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Phoenix Empire

Started by Dante Silverfire, February 19, 2013, 08:15:46 AM

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Quote from: Dante Silverfire on February 19, 2013, 04:58:13 PM
I think what a lot of people fail to grasp is the ability to unite a diverse group of realms that this empire brings to the table. They need not always be friends and allies, but they can unite behind a common cause. After uniting behind a single cause they can unite behind other issues.

I am confident that the Phoenix Empire will be a success as long as Coria remains with full strength behind it. The question is, whether Merlin has the capability to pull together his realm behind his dramatic and fast changes to realm policies. If he can do that, then he'll be able to easily operate as Princeps of the Phoenix Empire.

It all sounds very grandiose, but I have doubts about Coria's ability to back this up. It sounds like you are trying to recreate the anti-Cagilan Alliance as a Corian Empire. Props for the opportunism this demonstrates, but I doubt you'll get salty old codgers like Sordnaz and KK to sign away their rights unless it is purely for the purpose of getting Coria to help them fight the Empire. And that, as jaune pointed out, is the real question:  What do you do if Darka up and joins you, and they're the only ones?

If the situation weren't desperate, I don't think anyone would necessarily be inclined to join you. The rulers of Atamara are by and large lazy and extremely self-interested, or at least that's my opinion of most of them from the time when I also was a ruler. These qualities are not ones that recommend themselves to being swayed by the kind of semi-messianic rhetoric you appear to be employing ("Come my children, Coria can save you all!"). If realms join you, it will be for selfish or manipulative purposes, as would be the case if Darka decided to join up.

The only way I see this working is if you're able to package and sell this less as an Empire that you will have to mortgage your sovereignty to join than as a sort of anti-Cagilan security guarantee. Basically get the entire island to join into a defensive alliance that is specifically against the Cagilan Empire. Then they keep on doing what they want, and rely on the idea of an island-wide alliance to deter the Cagilans from interfering in their affairs. I don't know if you can sell that though if the price of joining is too high.


QuoteWill this empire manage to provide a balancing force for the CE/Tara Federation and allies? Will this empire actually overpower the CE/Tara Federation?

Is this the last chance to prevent the hegemony of CE from consuming all of Atamara?

Way to come late to the party, Coria. We had something trying to do this about a year ago and it was called THE NORTHERN DAMN ALLIANCE.

But in all seriousness: cool. I would've picked a better name than Phoenix Empire  ;) But I'm excited to see what can come of this. I am interested to see if Merlin's slick/slimy reputation will hinder his ability to score the first couple crucial members to the Empire.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on February 19, 2013, 07:19:45 PM
Way to come late to the party, Coria. We had something trying to do this about a year ago and it was called THE NORTHERN DAMN ALLIANCE.



Quote from: Perth on February 19, 2013, 07:19:45 PM
Way to come late to the party, Coria. We had something trying to do this about a year ago and it was called THE NORTHERN DAMN ALLIANCE

"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Geronus on February 19, 2013, 07:18:56 PM
The only way I see this working is if you're able to package and sell this less as an Empire that you will have to mortgage your sovereignty to join than as a sort of anti-Cagilan security guarantee. Basically get the entire island to join into a defensive alliance that is specifically against the Cagilan Empire. Then they keep on doing what they want, and rely on the idea of an island-wide alliance to deter the Cagilans from interfering in their affairs. I don't know if you can sell that though if the price of joining is too high.

I've thought about it. However, doing so will essentially get Merlin lynched. Either by CE or CE's puppets in Coria.

I have to survive this first week. If I do that, things will go much better.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on February 19, 2013, 07:41:01 PM
I've thought about it. However, doing so will essentially get Merlin lynched. Either by CE or CE's puppets in Coria.

I have to survive this first week. If I do that, things will go much better.

Priorities, right?  ;D

Thing is, you're already saying as much without coming right out and saying it in so many words. Your announcement, while not mentioning CE by name, is screaming it between the lines. You've basically just declared your opposition to CE and what they stand for. Now the guys who run CE, they're not dumb. They know the score. So if they have a !@#$ list, you're already on it. Hence why surviving this week might not be so easy.

For what it's worth, I'm going to unpause Laszlo. He's a chip off the old anti-CE bloc (ha, see what I did there?).

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Geronus on February 19, 2013, 07:47:50 PM
Priorities, right?  ;D

Thing is, you're already saying as much without coming right out and saying it in so many words. Your announcement, while not mentioning CE by name, is screaming it between the lines. You've basically just declared your opposition to CE and what they stand for. Now the guys who run CE, they're not dumb. They know the score. So if they have a !@#$ list, you're already on it. Hence why surviving this week might not be so easy.

For what it's worth, I'm going to unpause Laszlo. He's a chip off the old anti-CE bloc (ha, see what I did there?).

Proper manipulation requires plausible denial ability.

No one can pin me as opposing CE.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


And the main problem is that the Empire already have stretched far behind Coria, indeed this first week will be quite an enjoyment to watch. I already talked to my realm of the probabilities, we are even making bets.

If this doesn't go well, Minas Leon and Rieleston can take advantage of this, so Merlin Political Skills will be put to test.

Of course in other hand, Coria can become on the most powerful ally CE could have, ever!

Behold The New Era of Darkness!



QuoteThe New Era of Darkness!

Oh, you had typo there.... The New Era of Darkaness!
~Violence is always an option!~



Quote from: Dante Silverfire on February 19, 2013, 07:52:05 PM
Proper manipulation requires plausible denial ability.

No one can pin me as opposing CE.

Plausible deniability only helps you if they move against you openly. That will not prevent them from moving against you behind the scenes. Good luck!  ;)


Two things I think people are also missing about this:

  • Most importantly, it's not like this wasn't prepared. BoM and Darka were already aware and willing to sign. It's also not strictly a bunch of allied realms like the League... The individual realms can still fight so long as they join together for foes outside the Empire. Right now, Coria can't just up and fight Tara for a few pieces of land. The Empire, however, has provisions for this.
  • The CE is actually surprisingly receptive to this, likely due to the OOC notion that is really is a brilliant way to prevent total stagnation of Atamara. Sure, it is pretty much the polar opposite of what they've been apparently trying to accomplish, but that also assumes they'd thought of alternatives. To my knowledge, the CE method is the standard obvious method. It's the option the game gives you up front. Who's to say they just didn't realize there could be such an elegant solution? (Would be funnier if Jason came up with it.)


Quote from: Eirikr on February 19, 2013, 09:28:35 PM
Two things I think people are also missing about this:

  • Most importantly, it's not like this wasn't prepared. BoM and Darka were already aware and willing to sign. It's also not strictly a bunch of allied realms like the League... The individual realms can still fight so long as they join together for foes outside the Empire. Right now, Coria can't just up and fight Tara for a few pieces of land. The Empire, however, has provisions for this.
  • The CE is actually surprisingly receptive to this, likely due to the OOC notion that is really is a brilliant way to prevent total stagnation of Atamara. Sure, it is pretty much the polar opposite of what they've been apparently trying to accomplish, but that also assumes they'd thought of alternatives. To my knowledge, the CE method is the standard obvious method. It's the option the game gives you up front. Who's to say they just didn't realize there could be such an elegant solution? (Would be funnier if Jason came up with it.)

It only works if there's a big, menacing power out there to scare everyone into your arms. CE doesn't have that because it IS the big menacing power. However, I'd be a bit surprised if CE is totally sanguine about it. For one thing, if it works well it will severely limit CE's opportunities to get into a fight unless they're willing to take on the entire "Phoenix Empire." That's not necessarily a good thing for the players in CE.


You are definitely right there. There has to be someone outside the Empire for it to matter at all.

Maybe that's why the CE supports it? If everyone joins, it basically fades into obscurity.


Quote from: Eirikr on February 19, 2013, 10:43:41 PM
You are definitely right there. There has to be someone outside the Empire for it to matter at all.

Maybe that's why the CE supports it? If everyone joins, it basically fades into obscurity.

Only if you let CE join it. If it's everyone but CE (and friends?), it will be quite relevant for as long as that remains the case.