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Started by Indirik, January 08, 2013, 04:12:43 PM

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It does indeed have a purpose, at least for my part. I generally dislike trouble for trouble's sake. I never cause trouble without a good reason.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Draco Tanos on January 20, 2013, 12:58:39 PM
Hey, you could join us.  Go stab some zombies in the face.

Join Caelum after stabbing Caelum's troublesome nobles in the face? I was just offering to solve some political problems in Caelum... If my buyers clear me and let me take refuge in Caelum after doing so, it's cool with me... I just thought Thalmarkin would be easier since I wouldn't be sharing a realm with the people I tried to stab.

I also don't do much of the zombie stabbing... A unit tends to get in the way of passing through relatively undetected.

To be more relevant to the actual discussion, though, it seems to me like disregarding that treaty so soon isn't very cool. I got to hear the work put into that treaty (as I never did get punished for that attempt on Traemlin in Thalmarkin) and it seemed like there was a great number of compromises made to make everyone accept it. Maybe after the realm got off the ground, but right now? As an outsider to the whole thing, I'm looking at the time bomb next to Sint and wondering how the new beaches in Rio are.

Draco Tanos

Quote from: Chénier on January 20, 2013, 03:44:31 PM
That's seriously his name...?
Yes.  I'm hoping I can OOCly convince him to get it changed.

Quote from: Ravier on January 20, 2013, 06:26:20 PM
And this appointment is going to enrage Alaron after a Thunder Strike Judge banned him from Astrum back on Dwilight.
Perhaps Alaron should bring his concerns to Victus?  As Alaron's priest and ultimate liege-lord.

Quote from: Indirik on January 20, 2013, 07:34:07 PM
It does indeed have a purpose, at least for my part. I generally dislike trouble for trouble's sake. I never cause trouble without a good reason.

Quote from: Eirikr on January 20, 2013, 09:42:05 PM
Join Caelum after stabbing Caelum's troublesome nobles in the face? I was just offering to solve some political problems in Caelum... If my buyers clear me and let me take refuge in Caelum after doing so, it's cool with me... I just thought Thalmarkin would be easier since I wouldn't be sharing a realm with the people I tried to stab.
Depends which nobles you stab. >.>
Or you could come become our enforcer of the realm's justice.  No, not the judge.  The headsman.

Quote from: Eirikr on January 20, 2013, 09:42:05 PMI also don't do much of the zombie stabbing... A unit tends to get in the way of passing through relatively undetected.
Which is a shame.  You'd think being a renowned swordsman skilled with stealth would allow you to go all ninja, stabbing hundreds of zombies in the face.

Quote from: Eirikr on January 20, 2013, 09:42:05 PMTo be more relevant to the actual discussion, though, it seems to me like disregarding that treaty so soon isn't very cool. I got to hear the work put into that treaty (as I never did get punished for that attempt on Traemlin in Thalmarkin) and it seemed like there was a great number of compromises made to make everyone accept it. Maybe after the realm got off the ground, but right now? As an outsider to the whole thing, I'm looking at the time bomb next to Sint and wondering how the new beaches in Rio are.
...first time the name of Riombara actually made sense in my mind.  lol


Quote from: Eirikr on January 20, 2013, 09:42:05 PM
Join Caelum after stabbing Caelum's troublesome nobles in the face? I was just offering to solve some political problems in Caelum... If my buyers clear me and let me take refuge in Caelum after doing so, it's cool with me... I just thought Thalmarkin would be easier since I wouldn't be sharing a realm with the people I tried to stab.

I also don't do much of the zombie stabbing... A unit tends to get in the way of passing through relatively undetected.

To be more relevant to the actual discussion, though, it seems to me like disregarding that treaty so soon isn't very cool. I got to hear the work put into that treaty (as I never did get punished for that attempt on Traemlin in Thalmarkin) and it seemed like there was a great number of compromises made to make everyone accept it. Maybe after the realm got off the ground, but right now? As an outsider to the whole thing, I'm looking at the time bomb next to Sint and wondering how the new beaches in Rio are.

The reason you werent punished was that Sint's ruler at the time ignored my letters (and I think later autopaused/lost rulership for inactivity), and I didnt bother to pursue it since Traemlin had already went away and didnt press the matter.

And also, you kinda owe Thalmarkin to come now that you have been so gracefully silently pardond! Shall try to find good targets for you in due time... :)
Everything in my own immediate experience supports my deep belief that I am the absolute center of the universe, the realest, most vivid and important person in existence.


Quote from: Indirik on January 20, 2013, 01:52:31 AM
Victus violated the treaty by creating an extra duchy, and holding it himself. Then when asked why, he said something about "easier administration and defense", then said that the "damnable treaty" that formed the realm was poorly written, had lots of spelling errors, and didn't apply to us, because we aren't signatories to it. The judge told everyone to calm down and discuss things reasonably and not start accusing people of treason, then proceeded to call everyone who didn't agree with the new duchy situation an oathbreaker, specifically Onamont Vellos. Onamont demanded an apology, then the judge did it again. Onamont demanded a duel. The judge wrote a smarmy letter about how realm law stated that you had to get the judge's permission to issue a duel challenge, so in order to challenge him to a duel you had to first ask him for permission to challenge him before you could challenge him. So neener neener! Then he proceeded to fine both Ralina (for no good reason) and Onamont (for issuing a duel, which Onamont has not done) fines, despite the fact that neither of us have broken any realm laws.

Victus keeps claiming that the treaty means nothing and we don't have to follow it, since we didn't sign it, despite the fact that his only mandate to rule is derived directly from the treaty itself. Which he despises. There have been calls for the entire government to step down and hold new elections.

Since my character was apart of making the treaty Im going to comment. Can you explain to me how Victus has violated the treaty when It was never specified in it that the realm could not make more duchies or that they had to restrict themselves to 2 duchies? As far as I am concerned, the treaty was a general guideline for how we wanted the realm to be forged and to ensure the nobles that the various realms who participated in its creation selected, were given the appointments, such as the realm council members, Dukes and region lords. As far as I am aware, that has been followed through by Victus so I fail to see how the treaty has been grossly violated.
Michael (BT) - Marcus (BT) - Antonious (EC) - Claudius (EC)


Quote from: Noldorin on January 20, 2013, 10:56:11 PM
The reason you werent punished was that Sint's ruler at the time ignored my letters (and I think later autopaused/lost rulership for inactivity), and I didnt bother to pursue it since Traemlin had already went away and didnt press the matter.

And also, you kinda owe Thalmarkin to come now that you have been so gracefully silently pardond! Shall try to find good targets for you in due time... :)

Yeah, I'm not actually satisfied with how it turned out, either. IC, of course, Kuvio is all grins. OOC, I think it's a total cop out... Maybe I should send a letter to Thalmarkin?

Quote from: Draco Tanos on January 20, 2013, 10:55:03 PM
Depends which nobles you stab. >.>
Or you could come become our enforcer of the realm's justice.  No, not the judge.  The headsman.
Which is a shame.  You'd think being a renowned swordsman skilled with stealth would allow you to go all ninja, stabbing hundreds of zombies in the face.

Sounds good to me! Point me in the right direction! :P I work cheap, too. I'm looking for training more than anything. (60-65%! According to the fame stats, I'm also a better infiltrator than 84% of Beluaterra.)

I would love an option to "murder" zombies in addition to militia. That would be really, really useful, but it'd overpower Infils even more... Though we'd have something to do during peace.

Draco Tanos

Yeah.  Do what Advies do, but AFTER the hordes are formed?  lol

If you could swipe relics/items from them too, that'd be even more awesome.  Certainly would make infies seem more like master thieves, spies, and assassins.


Precisely! I mean, we can do what advies do to monsters and undead to militia... I'd bet the militia are more attentive than the undead, at least. There's so much awesome to be had! Maybe Infils can smuggle people as well? Make them the ultimate illegitimate business partners! We should also be able to sell fake Wootz items.

"Oi, c'mere... Ye look like a strappin' fancy noble... 'ow's about a real Wootz sundial- major discount! Only the finest goods 'ere. Lemme open me cloak and show ye me fine wares. All sales final, mind you."


In other news:

Onamont is getting impatient and will get himself ignominiously banned here shortly if Victus doesn't reply to him faster.

Just sayin'.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Turner on January 20, 2013, 11:49:21 PM
Since my character was apart of making the treaty Im going to comment. Can you explain to me how Victus has violated the treaty when It was never specified in it that the realm could not make more duchies or that they had to restrict themselves to 2 duchies? As far as I am concerned, the treaty was a general guideline for how we wanted the realm to be forged and to ensure the nobles that the various realms who participated in its creation selected, were given the appointments, such as the realm council members, Dukes and region lords. As far as I am aware, that has been followed through by Victus so I fail to see how the treaty has been grossly violated.

Yes. This was all made as guideline, as I recall, the region organization matter came up during one of the drafts and this was said: it was all a guideline, we had not way to know how would be the best organization for the realm, the only thing I think was "mandatory" was the two duchies.

Now on other character point of view(less OOC), it is odd to see Victus dismiss the treaty using the arguments he has used that he didn´t signed it or swore anything and yet became the ruler by it. As if he created all by himself using magic.
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic

Draco Tanos

And that technically Thalmarkin broke the treaty by not naming four lords? :P

Actually, that's his reasoning for not being an oathbreaker.  He swore no oath and signed no documents.  The moment Caelum was sovereign, it no longer legally applies.  It'd be like getting Sint, Nothoi, OG, and Fronen/Melhed to write a treaty demanding that Thalmarkin has four duchies composed of X regions each.

However, as he's repeatedly said, he's complied with the spirit of the treaty (as poorly written as it is).  Neither of the Dukes mind the changes he made.  It's honestly just Vellos, Indirik (who complains about everything), and Finan (the Lord of Kraake who sees theocracies being formed everywhere) that are complaining.

And Vellos, I'll get to you some time during the night.  My attention's being bounced around a bit.


To start with, Sint was told in no. Uncertain terms that if it didn't agree to the formation of a combined realm, or violated the treaty, that it would result in a combined war against Sint. Victus tossed around threats while he was in Sint that if Sint didn't comply with the treaty (specifically the religious aspect) that there would be diplomatic repercussions against Sint. The treaty went through a couple revisions, through the cooperation of several realms. Again, it was dictated to Sint how things would be. Nowhere in the treaty does it ever hint that the treaty is optional, a suggestion, or a guideline/framework. It flat out states requirements and organizations. So, given the conditions that went into forming the treaty and the new realm, is it any wonder that people, especially those from Sint, would take it seriously? It has been "this or war" since the beginning.

So, now we move on to the situation where Victus walks into Sint and is, quite frankly, arrogant and hostile from the beginning. He issues threats about diplomatic repercussions if his demands for the treatment of his duchy aren't met. (Albeit there was some provocation for that.) He forms the new realm in a hurried rush long before we are ready, titles himself as "Grand Prince" which Ralina views as a subservient title which could hint that we are to be a second-class realm, under thrall to someone else. (Could this be a bid to legitimize "Emperor" Michael's claim to be an Emperor by creating a client state and spread his religion? (Yes, Ralina is paranoid.)) Victus claims that titles don't matter. Excuse me? Titles don't matter?!

When questioned about the titles, Victus starts in with the "damnable treaty" stuff, and literally trashing the treaty, criticizing it for having typos, being poorly written, and for having no force to bind us because we didn't sign it. He states that we have a right to determine for ourselves how to govern our realm, and that the treaty has no bearing on this.

Ummm... excuse me? The treaty is the entire source of Victus' authority to rule. The *only* reason Victus gets to be ruler is because the treaty let's Old Grehk name the ruler. Without the treaty, Victus is a squatter who has been forced on us by a foreign power under threat of war. He is the illegitimate Squatter King ... err Prince ... of Caelum.

The treaty is quite explicit in how things work. Sint and Nothoi (I think) name dukes, and Old Grehk names a ruler. Not "Old Grehk names a ruler and a Duke". But here we have a ruler and duke appointed by that foreign power under threat of war. (Whether or not Old Grehk intended that is irrelevant. Victus was appointed by Old Grehk, and used the authority of Old Grehk to grant himself a duchy to which he has no claim.

Some people claim that we can pick and choose which parts of the treaty we use, and which to discard. But if we do that, then what guarantees do we have that any of them will be kept? Victus has been doing everything by fiat, without any discussion or consulting the realm at all. Just *poof* here's another royal decree. What could be next?

So, basically, so far as my character sees it, Victus is breaking the treaty so he can create and keep a duchy to which he has no right, and in so doing diminishing the power of the other dukes (one of which is a follower of Hemaism, as is Ralina). Victus is also trashing the treaty claiming it has no force over us, and that we should determine for ourselves how we want to be. But if it doesn't, then Victus has no right to rule, since the treaty is his sole source of authority. Some are calling for the government to step down and hold free elections.

So, there you have it.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Lets get some things straight here.

Sint started making plans for their own colony right after our war with the Daimons without discussing it with the other realms in the North. Considering that most of the deciding battles that led to the victory against the Daimons were fought in the lands of Old Grehk and Thalmarkin, dont you think it was kind of insulting towards your neighbours who were instrumental in mankinds victory to not consult with them first? To me, that was very presumptious of Sint to think they have a right to make plans with the recovered lands without consulting their neighbours.

I always had a goal to help a new realm establish themselves if we ever managed to recover lands from the blight. The moment I found out Sint was already making plans without the rest of us (just Nothoi at the time if I recall correctly) I involved myself in the discussions.

I pushed for a free realm to be established, made up of all the surviving realms that chose to participate in its creation, that could determine its own course. That is what we have done with Caelum. I know Sint had other ideas in mind originally, but it was a combined effort and thus it has been reflected as such. I may have been a little forceful during discussions, but that was only because at times it was coming across as if Sint wanted to push their own agenda and simply make it into their own puppet colony, which was defeating the purpose of giving something back to Beluaterra that embodied the remaining realms on the continent. I have also never implied nor made any threats of war in regards to the formation of Caelum or anything else.

Whatever happened with Victus during his time in Sint, I cannot say as I was not privy to the discussions. I am only aware of what was shared with the other rulers and the reason that Victus gave to the rulers for hastening the creation of Caelum.

The realm was formed and the nobles were appointed accordingly in the spirit of the treaty from what I can tell. We never stipulated in the treaty that the realm could not make changes once it had established itself and we never mentioned anything about hindering the realm from establishing additional duchies. To me, the treaty was a stepping stone to establish the realm which was done in good spirits and cooperation of the realms who participated in signing it. It is not a law abiding document that outlines every single thing the realm can and cannot do. To presume so, is frankly, quite stupid.

The realm is formed, the positions, Dukes and lordships were fulfilled, as far as I know, according to the treaty. Its up to Caelum now what direction it takes.

Michael (BT) - Marcus (BT) - Antonious (EC) - Claudius (EC)


Quote from: Draco Tanos on January 20, 2013, 04:54:20 AM
Oh...  So out of sympathy. :P

Ha, very well played! I yield.
The adherents of different religions in a realm should compete for power, influence, and fresh converts. They don't even have to be killing each other to do so. I wish people promoted the prosperity of their religions the same way they promoted the growth and prosperity of their realms. - Geronus

Draco Tanos

Quote from: Indirik on January 21, 2013, 04:57:20 AM
To start with, Sint was told in no. Uncertain terms that if it didn't agree to the formation of a combined realm, or violated the treaty, that it would result in a combined war against Sint. Victus tossed around threats while he was in Sint that if Sint didn't comply with the treaty (specifically the religious aspect) that there would be diplomatic repercussions against Sint. The treaty went through a couple revisions, through the cooperation of several realms. Again, it was dictated to Sint how things would be. Nowhere in the treaty does it ever hint that the treaty is optional, a suggestion, or a guideline/framework. It flat out states requirements and organizations. So, given the conditions that went into forming the treaty and the new realm, is it any wonder that people, especially those from Sint, would take it seriously? It has been "this or war" since the beginning.
And yet the people involved OOCly say otherwise.  Funny that.  Perhaps it is more that the leader of Sint at the time was claiming such to deflect any 'weakness' in her position onto others?  Though I have little doubt that the northern realms were vehemently opposed to Sint establishing mini-theocracies anywhere.

Quote from: Indirik on January 21, 2013, 04:57:20 AMSo, now we move on to the situation where Victus walks into Sint and is, quite frankly, arrogant and hostile from the beginning. He issues threats about diplomatic repercussions if his demands for the treatment of his duchy aren't met. (Albeit there was some provocation for that.) He forms the new realm in a hurried rush long before we are ready, titles himself as "Grand Prince" which Ralina views as a subservient title which could hint that we are to be a second-class realm, under thrall to someone else. (Could this be a bid to legitimize "Emperor" Michael's claim to be an Emperor by creating a client state and spread his religion? (Yes, Ralina is paranoid.)) Victus claims that titles don't matter. Excuse me? Titles don't matter?!
On the contrary, Victus only acted as such when Sintians began making demands or attempted to issue ultimatums, all of which were then shared with the rulers of Thalmarkin, Old Grehk, and Nothoi.  And all of which quickly led to Sint backpedaling.

After all, if Victus wanted war, it wouldn't have been too hard to arrange.  He constantly tried warning Sintians that they're widely despised and to change their ways (in nicer terms) and even attempted to redirect his old friend, the new leader of Sint, to be more careful with his words.  His time in Sint, however, has twice-over only reminded him of the dangers they pose to civilized lands.

And no, Victus never said titles did not matter.  He said how people view the titles outside the realm does not matter.  If they want to believe themselves superior to the leader of Caelum, they are welcome to and in for a rude awakening.  Honestly though?  He would -love- to change the title.  In the future.  When Caelum is rebuilt and they truly deserve to declare themselves an empire.

Quote from: Indirik on January 21, 2013, 04:57:20 AMWhen questioned about the titles, Victus starts in with the "damnable treaty" stuff, and literally trashing the treaty, criticizing it for having typos, being poorly written, and for having no force to bind us because we didn't sign it. He states that we have a right to determine for ourselves how to govern our realm, and that the treaty has no bearing on this.
Because it does not.  The treaty was for the creation of the realm, not beyond that.  Again, judging from the words of two of its creators, this is a correct interpretation of the treaty.

Victus never agreed to the treaty.  In fact, he complained to Michael that it was poorly written and full of loopholes.  Was essentially told to grin and bear it until the realm was created.

Quote from: Indirik on January 21, 2013, 04:57:20 AMUmmm... excuse me? The treaty is the entire source of Victus' authority to rule. The *only* reason Victus gets to be ruler is because the treaty let's Old Grehk name the ruler. Without the treaty, Victus is a squatter who has been forced on us by a foreign power under threat of war. He is the illegitimate Squatter King ... err Prince ... of Caelum.
As legitimate as any lord in Caelum is.  So, when Ralina, Moonglum, and everyone else step down, they'll finally have the right to demand the same of others (not that Moonglum is causing trouble.  He's actually offered Victus his full support). 

The Dukes support him.  That's a damned 'right to rule' right there.

Quote from: Indirik on January 21, 2013, 04:57:20 AMThe treaty is quite explicit in how things work. Sint and Nothoi (I think) name dukes, and Old Grehk names a ruler. Not "Old Grehk names a ruler and a Duke". But here we have a ruler and duke appointed by that foreign power under threat of war. (Whether or not Old Grehk intended that is irrelevant. Victus was appointed by Old Grehk, and used the authority of Old Grehk to grant himself a duchy to which he has no claim.
He is ruler.  He has all the 'claim' he needs.  Everyone in the realm has been appointed by a 'foreign power'.  Caelum isn't Sintian.

Quote from: Indirik on January 21, 2013, 04:57:20 AMSome people claim that we can pick and choose which parts of the treaty we use, and which to discard. But if we do that, then what guarantees do we have that any of them will be kept? Victus has been doing everything by fiat, without any discussion or consulting the realm at all. Just *poof* here's another royal decree. What could be next?
Untrue.  Completely untrue, actually.  It's just that he asks the leading nobles of the realm and those he trusts.  Can't imagine why he wouldn't trust your character...

Quote from: Indirik on January 21, 2013, 04:57:20 AMSo, basically, so far as my character sees it, Victus is breaking the treaty so he can create and keep a duchy to which he has no right, and in so doing diminishing the power of the other dukes (one of which is a follower of Hemaism, as is Ralina). Victus is also trashing the treaty claiming it has no force over us, and that we should determine for ourselves how we want to be. But if it doesn't, then Victus has no right to rule, since the treaty is his sole source of authority. Some are calling for the government to step down and hold free elections.
Excluding the fact that he has time and again said it will be rewarded to a noble that proves him or herself in their honor, loyalty, and duty to Caelum, of course.  And he's actually kept every word he has made so far.  Funny that.

And the treaty no longer has any force on us, no.  It was for the creation of the realm and nothing more.  Unfortunately it was Sint's own actions that caused its rushing.

Some are calling for it, yes.  Their words will fall on deaf ears.  We are not a democracy.

Quote from: Indirik on January 21, 2013, 04:57:20 AMSo, there you have it.
Yes, rabblerouser sees things.  Upset when she realizes her true masters, that being Sint, will have less influence than she imagined they would.

Quote from: Arundel on January 21, 2013, 10:21:53 AM
Ha, very well played! I yield.
*bows*  I do truly wish you stayed with the Church as Henry.  Would've been fun.  Provided he stopped the whole garbage of trying to drag it to defend Melhed and their blood cultists.