Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 95932 times)


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #30: November 24, 2012, 01:50:27 PM »
So technically we have to keep those we identified in the confinement or kill them to win the game as a good guy? Because if we were to confine them, then it seems that not everyone is convinced that he is the bad guy, hence does that counts as identified? As we need to identify all bad guys to win the game.
If you confine some people and if no sabotage happens in a few days then you might have caught the bad guys. If people agree then vote to have them killed. Then either they or someone else will use their personal RP to help them / escape. Once they're out, they can be voted to be confined again. Or the baddies may just lie low and let people think they've caught the saboteurs.

Those in confinement or in the medical bay can STILL post! It's a small ship. They can shout out whatever they want from confinement. Those who speak while in the medical bay are considered speaking deliriously.

If we would like to repair or heal someone, does it need to be the same person that does all the repair? Or can two or more take turns? And when repairing or healing etc, can they still use their other functions? Ie, if i have all 3 roles, can i use it all in the same day?
Repairing, healing, guarding, and defending are mutually exclusive - can only focus on one at a time. Remaining days needed to repair or heal someone will be posted in the daily summary.

And since the bad guys can only disable the good guys and not kill them, does that mean the only way for them to win is to make the good guys kill someone good and confine the rest to reach parity?
Bad guys can also start a vote to kill someone. Other than that, sabotage enough of the ship to keep them occupied, attack them to disable them long enough to reach functional parity. For balancing, the time needed to repair or heal may be extended or reduced as the game progresses and also depending on how many want to be Saboteurs and the total number of players.