Author Topic: A Matter Of Honour // This-Is-How-You-Declare-War.  (Read 74753 times)


  • Noble Lord
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We hold a very strong don't ask don't tell policy on the religion, you can be religious, but to admit it would get you severely socially ostracised, Mendicant might even go so far as to exclude the person from his Royal Banquets, which by law attendance is mandatory for all nobles and is the most important social/political event in Aurvandil, the centre of our Commonwealth and the ties that bind the nobility, if you aren't allowed at his banquets than you are lower than the dirt, below recognition or relevancy.

In ancient Spartan society the most important thing in life for a man was to be included in their Mess halls (Or whatever they were called) it's a similar thing in Aurvandil.