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[Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Official Game

Started by Perth, April 13, 2012, 08:37:59 AM

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To: The United Kingdom
Re: Free Trade and the Treaty of Tientsin

The Empress Dowager wishes to remind the United Kingdom of her earlier declaration, namely, Hitherto, we have closed our borders to nations. However, in the future, the Qing Empire shall open itself entirely to foreign trade. China's borders, historically, have been closed, with only certain exceptions. The Empress Dowager has, on behalf of the Tiongzhi Emperor, reversed that policy. All ports are now open to all nations. The United Kingdom is free to trade at any port along the Chinese coast, to send its citizens inland, to establish private businesses in Chinese cities, and all other functions.

However, the United Kingdom is not special in this regard. You presently have only a legation in Peking; we invite you to establish a full embassy. We also request permission to establish an embassy in London. Under the Treaty of Tientsin, 11 more ports were opened. We are now opening all ports. Furthermore, import duties shall be discounted for any nation willing to make infrastructure investments in China's ports.

The United Kingdom should be embarrassed that its diplomats are unable to read clear English, as it mandated documents to be written in English as of the Treaty of Nanjing. China has violated no terms of our treaty; we shall maintain the fixed tariff. The United Kingdom shall maintain its Most Favored Nation status: every other nation shall also be granted MFN status. China shall grant further reductions in duties to any nation which shall invest in port infrastructure.

It is our firm intention to seek renegotiation on some points, however, that shall be negotiated separately with involved powers. For the time being, suffice to say that the Qing Empire is guilty of no treaty violations whatsoever.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Jacob L

What is most important for the Spanish development and modernization plan is to link our major cities properly with those of our ports and into the French railroad network.  At such time we could theoretically ship goods far more easily to any part of europe as well as receive them.  It is also the policy of the Spanish Government to consider the lands of Morocco as vital to our long term prosperity.  Spain must be lifted up first, however, before we can attend to fully developing our colonies if both goals are to be successful.

Spain is open to greater friendship with the Italian people, we can work together greatly to develop our nations up into their rightful places.  We have few neighbors even if counting upon the waters as but a river and there is no sense to be had in fighting them at this time.

What is most important though is to maintain the unity of Spain and to focus our attention upon the future and not upon the tragedies of the past.  We will have to embrace a more open and modern world if we are to regain our place as a 1st line nation.

OOC:  Does romania need to be recognized?  I thought is was independent?
Spain in WiR 1861


OOC: At this point only the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia were recognized. They both had the same prince. I'm trying to get everyone to recognize those 2 principalities as one kingdom.



As a symbol of our respect and interest in peaceful relations, Switzerland will be exchanging ambassadors with any nation willing to do so. Irrespective of considerations regarding legitimacy or recognition, we consider it vital to establish lines of communications with all parties, as we believe that neutrality prospers through communication, and not isolation.

Please let us know if for any reason you do not wish to exchange representatives. While we would regret such a move by anyone, we would of course respect it.


[Königreich Preußen]

His Majesty the King of Prussia is pleased to appoint a Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Confederation. The Swiss Envoy is asked to present his credentials at the Berlin City Palace.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus



Re: Japanese Declaration

The Kingdom of the Netherlands would like to remind the Tokugawa Shogunate of the long Dutch-Japanese co-operation in Desjima, which spanned 220 years, and of 252 years of Dutch-Japanese relations. The actions of the Americans in 1853 should not stand in the way of such a long and fruitful relationship. It is the opinion of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that all treaties thus far have been very respectful of the Japanese acquiesing to demands of travel yearly to the seat of the Bafuku in Edo and the forbidding of access to mainland Japan. We are very concerned about the honour of a most revered lord as the Shogun if he is able to ignore this.

Re: Moldovan/Wallachian Announcement

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is curious as to the lineage of a King of the Romanian people. We with hold any other comments about the matter.

Re: Oceanic Territories

King William III greets Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The elimination of corsair activity in the East Indies and Australia seas would benefit both of our Kingdoms and we look forward to future co-operation between our navies.

Re: Swiss Diplomacy

King William III welcomes free and open communication between our kingdom and the Swiss Confederation. We have dispatched an envoy to Bern and expect one in either Amsterdam or Den Haag.


[Argentine Republic]

The Argentine Republic is saddened to hear that civil war has broken out among the United States of America. We hope that a resolution of the conflict is able to be found without bloodshed.

Re: Swiss Diplomacy
Swiss Diplomats are welcome here in Argentina and we look forward to sending our own Diplomats to Switzerland.

~ President Santiago Derqui


From: The Kingdom of Belgium

To: The United Kingdom, the Kingdom of Italy, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Spanish Empire, the Second French Empire, the Swiss Confederation, The Kingdom of Bavaria, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Austrian Empire, the Kingdom of Romania.

Brussels, April 1861

To the Rulers of the European nations

We, His Majesty Leopold I of Belgium, extend a hand of friendship to the nations of Europe. Having earned our independence just thirty years ago, We realize that the other nations of Europe may look at us with distrust, wariness or even hostility, but We hope that through diplomacy and trade, we may strive to leave the past behind us and turn our focus to the future. Europe's history is marred with conflict. From the days of the first organized tribes vying for supremacy across Europe, to the conquests of the Romans, to the invasions of Hunnic, Mongolian and Turkic hordes, to the unrelenting wars of the Middle Ages up until today, Europe has been at war with itself.

We are of the opinion that this must be stopped. Other powers are emerging globally. Some of Our neighbors have seen their American colonies revolt and declare independence. The Russian Empire is struggling under its own weight. Soon, they will clash with the Ottomans and the Qing once more. The Americans are fighting their own civil war. This is a time for Europe to strive for unity and expand its interests around the world. Africa holds vast untapped riches. Linking trade routes between Africa and the Far East would make us all rich.

We welcome envoys from all European nations to Brussels, and in turn, We hope that Our own envoys are welcomed around Europe as well.


Quote from: Leopold I
The Russian Empire is struggling under its own weight. Soon, they will clash with the Ottomans and the Qing once more. The Americans are fighting their own civil war. This is a time for Europe to strive for unity and expand its interests around the world.

King Leopold I,

The Russian Empire has been informed of your suppositions. And may I say that's all they amount to- suppositions with no fact or reasoning to back it up, and thus unworthy of being mentioned in august halls. 

As for struggling under our own weight, perhaps you are right, our coffers have been rather heavy lately, despite our investment in infrastructure and industry.

It is also to be noted, that Russia too is part of Europe, I would not have expected your distinguished diplomats to have forgotten it.

Tsar Aleksandr Nikolaevich II
Lord of all the Russias
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Emperor Dom Pedro II is happy to agree to the exchange of diplomatic envoys with Switzerland.

To President Lincoln of the United States of America: The Brazilian Empire is sympathetic to your cause of the abolition of slavery. The Empire itself has been working toward this goal for many years. We wish to extend the hand of friendship, and perhaps begin to work together to achieve this admirable goal. We would be amenable to entering into trade agreements with the Untied States to help to further this goal, and ensure a more rapid end to the scourge of slavery.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.



The United States thanks the Empire of Brazil for its wishes and praises its enlightened policy.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


OOC: It wasn't until 1863 that the war was about slavery. Calling it about slavery this early would have caused the border states to secede.
Dr. Nikolay Ivanovich Arzamastsev
President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America in World in Revolution: 1861
Founder of World in Revolution

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Frymonmon on April 14, 2012, 10:20:37 PM
OOC: It wasn't until 1863 that the war was about slavery. Calling it about slavery this early would have caused the border states to secede.

That is completely false. It wasn't until 1863 that the war was publicly stated as being about slavery.

The southern states seceded because Lincoln was elected president. This was only a problem because Lincoln was "ANTI-SLAVERY".

There were many reasons that led up to the war and secession, but to say that slavery was not one of them until 1863 is completely wrong.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 14, 2012, 10:30:40 PM
That is completely false. It wasn't until 1863 that the war was publicly stated as being about slavery.

The southern states seceded because Lincoln was elected president. This was only a problem because Lincoln was "ANTI-SLAVERY".

There were many reasons that led up to the war and secession, but to say that slavery was not one of them until 1863 is completely wrong.

OOC: But for the US to publicly praise the abolition of slavery and to publicly endorse a view of a war about slavery would have led to border state secessions. The border states didn't secede in 1863 because the war was changing course, and the Emancipation Proclamation didn't affect them.

For context: my home state of Kentucky, a border state, didn't ratify the 14th amendment until the 1970's.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner