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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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For me it is an ooc discussion of course,it could never be ic anyway.

As Darkan player i have nothing to complain anymore i just disagreed that Darka shouldn't have a say on the treaty matter because she has every right.

As far as Talerium is concerned even though many would like to see Darka running through it to reach CE,is not going to happen for multiple reasons and i think that was made clear several times.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-

Regulus Blackmore

Quote from: Perth on March 12, 2011, 10:19:12 PM

Nevertheless, this should be put behind, everyone. It's over now. The only thing keeping the allies from marching over the mountains through Coria (since they've agreed to allow us access) is King Regulus being completely uncompromising and quite ridiculous when it comes to making a peace with Coria.

Greetings all! I though that all the fun was in the island, but it seems that there is some fun here too :).

I understand that , from your point of view, the attitude of Regulus is against the interests of Eston... but I don´t find it "ridiculous", can you explain me why is Regulus being "ridiculous"?
Kill to live and live to die,
Human nature you let the strong survive.


Quote from: Foundation on March 12, 2011, 10:36:01 PM
Hmm, popular topic.  Is this mainly an OOC or IC discussion?  Or a murky middle ground? ;)

It is mostly murkly middle ground as some players prattle on about how wonderful their realm is, others praise themselves and their schemes for world domination. It is typical internet trash talk and shouldn't be taken seriously.


Quote from: Silverfire on March 12, 2011, 04:31:57 AM
No, it gives Eston the right to make the demands as you initially joined the war on their behalf. (Based upon the original war declarations which my character as Ruler was all too aware of).

Also, although it makes little difference now, you're army would have been slaughtered had my character been in the city at the time.

Well, your mistake for leaving your city. If you had been there, we wouldn't have attacked. But you weren't, so we took advantage of that.

As for luring you out, we had no idea that Eston had offered a treaty. We discussed the matter for a couple days, with Estons general being in on the planning. He never mentioned it. Maybe he didn't know.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


QuoteWell, your mistake for leaving your city. If you had been there, we wouldn't have attacked. But you weren't, so we took advantage of that.

As for luring you out, we had no idea that Eston had offered a treaty. We discussed the matter for a couple days, with Estons general being in on the planning. He never mentioned it. Maybe he didn't know.

We've acknowledged that it was our fault, and originally I had thought it had been intentional, but this is apparently not the case. It would have been a very good strategy if it had been planned, and very successful. Yeah it may have been untrustworthy and deceitful, but as a player that's what I like to see, some good strategy even if it's from our enemies. As a character, yeah it's annoying, but I'd expect that from Darka. Saeculo doesn't particularly like them as they are merceneries, but as a player I'd hate to see them removed from the continent, as their mercenary lifestyle brings a very unique element to the game in a way no other realm does.

QuoteWe won this chance for peace treaty with Coria for Eston.If you fail to see this and understand that this is giving Darka the right to demand a part in this treaty ,then what can i say.

If we are being completely honest Darka couldn't have inflicted nearly as much damage without the support of Eston, to try and claim that you were the ones responsible is a bit far fetched. Eston has their Capital city a days march away from our border region. They have a similar sized army to you, can refit a lot quicker and I wouldn't say I've seen a huge difference in the ability of each of the Generals.

So I can't agree with the claims that you basically won the war for them. As I remember  Eston's allies didn't even bother to help them until their own demands were met first (this is the reason for their new government).  Coria has actually been pretty loyal to it's current allies in a lot of ways, even when faced with destruction. I'm trying hard for us to get a good name, one that everyone knows they can trust. It's been difficult at some points, but that's what I'm attempting to achieve. Be they enemy or allies, trust will be important for Coria.

If this is the view of Darkans in game, then quite frankly, they are no better than the Cagilans. Indeed, they've displayed many of the negative attributes the CE has displayed before now. Bossing Eston around in Eston's own foreign politics, thinking that they defeated Coria and not Eston.

QuoteHmm, popular topic.  Is this mainly an OOC or IC discussion?  Or a murky middle ground?

I'd agree that it was murky middle ground, but I don't think any of it can, or should be used IC. For example, the fact that Carelia might attack Tara hasn't even been considered/talked about IC (that I know of anyway) as our characters wouldn't know about it.


Quote from: Foundation on March 12, 2011, 10:36:01 PM
Hmm, popular topic.  Is this mainly an OOC or IC discussion?  Or a murky middle ground? ;)

I agree that this is mainly an OOC Discussion. None of the information discussed here should be used IC. Especially because I doubt many characters truly understand the inner workings of some of the thoughts that have been expressed of characters here.

Now, granted it has taken on the feeling of a murky middle ground, and I admit that is partially my fault and I apologize. I don't think it is necessarily bad form to be biased towards one realm or another OOC wise, as long as you are fairly objective in statements and not biased against "players".

As far as the original topic I still stand by my prediction of CE losing the war. It may take a long time, but that is the eventual outcome.


Quote from: Foundation on March 12, 2011, 10:36:01 PM
Hmm, popular topic.  Is this mainly an OOC or IC discussion?  Or a murky middle ground? ;)

It's completely OOC, though that may be somewhat murky as people seem to be getting slightly heated!

The most interesting thing for me are the completely different impressions people have of events, relationships, and realms.  It's fascinating to see how someone on the other side of the island sees things (and wonder how it can be so very different from what I think!)
Kindon Family


Quote from: Munro on March 13, 2011, 03:54:19 AM

If we are being completely honest Darka couldn't have inflicted nearly as much damage without the support of Eston, to try and claim that you were the ones responsible is a bit far fetched. Eston has their Capital city a days march away from our border region. They have a similar sized army to you, can refit a lot quicker and I wouldn't say I've seen a huge difference in the ability of each of the Generals.

So I can't agree with the claims that you basically won the war for them. As I remember  Eston's allies didn't even bother to help them until their own demands were met first (this is the reason for their new government).  Coria has actually been pretty loyal to it's current allies in a lot of ways, even when faced with destruction. I'm trying hard for us to get a good name, one that everyone knows they can trust. It's been difficult at some points, but that's what I'm attempting to achieve. Be they enemy or allies, trust will be important for Coria.

If this is the view of Darkans in game, then quite frankly, they are no better than the Cagilans. Indeed, they've displayed many of the negative attributes the CE has displayed before now. Bossing Eston around in Eston's own foreign politics, thinking that they defeated Coria and not Eston.

I will not disagree on what they COULD have achieved but since this war started and at all the battles we had with coria..Eston had 5k army and Darka had 20k.

Do you honestly believe that with 5k army they could invade Barad Falas even without the Duke there?I seriously doubt it.The scout reports still exist in game and show the force they mastered in all these battles.It was weak because what they wanted was to secure their borders.

They had the exactly same force maybe 1k more when we were looting Coria,again without Darka they would have died pretty fast and be sure about it.

I am not talking about how much they could bring but what they brought.

Darka has won wars as an addition force of great activity and combat strength for many realms.I am in this realm for 6 years and i could start naming wars if you want me to, in which the problem always was that realms whined for Darka's presence on one side.In fact i am pretty sure you can find them still on the BM wiki.

This is not an arrogant statement,it is the truth,Darka was always a wealthy realm,working for others under payment thus what is spent is destroyed and the realm remained as wealthy as it was.

Try to see the big picture and read some scout reports of the recent battles and we can discuss this again if you wish.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Oh i have to add i am completely OOC in this of course,the forum has absolutely nothing to do with the game.

But i do get heated up sometimes hihi...that doesn't change the fact that this is OOC.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Regulus on March 13, 2011, 12:54:47 AM
I understand that , from your point of view, the attitude of Regulus is against the interests of Eston... but I don´t find it "ridiculous", can you explain me why is Regulus being "ridiculous"?

I can understand why you are holding out and demanding regions.  :)

However, Kerwin is quite frustrated because, as I said, Coria has offered demilitarization of Menedor and Lothruin plus full access through Menedor, and if Regulus would only accept that, then both sides could get what we want and need, and we could move the war along to fight to Cagilan Empire. That's why Kerwin is frustrated, as I'm sure Regulus is equally frustrated at Kerwin trying to get him to compromise.  :P
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Regulus Blackmore

Aye, but Regulus won't sign a bad treaty for Hammarsett. He is a proud and old King, and he would preffer to die on the battlefields than to sign a treaty against the interests of his Realm ( being in the winning side ).
Also, he is a bit upset with the attitude of Kerwin... he signed a treaty without previous notice. And Coria took advantage of the cease-fire between Eston and Coria. Hammarset lost Menedor thanks to that actions, and, as you know well, Menedor is the key thing in this conflict.

Hammarsett, running the risk of being destroyed, joined your side in this war, and now Eston is at peace with Coria and Hammarsett is still at war with Coria...That is the point of view of Regulus.
Kill to live and live to die,
Human nature you let the strong survive.


After parking our ass in Hamersett's capital for a while, this is what we get in Minas Ithil now:

Too Much Peace   (11 hours, 34 minutes ago)
The soldiers in your realm are getting bored. They signed up for battles and looting, not sitting and marching. Morale falls and desertions increase.

Looking at my received messages, there were only 2 huge battle reports for the last 20 days (discarding the second round of one where a huge army finished off the stragglers)

Then about 21 days ago there was three rounds of fighting.

And 23 days ago there was a small skirmish.

So, 3 huge battles, and 1 medium battle in more than a month. In what appears to be 2 wars (or fronts).

I really fail to see what everyone is getting excited over.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

For once people are genuinely fighting CE on...maybe equal terms? Possibly not though, but who knows.


Quote from: Chénier on March 14, 2011, 05:58:06 PM
After parking our ass in Hamersett's capital for a while, this is what we get in Minas Ithil now:

Too Much Peace   (11 hours, 34 minutes ago)
The soldiers in your realm are getting bored. They signed up for battles and looting, not sitting and marching. Morale falls and desertions increase.

Minas Ithil isn't exactly taking an active role in the war. Your leaders decided not to go on the offensive, but just defend Hammersetts lands.

As for the lack of battles in the north, you can blame that on the whole peace talks with Coria mess.
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Read about the fantasy stories I'm writing.


QuoteAs for the lack of battles in the north, you can blame that on the whole peace talks with Coria mess.

That just depends on which side you talk to ;) I'm not so sure Saeculo would see it as a mess :P

Besides, the Northern realms have far greater access to CE now, the only thing stopping them is Hammarsett.