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[Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Official Game

Started by Perth, April 13, 2012, 08:37:59 AM

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Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 14, 2012, 10:30:40 PM
That is completely false. It wasn't until 1863 that the war was publicly stated as being about slavery.

The southern states seceded because Lincoln was elected president. This was only a problem because Lincoln was "ANTI-SLAVERY".

There were many reasons that led up to the war and secession, but to say that slavery was not one of them until 1863 is completely wrong.

I have a Ph.D in United States History. You have no need to lecture me.

In context of the game, Lincoln would not admit, in public affairs, that he wanted slavery to end. He would not be comitted to this until the middle of 1862, when the emancipation proclamation was drafted. Publically, the war was not about slavery, and instead to preserve the Union. If it had gotten out, at all, that Lincoln wanted to free the slaves, the border states would have seceded, something Lincoln could not have at all costs. Only after a show of force of arms at Sharpsburgh did he proclaim it, knowing the border states could not leave after that victory.
Dr. Nikolay Ivanovich Arzamastsev
President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America in World in Revolution: 1861
Founder of World in Revolution


OOC: To be fair, historically, Lincoln's primary goal in the war was to "Preserve the Union." Freeing the slaves was secondary to that and he stated that he would do what was necessary to preserve the union, whether it meant freeing the slaves or not. For instance, the Emancipation Proclamation was more out of the desire to cause slave insurrections and chaos in the deep south, than for any humanitarian end. The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves NOT in Union controlled territory... ie. slaves in Kentucky, Missouri and Union controlled parts of the upper south were not freed under the Emancipation Proclamation.

That said, this is alternate history and if people want to make it about slavery the day after Ft. Sumter than by all means go ahead!

If you want to argue about the causes of the American Civil War, please start your own thread somewhere and go at it for 200 pages until you finally agree to disagree.  :P
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


OOC: Obviously I'm not a history buff. I just want to play a game. I will go along with whatever the North and South players want to do, since it is their war. I'm obviously just using a bit of Brazil's history that I read on WikiPedia just yesterday to suck up to the industrial miight of the Union. :D if you want, we can just ignore the anti-slavery bit of that post and regard it as a general sucking-up letter.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Duke of Britain

OOC : People, use the joining thread for OOC, unless it is something critically important to the game...

Also, i don't think IC posts should be ignored, what is done is done.


The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire is a strong state at the crossroads of Europe, one of many cultures and peoples.  Together we are strong, united better able to develop and prosper.  In pursuit of this goal.  The Austrian Empire begin laying the foundations of a strategy to modernize our economy and allow our nation to better perform on the world's stage.

To the nations of World, we are embarking into a new age, one of the rights of man and scientific progress!  The Austrian Empire wishes to enjoin with all who support the development of man and science!  We hope to to develop bonds commerce and development with the nations of the world.

To the German States, the Austrian Empire seeks to reengage with your nations such that we may become more fully developed and better able to fight off the depredations of nations who would seek to carve up Germany and incorporate it into their own nations.  Furthermore, we believe that only together can Germany claim its rightful place among nations, through common action and development Germany will be strong!  We hereby extend a guarantee to all the German States, vowing to protect them from unwanton foreign interference.


[Confederate States]

To: The Nations of the World
Re: Confederate Independence

To the nations of the world, we as you today to consider, even more a moment, the prospects of recognizing the Confederate States of America as an independent nation. We have supplied your mills with Cotton for the past few decades, and have been a faithful buyer of your goods. We have started this war to achieve independence from what we consider foreign rule. Look at Hungry, Look at the Balkans. At one time, they were both ruled by the Ottoman Turks, a Foreign power, but now Hungry has been restored to European rule and some of the Balkans look ripe to achieve independence once again. Support that same, home rule, idea here in the Confederate States. All we ask to to have the right to have our own say in our own Government
Dr. Nikolay Ivanovich Arzamastsev
President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America in World in Revolution: 1861
Founder of World in Revolution


In the spirit of friendship and cooperation the Austrian Empire would like to announce the following treaties:

The Treaty of London

Noting the potential for instability around the world,

The United Kingdom and the Austrian Empire will enter into a nonaggression pact.


[X] Kaiser Franz Joseph I, Kaiser of the Austrian Empire

[] Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom, Empress of India

And the Treaty of St. Petersburg,

Noting the need for development and defense for both Austrian and Russian Empires

The Austrian and Russian Empires hereby enter into a defensive alliance, to protect their empires from the depredations of others.

The Austrian and Russian Empires hereby enter into a trade agreement, where tariffs will be lowered to a maximum of 20% between the two empires.


[X]  Kaiser Franz Josef I, Kaiser of the Austrian Empire

[] Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire


[Swiss Confederation]

To: Confederate States of America, The Nations of the World
Re: Confederate Independence

Your request surprised the swiss people, for you have not yet established diplomatic relations with any other nation, to the best of our knowledge, and yet request recognition. In the book of diplomacy, one comes before the other, for we must have an avenue of conversation before a decision can be made on recognition.

We would like to remind you and the other few nations that have not yet sent envoys that Switzerland has set aside a district of its capital Bern to house embassies and other diplomatic missions and will provide venues for interchange to all interested parties. We believe our geographical location and political neutrality provides ideal conditions for everyone, and many nations have already sent their representatives.

This offer is open to all nations and does not constitute nor require formal recognition. But those of you desiring recognition of others may find the road easier once you are in conversation with them. And those of you wishing for unity of their nations may also find that having the ears of your fellows is beneficial to your cause.


OOC: Stat Updates, Changes, and Additions

After realizations of my own, much advise and resources from Frymonmon, consultation with several others (JPierreD, Duke, Keldonia, Sypher, etc.) on IRC, and some further additions to the stat formulas of my own, the Starting Nation Stats have been updated and changed.

The changes are the following:

  • A standardized income formula was implemented.
  • A standardized and population weighted formula was implemented for stability.
  • Trade income was implemented, but is incorporated into "Income."
  • Some troop and Navy numbers have been changed; some dramatically (Russia, China, Japan), others slightly, others not at all. This was more due to meet the demands of the new income formula than anything else.
  • Army and Navy Tech levels have been implemented as popularly requested.
  • The detailed stats for your "regions" have been scaled back. Your Region stats will now only contain Stability, Population, and Troop/Navy numbers.

Some nations have suffered and others have benefited from these changes. I am sorry if you have suffered. Before, most of my numbers were ad hoc, now they are all standardized into formulas and everything should be much more equal from a pure game-play perspective. I should finally be able to simply run the game now and not have to worry about trying to manipulate random, made up stats as much.

If you have already submitted orders, and need to change them, feel free.

Play on!

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)



Leaders of the world,

The territory claimed by Mr Davis is the territory of the United States of America, as established by various treaties in the past decades. We ask our friends not to have relations with Mr Davis and his organization. The United States of America will continue to uphold all treaties it has signed, and the American Justice system is available to enforce contracts signed by American companies.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


[Königreich Preußen]

His Majesty, The King of Prussia wishes to regretfully express our disappointment at the Austrian Empire's decision to ignore the members of the German Confederation when seeking closer trade relations with Russia.

For decades now, many members of the Confederation, including Prussia, have choosen to forge a closer bond by the elimination of trade barriers between one another, as part of the Zollverein Customs Union. Austria's decision to not join us in this endeavour has always been respected. However, the Treaty of St Petersburg will now lead to the remarkable situation of Russia having more favourable trading relations with Austria than the members of the German Confederation do.

Under the circumstances, the Kingdom of Prussia feels that it would be appropriate to call on the German Confederation to consider this turn of events.

His Majesty, The King of Prussia also wishes to send friendly greetings to His Imperial Majesty, The Tsar of All the Russia and reaffirm the century of good relations between our forefathers. In particular, we desire to express our willingness to assist in any way should problems develop in the Kingdom of Poland that forms part of the Russian Empire. Effective cooperation between our nations is most important in this area, due to the unique historic circumstances surrounding Poland.

-Call a special meeting of the German Confederation
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Treaty of St. Petersburg,

Noting the need for development and defense for both Austrian and Russian Empires

The Austrian and Russian Empires hereby enter into a defensive alliance, to protect their empires from the depredations of others.

The Austrian and Russian Empires hereby enter into a trade agreement, where tariffs will be lowered to a maximum of 20% between the two empires.


[X]  Kaiser Franz Josef I, Kaiser of the Austrian Empire

[X] Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


The Austrian Empire

To the Kingdom of Prussia, your suppositions are untrue and are not grounded in reality.  Austria has never turned away from the German states with whom it has deep and historic ties, indeed it has just recently renewed its guarantee on them from outward aggression.  Hostile acts towards them are considered hostile acts on Austria.  The Treaty of St. Petersburg serves several purposes each of which benefit the German states.  The trade agreement only brings Russian goods in line with those of the German states, and more importantly opens up vast reserves of resources to feed not only Austrian industry but also the needs of the German states.  Furthermore, the defensive agreement with Russia only serves to protect the interests of these states, as its Austria acting in their defense.  Additionally, it aids Austria in preforming it's historic duty of serving as a bulwark for the German states against the aggressions of the Turk.  On the matter of the Zollverein, the Prussian position is without factual basis.  The Zollverein is merely a tool for the machinations of the Prussian Kingdom against the German states.  It serves to tightly bind the German states to Prussia, removing their autonomy and, ultimately, the ceding of economic independence to Prussia.  The fact that Austria is not a member of the Zollverein is not due to the choice of Austria nor some political accident but a calculated ploy by Prussia to remove it's only counter balance and to stifle the will of the Germanic people!

To the German states, we hope to continue our long and historic ties to your nations.  We hope that our renewed guarantees on your nations can serve as proof of our desire for increased cooperation sand closer diplomatic and economic ties with your nations.  We also hope that you can see through the lies of the Prussians who only seek to weaken and divide you.  The Zollverein is proof of this, it makes you subservient to them and only broadens the power held over your nations.  This is why Austria is not a member of the Zollverein, this why Prussia is seeking this meeting, to further weaken you and reinforce Prussia's dominance, extended it not only from the economic but also the political sphere.  Stand up Germans do not be lulled by the deceitful words of the Prussian!

To the Russian Empire, we are gladdened at the ratification of the treaty and look forward to increased cooperation.

OOC: Hope this clear, posting from my phone, and it's already eaten two other attempts at posting. :(



Emperor Dom Pedro II is pleased to send an ambassadorial contingent to the Swiss Confederation.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


[United Kingdom]

The Treaty of London

Noting the potential for instability around the world,

The United Kingdom and the Austrian Empire will enter into a nonaggression pact.


[X] Kaiser Franz Joseph I, Kaiser of the Austrian Empire

[X] Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom, Empress of India