Author Topic: Lions vs Tiramorans: the petty war of the South!  (Read 20066 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Since the previous topic heading this board points at "Is Perdan Dying?", I felt the need to emphasise the efforts made by both Perdan and Vix Tiramora to avoid the gruesome death-by-boredom. Hence this topic, where participants or observers can chitchat about the war in the South.

To summarize this war: Vix and Perdan have each declared a region up for grabs (Woolton & Dimwood respectively). The war is set to last 90 days unless a party concedes before that. It's an entire maze of agreements and like-mindedness between the two realms, but the key idea here is that both realms realized that without war nobles (aka players) would abandon ship and we would die anyway. Besides, both realms also accuse larger realms such as Sirion to put a strain on the entire Island, inducing or even breeding boredom due to their sheer dominance and will to intervene in any conflict rather than making their own (and growing a pair!).

For the latter reason, Vix and Perdan have made it quite clear that no foreign intervention is acceptable. It should be noted very clearly here that this also stems, at least on a personal level, from the idea that war breeds more nobles, and other realms should not directly benefit from the efforts we put into this war. Ha, so suck it, rest of EC!

Now, about the war itself. The start was a bit sketchy, mostly because me and Zakky both had limited access over the weekend. War was declared nevertheless, though, and Perdan swiftly moved into Woolton and began a TO. Two very close and very, very bloody battles followed (which was great fun and is the essence of everything) and saw Perdan come out battered, bruised but with a phyrric victory! There's no better way to tell if your realms are an equal match than fighting such close battles. I believe it's fair to say that the majority of the players in both Perdan and Vix are happy with the provisionary results of this war and the prospects of the future. It seems that conflict between the two realms will not fade away for the foreseeable future, but due to shifting war goals, each war will have a different sound to it.

Now, this topic also serves as a major billboard for anyone who's looking for a fun war. Battles two regions away from both capitals? Check. Small realms with open communication? Check. Inclusion of all characters in the affairs of the realm? Check. A mutual dislike of larger realms such as Sirion? Check. Looking for fun, war and a chance to prove your worth? Perdan or Vix Tiramora is your destination!
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