil
The Magnanimous Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, wishes to announce the introduction of a new trade initiative. We welcome the opening of trade with all peaceful and enlightened nations.

Dom Pedro II is also pleased to announce the beginning of the construction of a new theater district in the capital of Rio de Janeiro. The showpiece of the new district will be a grand theater dedicated to Empress Consort Dona Teresa Cristina. Theater troupes from around the world are invited to attend and perform at the opening festivities, which are scheduled for the beginning of the coming year.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.



The Russian Empire would like to note that it does not recognise the Confederate States of America as a legitimate nation, and awaits the reconstitution of the rebels into the United States of America.

The Empire also wishes to clarify to the Emperor Kōmei of Japan, as per our prior diplomatic contact, Russia has already committed itself to mutually profitable and beneficial relationship with the Shogunate.

Aleksandr II Nikolaevich,
Tsar of all the Russias
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Duke of Britain


Royal Communiqué of the Kingdom of Italy

All italians have a reason to rejoice as Italy is unified into a single state like in ancient times! No more are we a collection of small duchies targeted by foreign manipulation, but an entity with great potential of development and power, i say let's all build that great nation of ours so that we can once again become one of the most powerful Empires on earth!
I look foward to being testimony to the growth of our industries and military forces, my italian brothers, it is our time to take a place on the sun.

I respect the vatican, being a catholic myself, for that i will conduct diplomatic talks with the pope to see if it is possible for him to unify into Italy.

On another note, i thank our french friends for your assistance on our unification wars, we shall stand by your side as allies and friends as both of our great nations should be, i also offer a trade agreement that will reduce tariffs between both parties in order to promote trade and growth between our countries.

Finally, i extend my hand at friendship with the Spanish, i hope that our countries can be allies and avoid conflict on this world plagued by wars between good christians.

OOC : Being a brazilian myself, i fear the stats of the Brazilian Empire are not correct, well, by that i mean the navy :
I think giving it about 36 steamships would be fair, it was modernizing its navy during the time and it wouldn't use sailing ships anymore.
Reading that bit of text would be good, might give you some info

On the other WiR game that hit me because i only discovered it after 1864, so it was way too late to change...It can be fixed on this one, tough.

Dante Silverfire


To: President Lincoln of the United States of America
Re: Treaty of Peace and Amity

The people of Japan will not stand for your continued lies and hypocrisy. Your president, Lincoln, is against the suppression of peoples in the form of slavery, and yet you seek to enslave the people of Japan to American interests with treaties that subvert the sovereignty of the Japanese nation. If you truly recognize the Emperor of Japan as an equal and worthy partner, then demonstrate that with your actions and make the public declaration which has been requested by the Japanese government. OR, I offer you another choice. You can extend the rights that are granted to the United States within Japan to apply for Japan within the United States as well. Namely: Grant all Japanese citizens extraterritorial rights within all lands of the United States, and allow Japanese traders to trade in all ports of the United States of the America. Make this addition to the treaty, or admit that you seek the suppress the rights of Japanese citizens to be ruled by a Japanese Emperor.


To: Qing Empire
Re: Re: Japanese Declaration

The Emperor Komei of Japan welcomes our friends of China to seek an equal exchange of court officials in an attempt to improve our relations and bring our nations closer together. The Emperor would also like to express his interest in promoting trade between the nations of China and Japan. In that regard, the Emperor would request that Japan be excluded from the recent closed borders declaration to all nations.


To: Russian Empire
Re: Russian Declaration

The Emperor Komei of Japan welcomes Russia's intent to seek mutual beneficial and equal partnership going forward in future relations. In this regard, we would offer to seek mutually beneficial trade agreements as well as to seek an exchange of goods, ideas, and materials to help both of our nations during the times of reform we are both in. We are welcome to immediate discussion of specifics for future plans of mutual prosperity between our nations.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


1) The Austrian 250 million troops was just an accidental couple extra zeros. Will fix.
2) Seems most people want army/navy tech levels. I am glad to do it, but someone else will have to do the research and provide me the stats.
3) The Brazilian navy will be adjusted.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Duke of Britain

OOC : Why not use the levels of the other WiR? Perhaps with some adjustments... ;)

I have some more info on Brazil, mostly about possible army and navy levels :
The army sucked, should be at the same level as the other south americans, soldiers were not well-paid and the training was nowhere near the desirable, only thing keeping it together was the very loyal leadership, with some skilled (for South America) commanders. Best army on South America was the Paraguayan AFAIK
The navy however was modern, and if he tries to do it he will probably manage to have capacity to build ironclads by 1864 or 65, like OTL Brazil :p
And the territory of the current state of Acre (and a small strip of land to its east) was owned by Bolivia, however, the area was barely populated...Maybe a map change won't be worth the trouble, but if you desire i can provide a map.

If you need help about Brazil feel free to ask and i can try to help :)



His Royal Highness William III, King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Duke of Limburg, would like to extend greetings to the nations of this world on behalf of the Dutch people. In such a trying time in the world we can only pray for stability and peace.

Re: American Situation

We would like to extend our wish for peace in the United States of America and the Confederate States of America. Self-determination of a people is an important part of freedom, as is the freedom of each man due to their equality under God. The Kingdom of the Netherlands does not express support for either side, merely for the freedom of the American people.

Re: Trading and Land Holdings in the Indies
King William III is thrilled to hear of Chinese support for the Dutch East Indies. He is interested in trade between our fine lands and expresses hope that the Empress Dowager will be able to quell their rebellious uprisings.

Re: Japanese Declaration
The Kingdom of the Netherlands is disappointed by news from the Tokugawa Shogun and any attempts to harm interests of the Dutch East India Company in Nagasaki will be considered grave insults to the King. King William III would like to stress the importance that Dutch Learnings have had on progressing Japanese society and wishes that peaceful relations may continue.



Ever since the  Congress of Vienna, the nations of Europe have recognized Switzerland as a souvereign country with full neutrality. We are very pleased that this year of 1861 marks the first in history that all our foreign obligations have been resolved and no swiss forces are fighting for foreign powers anymore.

During the past years, Switzerland has been successfully reformed into a Federated State. With our central location in Europe, and our recognized neutrality, Switzerland is an excellent location for diplomatic meetings. Thanks to our own history, we are aware of the difficulties in finding a suitable location for diplomacy between nation leaders in troubles times, as the choice of location is not without meaning. Should the necessity arise, Switzerland offers the perfectly neutral location for all such events.

Dante Silverfire


To: King William of the Netherlands
Re: Japanese Declaration, Netherlands Response

Japan has no interests in preventing trade coming to and from Japan. However, the current interests of the Dutch East India Company in Nagasaki are grave insults to Emperor Komei and all of the people of Japan. Peaceful relations are welcome to continue and trade be reopened between our peoples as soon as the Netherlands make the requested public statement of equal partnership in all treaties with Japan. The Emperor Komei wants to make it quite clear that European colonialism will not be tolerated as a means of overruling the sovereignty of the Japanese people on Japanese soil.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


[Qing Empire]

To: All Nations
Re: Extraterritoriality Rights and Foreign Passage

For clarity, the Qing Dynasty wishes to reaffirm that foreigners shall be welcome in China in any number, from any nation, for any peaceful reason, provided they register their presence with the proper officials. We welcome trade with other nations. However, in return for opening our markets to other nations, as has long been requested, we must insist upon all extraterritoriality being ended. All foreign nationals in China shall be held to Chinese laws, which are currently undergoing modernization.

To: Japan
Re: Yellow Sea Exchange

The Empress Dowager thinks it fitting to promote trade between our two nations, and will contact you by private emissary.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


((Romania)) Diplomatic Announcement:The United Principalities of Romania request that the rest of the world recognize the United Principalities as a fully independent nation.

Speech by Alexandru Ioan I: People of Romania, I wish to announce a new modernization program designed to increase industry in Romania significantly. We cannot be left behind as the world moves into a new age.  I therefore call upon you to accept these changes. They may be hard at first, but we are a strong people and we will continue to thrive. Long Live Romania!

Announcement to foreign investors: Foreign investment in the new program is encouraged however the program will continue with or without it.

Jacob L

The Spanish government is open to talking treaties and arrangements with other nations and will consider what has been said so far.  We also could benefit greatly from railroad experts to help organize our infrastructure far better than our current expertise allows.  Perhaps a temporary loan of teachers to our nation could help along the development and modernization.
Spain in WiR 1861


[United Kingdom]

To: The Spanish Empire
Re: Economical Treaties

The United Kingdom is willing to offer its services to invest into railroad building in Spain or Spanish oversea territories.

To: Qing Empire
Re: Closed Borders and Extraterritoriality Rights and Foreign Passage

The United Kingdom is surprised with this turn of events. These recent actions comments on the close mindedness of the Qing dynasty and their racial partiality to foreigners. This announcement will be ignored by British traders and will continue to trade at the behest of our prior treaties with the Qing Empire, namely so, the Treaty of Tienne which stipulates the right for foriegn traders to conduct business in the ports designated by that and prior treaties. Her Majesty's government is aghast at the elasticity of the Qing to rebound on their agreements.

With that kept in mind, the United Kingdom is willing to negotiate the management of all the conflicting points of interest between the two nations.

To: King William of the Netherlands
Re: Oceanic Territories

Her Majesty's Government greets the Dutch. It is our wish to work towards collaboration in Oceania for the safety and stability of both our territories. The threat of piracy over trade is always imminent and we would appreciate if our forces in the area will be willing in a joint effort cleanse the oceans of pirates and other ill disposed seafarers.