Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 562572 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: The Current War
« Reply #375: July 18, 2011, 10:58:22 PM »
The agreement also stated that whoever broke the peace between Hammarsett and Coria would have the entirety of the northern alliance turned against them in retribution for breaking such peace. Seeing as Hammarsett attacked and declared war on Coria, I am surprised that the honorable northern realms aren't honoring their agreement to attack Hammarsett now? Of course, this probably wouldn't do much to help their war effort, but who cares about agreements when you gain more benefit by breaking them?

Even I didn't know that, and you'd think I would be aware of something so important. Regulus never mentioned that little tidbit to me. This thing really needed to be written down somewhere, as complicated as it apparently is, but as far as I know it never was (seriously, where can I get a copy?). I definitely don't know everything that's in it. I think Coria and Eston are the only realms that ever took it very seriously. The treaty was hollow from the beginning though, as it completely ignores a significant number of hard realities. It just wasn't sustainable. It probably should have never been signed in the first place, at least not by anyone other than Eston and Coria. I certainly never would have agreed to it had I been the one in charge at the time, not unless the other northern rulers were united in trying to jam it down my throat. Given each of their feelings about it though, I doubt this would have been the case.