Author Topic: A Matter Of Honour // This-Is-How-You-Declare-War.  (Read 74419 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Why not simply leave it alone and let them define these things for themselves? That's my point. Even if they haven't thought about what Rettleville looked like before this, and you can't be sure they haven't, you've now boxed them in no matter how well-reasoned your description is.

My advice is to try to avoid describing in detail things that don't belong to you, the player. Your character, your units, your realm, your regions - all yours to describe. Other people's? Well, as someone else said, that's taking liberties at best. It's rude and disrespectful at worst. The best roleplaying is done as a collaboration. If you would like to know what Rettleville looks like to incorporate it into your RP, then ask the local lord to send you a description (or use the descriptions IG or on the Wiki if available), then use *that* and comment on how backward it seems to your character. It's the considerate thing to do.

Erm, excuse me if I am blind to something, but why was I quoted?