Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 572394 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Current War
« Reply #345: July 17, 2011, 08:31:14 AM »
Well, that's certainly how it has worked out. Hammarsett needs to expand if it's ever going to thrive. It didn't have to be at Coria's expense (nor will it necessarily end up that way), but events have conspired to make Coria the best opportunity by far.

This is quite simply not true, or at least heavily biased. Hammarsett has had opportunities to expand in the "other" direction but have chosen not to. More like, Hammarsett's choices of allies and pretty much overeager and bad leaders (in terms of diplomacy only) led to the current situation. Ceaselessly pissing off Coria hasn't done them any good. Now of course, Coria is probably your best and only opportunity to expand. Granted, I doubt it will succeed, because that requires the north to actually win this war before the south completely crumbles.

Not to mention Coria's war resources dwarfs that of Hammarsett, and Coria will win any 1v1 style fight against them. (IMO)
I'm almost offended you didn't mention Laszlo in there. I thought we had a beautiful IC grudge going.

I'm just wondering, but does the realm status board in Hammarsett have a saying: "Make enemies of Corian leaders" ? I mean, I'm seriously curious because this has been happening since Merlin was ruler and without fail each new ruler just doesn't get along with ours. haha  :)