Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 560806 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #120: October 13, 2012, 03:35:49 PM »
Some may be happy to see Aurvandil strike at the 'moot, but I doubt anyone outside of Aurvandil/Falkir seriously think that they are the poor victims they portray themselves to be on the forums.

We don't portray our realm as "poor Victims" I'm trying to show you guys that Aurvandil isn't the "big bad" that you guys think it is. You obviously have a skewed view of this since you've been on the losing side of our army once or twice and have watched us beat your moot into a pulp. That's O.K. I understand you're angry because we seem like we can't be beat, but we really aren't the horrible atrocious witches that you think we are. Really I just want people to see us as another realm with its own quirks and intricacies like all other realms. Yea we have had our bad moments. Other realms haven't? You don't see any other realms get focused with so much hate and disdain for their faults, mishaps, or actions as you do Aurvandil.  Yes I'm complaining that everyone is against us because that is dang sure what it seems like sometimes.