Author Topic: Titan System Revalation  (Read 49337 times)

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Re: Titan System Revalation
« Reply #60: April 20, 2011, 02:21:11 PM »
That might not be possible. Already there are players who hate other players for various reasons. It could very well be possible that the majority of players have no likes or dislikes toward other people, but how many of them actually care anyway?

As Vellos has said, the fact is, not all of us are friends. And honestly, we probably never will be. My random and capricious attitude online annoys a lot of people, there are some people I don't like because, well, there are a lot of reasons why we like and dislike other people.

There is a huge obstacle in making these complaints public in that, unlike a community where we each see each others' faces and can see the reactions and feelings, it is much harder to see how our words and actions affect others online. It is also harder to care, and I am perhaps one of the worst at this, being very indifferent pretty much all the time. Seeing a complaint against me, I don't know what my gut reaction would be at seeing the name. It could be "Oh, I saw that coming" if it's someone I know has beef with me. Or it could be "Wow, so that was his/her opinion of me all along?" if it was someone I liked. It's an unpredictable course, really. It can just as easily reinforce enmities and break "friendships" as mollify hostilities and create understanding. But it is very questionable which way the trend would go.