Author Topic: The Wedding  (Read 22503 times)


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #45: August 09, 2015, 04:30:19 AM »
Roleplay from Joshua Kenwood  

Joshua caught Baron Stonefist's eyes from across the room. A simple nod between them was completely understood. Hand on his sheath and ready was Joshua.


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #46: August 09, 2015, 04:31:23 AM »
Roleplay from Robert Stonefist  

Stonefist grinned again.

"My pleasure. If we end up in the stocks, do be sure to free us, Brock." He winked at the loyal man. "If you have need of my men, Captain Werner is at the ready. I trust him implicitly. He knows to follow you, sir."

To the Queen, the Baron said, "Farewell for now. We'll gather together soon, I trust. Look for us at the meeting point we set for your sister."

Turning to Kenwood, he whispered, "Put the steel away, we'll not need it, I hope. Just follow my lead."

A second later, he was on the first guard before the man blinked, toppling him with a right hook.

"I would be free!" the Baron roared. "I am no prisoner!"  The second guard moved in, but Stonefist already had a left uppercut waiting. The path was only going to be clear for a moment, because all the other guards, nobles and anyone in the room was turned towards the door.

Kenwood was right on Stonefist's heels. He shoved a third guard into his partner, then took a dinner plate and slammed it over the head of a fifth.

The Baron sent a quick wave in the direction of the Queen. The he was kicking a new guard in the chest, and basically laughing. Turning, he looked over at Kenwood. The younger lord was doing just fine, though he wasn't quite as at home brawling. He dodged a blow on one side, then parried a pike on the other.

"Now this is a wedding party, Kenwood!" said Stonefist, as he pushed his young companion towards the door.


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #47: August 09, 2015, 04:32:25 AM »
Roleplay from Nicholas Cameneus

Nicholas rushed to hall after hearing about prime ministers poisoning. He stormed inside the hall, and walked fast towards the queen and her companions.

"I heard the situation my lady, and came fast as I could. Hows the prime minister?"


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #48: August 09, 2015, 04:34:18 AM »
Roleplay from Garas Gabanus  

Meanwhile, as the tragic events occur in the palace, Gawin is in the basement of the palace. He is standing in a part of the dungeons no man would gladly come, filled with strange instruments which know only one purpose. With him stands Gisar the personal interrigator of Garas, although he is not much more than a depraved soul who loves the torture of others. The 5 men are locked in this very same room, the 5 men who had spoken with Lady Brigdha in good manners. One of them was even found to have a flyer in his posession and therefore they started with him. There was little time to waste, he needed to have an answer before his master would question him on the events of the day.

"Tell me, traitor, tell me, did you hang those flyers, you were caught with them," Gawin said in a most commanding voice. "No milord, I just took it from the wall, I..." the man said, but before he could finish Gisar interrupted him "Don't lie to my captain, I am not kind to those who lie" and he took a small instrument known as the toecrusher. The man however continued "I only had one, no more, just one." After these words, Gisar began what he loved the most, first his left pinkietoe, then the right one, and the right middle toe untill the man screams so loud that it would repell the insects from the wall. "Yes, you had one because you already hanged the rest, now tell me," Gawin said. This continued for only a short while until the prisoner had finally admitted his crimes. Subsequently shorter talks were suddenly required for the other 4 and they admitted their crimes right away and they were the same. Additionaly, they provided several names of other traitors and co-conspirators. After a while there was only one admission and only one conclusion to Gawin.

"He and his co-conspirators had hanged those flyers on orders of Priestess Brigdha of Sirion, as they knew her. The goal was to undermine the position of Prime Minister Garas"

Gawin rushed upstairs and just as he reached the hall, he saw Prime Minister Ecthelion being carried away. He did not look good and Gawin rushed towards his Lord. But before he could enter the room, Garas had already reached the hallway. "Gawin, there you are. Where the hell have you been, Ecthelion has been Poisoned, the palace will be locked down and the rulers guarded." Garas yelled at his captain. "Milord, there was an incident in the city. Lady Brigdha has ordered her faithful in the city to hang...hang these flyers throughout the city my lord," Gawin said as he showed the flyer. In big red letters it showed clearly "You're next" directed at Garas. The assasination, was it meant for him? "Brigdha you said? Go to the personnell now, find out if anyone remembers her involved in this. Do it quickly, the situation is highly dangerous and she will not succeed!"

Within 10 minutes Gawin returned, "My lord, several people have seen lady Brigdha speak to a conspicuous man and behaving secretive all night. The cupbearers and the kitchen personnell are currently escorted to Gisar to find out who of them is responsible for this," he said. Garas paused for a moment, but then said with a firm voice "Bring a 100 guards with you, enter the room and arrest Margravine Brigdha, I will announce it myself." Another 5 minutes, Gawin had gathered a 100 men of the city's guards and Garas' personal men. Together, they entered the room and Garas spoke:

"Margravine Brigdha, you are hereby arrested for the attempted murder on myself, the poison of Prime Minister Ecthelion and attempting to stir up the population of Oligarch City against their rightful Lord through having your faithful spreading hatefull and threathening flyers all around the city," he said as he held up the flyer in question. At that moment Gawin entered the room with 100 guards to arrest the priestess, but she was nowhere to be seen anymore. She had disappeared. "My lord, she is not here," Gawin said to his Lord, "Find here, gather all available guards and capture her!" Garas replied.

"Behold, che culprit has fled, even further proof of her vile and treacherous ways!" Garas shouted around the room. "But why would the Margravine poison her own Prime Minister?" one of the nobles asked him. "The wine brought was for both me and the Prime Minister, only I refused it this round. It is no secret that there are those in Sirion who would have me dead, however Prime Minister Ecthelion is one of the more rational reserved of nobles. Either they would kill me and gain a great victory, or they kill Prime Minister Ecthelion and they can blame me. This would strengthen their cause for war against me and increase their destructive platform against the north," Garas paused for a small


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #49: August 09, 2015, 04:35:44 AM »
Roleplay from Brigdha Dubhaine   

Woodend Manor, Home of Clan Larchbrock
6 days before the wedding

“Surely you concede that Garas has consistently misrepresented his intentions?” Brigdha sipped her sherry as she noncommittally studied the selection of fondant fancies set on the occasional table, every inch the urbane civil servant.

Dinner had passed with the usual pleasantries as the immediate family of Master Larchbrock presented their best face to the Grand Dame of Negev, eager not to endanger their lucrative trading contracts. Brigdha attended too many of these dinners for her comfort which was the price of being a member of Sirion’s select diplomatic core. A little encouragement here, a careful word there. It all contributed to the stability of the Republic. And as sponsor of the Scarlet Hunters it reminded the lesser nobility that their concerns mat. Now however these dinners had taken on a much greater significance as Brigdha mapped the shifting loyalties of the southern duchies.

“I don’t know Lady Brigdha, Garas makes some good arguments. The Senate’s too remote to care much for what happens here in the south, as you yourself have argued in the past,” the Master reached for the decanter and refilled their glasses.

“I never argued for this Erskine. Secession? Tyranny?” she settled on a mauve confection, its gelatine case dusted with soured sherbet and filled with cherry nougat.

“Certainly the Republic needed reform," she settled back in the leather armchair, "so as to incorporate the best of our southern traditions, but my campaign surely achieved that. We have the Heru Mellen to ensure every region of the Republic has proper oversight of the Senate and of the public finances. And a new constitution is being drafted which respects the rights of men and elves. Good government Erskine, that’s what we’ve brought to the Republic. And that’s precisely what men like Garas cannot abide.”

“I don’t know,” Erskine stared into the fire, lost in thought. Like many southerners his life had been dominated by war, losing two sons in the service of Fontan during the Great War, then a grandson in Sirion’s war with Perdan. “We’ve heard the rumours from Caligus m’lady. They’re rearming again, preparing for war. We need a government that can protect us from the old enemy.”

“But Garas?” she found it hard to conceal her despair. This was the third time in as many days that Brigdha had heard this same line of reasoning from old friends, pragmatists rather than traitors.

“Why not? He was General during the war with Perdan, and many of the marcher lords are standing behind him. He’s even marrying the Queen of Nivemus, so her armies will stand with us when war comes.”


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #50: August 09, 2015, 04:37:33 AM »
Roleplay from Gary Ketchum 

"I will provide backup for you, Baron Robert. Now all of you go" Gary says to his brother Brock, Kronagos Catherine and their guards.

As Gary finishes speaking, he steps forward brandishing a concealed dagger. Finally a chance to show to all maidens in distress, he thought to himself.


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #51: August 09, 2015, 04:38:41 AM »
Roleplay from Brock Ketchum   

Turning to Earl Nicholas question about how Sirion Prime Minister is doing, Brock says "Do be careful of approaching, we probably do not want to be too close for comfort. There is already much distrust in the air."

Nodding at Kronagos Catherine, Brock says "I trust Lady Brigdha, our family been there for each other."

Upon hearing Kronagos Catherine, Baron Robert about distraction and his brother Gary says about providing backup to Baron Robert, Brock realize these are all Nivemus warriors ready to fight to protect our Kronagos. We should be good enough. Many of our warriors are known swordsmen in later rounds of Tournaments.

Brandishing a dagger from his boot, Brock smiles a little at Baron Robert saying "If we end up in the stocks, do be sure to free us." He replies "As soon as we get Kronagos to safety, let my eye wink be the signal of our pass through. Then we shall meet at the meeting point set."

"Lady Brigdha, care to join us as we break through the guards and the commotion?" Brock suggests to Lady Brigdha.

As distraction begins. Brock and his two best men accompany Kronagos Catherine and the rest to push through. Looking back to see Baron Robert fighting the guards, he winks to him as they pass through. Now that is the party...

Gathering his thought later at the meeting point, Brock looks at everyone who escaped. One of his two best men has a little scratch as he protects Kronagos from one of the many guards who closed down the feasting room. As the other men bandages his wound, Brock nods a little while waiting for the rest to catch up "Is everyone alright? Hmmmm, I think we forget to take that Sirion Prime Minister wine glass to sample test if it is laced with poison. Too much commotion."


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #52: August 09, 2015, 04:40:18 AM »

Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain  

Lady Dubhaine led them through a network of corridors quite different from the open facade of the Ducal palace.  It was strange that in the midst of being delivered from the poisoners blade she was in the relative seclusion of the back-works of the keep with a woman rumored to have a rather exotic history to say the least. The kitchens opened before her, a sea of faces agog at their exiting the passage.  Brock brought his sword up meaningfully and the priestess guided her out toward the stables.  The priestess shoo'ed the men and led Catherine to the final stall.  A simple green robe was laid on a bale with outriders riding boots and a grey cape. 

If the woman wished her ill this was the prime opportunity, instead she assisted her from ttthe lacings of the red dress and iinto the altogether far more comfortable commoner garb. 

"You are quite resourceful My Lady, if ever you feel the need for a change, Nivemus would do well to have one who hears the whispers so well as to anticipate all that may be required of her."

The older woman smiled sadly: "Sometimes the Flow is a tide, it can engulf us and there is but one possibility.  When these waves come, I am always prepared." She noted sagely.

Or sometimes you are involved and know what is planned before it happens and are therefore incredibly well prepared for the outcome. Catherine thought to herself.


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #53: August 09, 2015, 04:41:33 AM »
Roleplay from Robert Stonefist

Just as he was about to step through the doorway, there's a loud crash. Baron Stonefirst turns to see Gary, who hammered a guard ready to deal an unkindly blow to the Baron.

"I thought you might need a hand," says Gary.

The Baron smiles. "I think we've provided a good distraction. Let's get out of here."

The three of them hurry down the corridor, looking for an exit. There's a large gathering of guards at the end of the hall. The trio skid to a halt, evaluating their options. Going back is bad, continuing on is terrible.

"Well, gentlemen," asks Stonefist, "How do you feel about taking the window?"

There's no other option. So they break the glass with the hilt of Gary's dagger, and look below. It's a steep, but not impossible jump, if they roll quickly.

Stonefist has the young lord go first. He executes a perfect landing. Meanwhile, Gary is staring down the approaching throng.

"After you, Baron," he says. Stonefist jumps. His clothing is caught on a bit of the broken window, but otherwise, he's unscathed. A loud thud next to him is Gary, who winces as he stands up.

"I'm okay," he says. "Just turned my ankle. Let's go."

Baron Stonefist stares at him. "What's that in your other hand?"

"The glass, that held the poison," says Gary. "I thought we might need it."

With a playful wave to the dumbfounded guards, the three take off to meet Brock, the Queen, and the others.


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #54: August 09, 2015, 04:42:25 AM »
Roleplay from Illyses Corvian

First, it was Prime Minister Ecthelion's speech, then the toast. Then thing to real messy real quick, as the Prime Minister reeled and collapsed on his way out. Chaos immediately ensued, with healers surrounding the fallen prime minister while guards carried him out of the hall. Garas immediately had his men seal off all exits, keeping everyone inside in, and the rest out. Obviously he thought the culprit was still within the palace.

Illyses' first move was to look for her Kronagos, and ensure her safety, but she found that Kronagos Catherine was already guarded by some of Nivemus' finest, amongst the Ketchum brothers, Sir Joshua Kenwood, and Sir Robert Stonefist. With the latter two causing a distraction amongst the guards, they quickly got Kronagos Catherine out of the room. Illyses thought of joining them, but was assured that the Kronagos would be safe with so many by her side. Her mind raced, but she decided quickly that Nivemus could use an eye inside the hall, and stayed.

Suddenly, Prime Minister Garas stormed the room with a hundred men, proclaiming the arrest of a certain Margravine Brigdha. The name sounded familiar, but who she actually was eluded Illyses at the time. Realising that the Margravine was nowhere to be found, Garas reinforced his accusations against her, claiming that Prime Minister Ecthelion was poisoned by one of his own nobles, who seek to gain by inciting war between the two realms.

Illyses rushed quickly to Garas' side. "Prime Minister, my name is Illyses Corvian, Coutness of Poitiers, Lady of Nivemus. Is there anything I could do to help?" She purposely stood by his side, between him and Kronagos Catherine's position. She did not know if her realm mates have led her out of the hall and to safety, she could only try and distract Garas. To see them sneaking out of the hall will not leave a very good impression on him, and Illyses had to try and distract him the best she can.


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #55: August 09, 2015, 04:44:51 AM »
Roleplay from Garas Gabanus

Garas was furious that the Priestess had gotten away, someone would pay, but before he could turn again a noblewomen approached him. The lady was Countess Illyses of Nivemus, asking Garas what she could do to assist. "The Nivemus guards and noblemen are to protect the Kronagos. Your Stratarchos knows this and should have informed you thus," Garas simply replied. He hadn't noticed yet that both Catherine and Brock were already gone from the room. It was only now, after saying these words that he looked through the room and could not see their faces. "Where is the Kronagos, where is Catherine?" Garas said, losing his calm as he realizes his bride may be in grave danger and he did not even see it. "Countess where is she? You were supposed to protect her!" he yelled at her, having lost all of his calm at this stage. Without waiting for an answer, Garas commanded his captain again. "Gawin, your main priority is to find the Kronagos, nothing happens to her! Where is the Nivemus guard?" he paused for a moment, "Get the Lords Ubin and Brice ready, I want their men to sweep the city. Give them both command of an additional 200 militia men and have them capture anyone who may have assisted Margravine Brigdha, I want them all in the cells and questioned!" he said so loud all in the room could hear him, "And get the Kronagos to safety!"

After sending away his captain, Garas turned to the guest whom still remained. "My apologies for all of what has happened. I feel sadned that Margravine Brigdha was able to commit such a foul act. The Oligarchian defense is formidable, but it seems the darkest of souls who lurk in the corners will always find their ways. You have my word that those responsible will be punished for this crime. Assasinating your own Prime Minister and attempting to bring blame to another to cause war and further her own political goals, it disgusts me."

In the city hundreds of soldiers were searching through every street, every known. Guided by the many ears, Garas has in the city, dozens of people were arrested.
Region Control Activity   
Ubin has his men aid the local police in your region Oligarch, capturing some suspects.

Region Control Activity   
Brice has his men aid the local police in your region Oligarch, capturing some suspects.


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #56: August 09, 2015, 04:46:01 AM »
Roleplay from Illyses Corvian 

Garas' reaction both surprised and comforted Illyses at the same time. Comforted because his spontaneous anger at realising that the Kronagos was missing could not be faked, and that only showed his concern for his bride. The Prime Minister demanded to know where the Kronagos was, but before waiting for an answer, had already ordered his men to find the Kronagos at all costs. Illyses debated about telling the Prime Minister about the Kronagos' whereabouts. Waiting until Garas has calmed down slightly, Illyses finally spoke, "The Kronagos is safe, my Lord. She is with the Stratarchos and Sir Gary, probably the two best swordsmen in Nivemus, if not the continent. No harm will befall her."


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #57: August 09, 2015, 04:48:29 AM »
Roleplay from Kristina Chamberlain

There was a commotion as she left the room. Kristina kept the hood of her Mauntery Cape pulled close and did not look back. People rushed in the opposite direction ignoring the priestess. . It was not a feeling she was used to.

There was a veil of silence as she rounded the corner to the wing where her sister had been staying. She proceeded with caution as she neared the doors, where was Dekmar? She smelled the blood before seeing anything. She calmed herself invoking the Goddess she strode forward regarding the slumped form of Dekmar with a sad glance . He had fallen just inside the doorway sliced from groin to chin. Kristina within recognised the pain this would cause Catherine but the Oracle only sought to seed the faithful spirit. Ewald had fallen before the inner door. His injuries were many and smaller but the outcome was the same. A cooling pool of blood and the crumpled frame of a once great man.

The Elder Maunt was similarly disposed of, her twisted body sprawled just before the Prince's crib. The shadesmith held the child close to his chest in the darkened corner of the room.

"How unfortunate for you to keep me waiting Kronagos. "The man's voice sounded playful despite the carnage he had caused.

She pushed back the hood all vestiges of Kristina gone. A mystical wind stirring the edges of her hair.

"You are mistaken sir... soon to be sorely so..."


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #58: August 09, 2015, 04:49:13 AM »
Roleplay from Bale Stanton

Bale was sitting deeply in his own thoughts when he was suddenly disturbed by a loud banging on the door:

"My Lord, you must come quickly, there is a situation in the feast hall, the Prime Minister of Sirion has been poisoned!"

At this point it occured to Bale that he had chosen a rather poor time to relief himself.

Bale quickly made his way back to the feast. He was quite shocked at the situation that was unfolding before him: Neither the Nivemus or Sirion delegation was anywhere to be found and Garas was standing in the middle of the hall looking absolutely infuriated while giving out orders left and right. In some way Bale felt like a helpless bystander, he could hear all the words but understood none of it's meaning. Then his senses caught up with him and he heard that the Kronagos was missing. His Captain was at his side and most of his men were allready forming outside. Bale looked at his Captain and said: "We have work to do!"


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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #59: September 25, 2015, 03:43:51 AM »
Roleplay from Gary Ketchum

As Baron Robert, Sir Joshua Kenwood and Gary make the way to the meeting point they set for Nivemus nobles.

Gary looks around warily as they catch their breath. "Look like we caused enough mayhem. The guards are distracted."

Baron Robert smiles at Gary holding the glass with the poison and replies "I hope no more guards blocking our way. Let go! To the meeting point."