Author Topic: Clan activity detrimental to the game  (Read 16128 times)


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Re: Clan activity detrimental to the game
« Reply #15: September 21, 2012, 12:34:46 PM »
Isn't O.T.C. the capital of Outer Tilog? Capitals can't sucede.

We are a very suspicious and paranoid lot who trust no one and expect treachery at every corner. So whether it's possible or not is beside the point...

I take offence at anyone making any claims about exclusion as well. Everyone is welcomed to Outer Tilog and encouraged to be a part of it. The choices they make on their behaviour within the realm after that may lead to them being ostracised, but certainly not excluded.

The realm is a democracy, whenever lordships are available this is left to the voting to decide (apart from some exceptions recently where regions were in incredibly poor shape and if left for the referendum to decide would have revolted, plus the Duke of Outer Tilog has appointed some people as well - raising the paranoia levels)

As I say, everything is normally done through voting. It should also be noted (though if my realm mates could cover their eyes for this bit it would be good) that when I've got options for votes I normally choose a name I've not heard of much (or someone relatively new that's not had any opportunities - unless I've been bribed well by someone of course)

We have also been know to give people that are new to the game great responsibility - think the record was when a new character arrived (0 days in game for the player) about 15 minutes later they were made marshal of our army.

There have also been occasions where we have been told by other realms that it will cause trouble if we allow certain people into our realm. Everyone is welcomed to Outer Tilog until and unless they've done something to gain out displeasure.

You can call us a lot of thing, you can dislike how we do things, but you cannot claim (with any foundation) that we exclude people.
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...