Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 564833 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: The Current War
« Reply #1170: August 22, 2012, 10:48:12 PM »
Isn't this how the current war started? Some OOC co-operation between Carelia and the North?


I have no idea what you are talking about,  by the time the war started i was a lazy duchess, only log into game 1 maybe 2 times a week to buy food.

I would NEVER support any OCC motive to use on IC game play!

But let me explain some bits of what i can remember, since  OF COURSE, i was in favor to abolish the continent-wide peace:

  • Brakus stien (Caergoth) demanded Carelia to abolish the MS temple on Serq'uea, they menace they would attack if we wouldn't do it.

  • We agreed to demolish that Temple, and to compensate, i build one in Strombran, then sent a letter to Brakus to come and take off the one on Strombran if he could. This also made the Empire angry.
  • Don't remember the reason but Caergoth and Suville declared war on Carelia, there were some fight in the south, etc. i was busy with exams in these times.
  • The Empire (angry by the temple on Strombran) wanted  Carelai to take it down, i told them it was in replacement for the one on Ser'quea, on the nice way, and also, they have no reason to tell what another realm should or shouldn't have on their territory, they also said they would help us against Caergoth and Suville if we destroyed the temple on Strombran.
  • I rejected, because that would bring back the boring peace, and that we will deal ourselves with Suville and Caergoth.

  • By that time the Empire was at war (cant remember against who) and since it smelled it was gonna be another 4 vs 1 war, we decided no to help the Empire and fight our personal war, which was on equal force and it was fun.
  • Later we got a new King (Nathan) and suddenly we are allied with Caergoth and Suville fighting the Empire (didn't even noticed the transition, but i remember a letter from Suville asking Carelia to fight the Empire)
  • The rest is known by most people here, Suville got convinced by the Empire to stop supporting Carelia, in fact they even started to attack Carelia from the south.
  • Secession, rebellions and internal conflict on Caergoth, disabled their support for Carelia
  • ??????????
  • Profit!!

I do not see the part where it became a OCC war, have no idea how was on the north, but on the south it has been IC all the time.[/list]