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Started by Sacha, June 27, 2014, 10:38:05 PM

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Well, !@#$. You lucky son of a bitch, you. I've been looking for one since they put it in the game, and you just go ahead and find a kitted one on your first day. People will actually kill you if you tell them that.

I also figured out why the walkie-talkies didn't work. We did it wrong :P


Quote from: Sacha on August 12, 2014, 08:36:15 PM
Well, !@#$. You lucky son of a bitch, you. I've been looking for one since they put it in the game, and you just go ahead and find a kitted one on your first day. People will actually kill you if you tell them that.

I also figured out why the walkie-talkies didn't work. We did it wrong :P
Definately that 101, plus a lot of ammo for it. It was amidst a lot of ruined stuff, but the gun itself was pristine. There was a jacket with a whole bunch of magazines in an ammunition box, but everything was ruined so it was left behind... except the bullets in the magazines were still fine.

Also a zombie ruined my tracksuit.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Ok so I lost everything because the servers were being reset and something happened.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Like, all of it? Did you randomly respawn somewhere?


That happened to me too, lost my shotgun with a snaploader and a ton of ammo. Its okay though, me and a buddy raided a town and we're now geared to the teeth. I have a Mosin with a long range scope, a compensator and a bayonet (and I spray painted it green). I got a pair of ttsko pants, a summer camo gorka jacket, a black tanker's helmet and a UK assault vest. My buddy has an SKS with a bayonet, a gorka jacket, some hunters pants, a maroon beret and a UK assault vest as well. Plenty of Mosin ammo, but we're down to two rounds with the SKS. We were patching my buddy up at a hospital and some guy started blasting an automatic weapon outside so we took to the roof, exchanged some shots, and I killed a guy but his buddy got the loot. Found a magnum at one point but some guy hit me with an axe and it got ruined.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Protip: If you ever find your character reset, just leave the server immediately and join another. It should give you your old dude back. If you start playing with the reset one, you'll be stuck with it.


Had a really good experience lately with death. Found some guys who all seemed relatively new, we decided to check out some explosions and met up again later with one guy gone. Three of us headed to the NE airfield to find it completely empty, then headed north to Svet with just two of us. Just me and the guy who sounded like Old Greg.

I got sniped by someone when we were in town and despite losing my SKS and everything else I couldn't help but laugh at how !@#$ing hilarious it was listening to my friend get shot at by some guy with an automatic rifle.

"Oh !@#$ oooh !@#$ c'mon buddy you there? Aww man nigga can't even hit a running man whatchu doin boy".
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


I find that I get less and less annoyed about getting killed. In fact, I seem to be having more fun with newspawns than geared guys, because paradoxally, the more deadly I become, the less inclined I am to seek out danger, because I don't want to lose all my stuff. Whereas now I charge at people waving a pickaxe around like a psychopath.


Losing is fun!

You should play Dwarf Fortress.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I know what you mean, if I had actually good gear I'd be terrified of losing it.

Quote from: Indirik on August 15, 2014, 04:38:36 PM
Losing is fun!

You should play Dwarf Fortress.

That's a game I have to start again since Toady released his latest update. I miss bringing home the royals to discover your ruler is a Vampire Queen.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Tried the server change when it happened, no dice.

Got on today to find myself stuck in the floor of the hospital. Some creative rolling around prone got me unstuck. Me and my buddy continued on, and man I'm pleased with my gear, and not to worried about losing it. I have full ttsko (pants, jacket, boonie [with a fish hook in it]) and a 1911 with a mag (thats all the ammo we've found for it) and a hunters backpack and camo sprayed my mosin. I'm camoflauged as !@#$ and have 100 some rounds for the mosin. My buddy found a magnum and a ton of ammo, a crossbow, a bunch of bolts and a holo site. So we're rolling around Novodimtrovsk looking for people to mess up. None today. And we still don't have can openers. >.<
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Just use any bladed weapon to open cans. Works even with a screwdriver.


I've been using an sks bayonet for it, but I want a can opener so I'm not losing food. Finally figured out healing now too. Nice to be able to see clearly again.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Eh, spilling food is not that much of a problem IMO. I've always found more food than I needed, and non-canned food seems to be more abundant after the latest update. Zucchinis everywhere!


Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.