Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 574673 times)

Dante Silverfire

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Re: The Current War
« Reply #1560: January 18, 2013, 12:06:22 AM »
If you were within your rights, then why the excuses? Coria sure went to some lengths to try to pass off what they were doing as anything but engaging Carelia... The excuse Saeculo came up with was epic for its complete absurdity.

There IS a reason he eventually lost his position and was replaced.

Your analysis is accurate as far as it goes, but the problem is that it has the benefit of hindsight and it seems to me that your memory about the sequence of events at the time is hazy at best, though I suppose I could be the one who's wrong on the particulars.

At the time in question the stalemate didn't appear to be perpetual, and Carelia hadn't yet collapsed. Half the rationale for what was done was to get Tara off the western front so that the pressure on the Empire from that side could be increased and possibly help Carelia catch its breath. Obviously that's not how it worked out, but at the time we still thought there was a chance that we could turn things around and break the stalemate in our favor with Carelia's help. As for Merlin's offer, I don't recall ever hearing anything about it, so again, irrelevant to Hammarsett's decision making.

Well I think we've talked this in circles enough. Let's just agree that decisions were made, and the one that was chosen didn't work out well for the north.

Exactly, characters with high influence in the realm, often the ruler but not always, are choosing what their character would do over what's fun for everybody which just kills. Role play is great but when your making choices that affect long term fun, role play should be a lower priority than fun regardless of your position.

I'd love to hear suggestions on how to fix this without essentially just making it a meta game all the time.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."