Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 572308 times)


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Re: The Current War
« Reply #705: May 23, 2012, 07:05:44 PM »
Give it time. It took us 1 OOC year to crack Shanandoah last time, and that took entire southern Atamara mobilizing against MI and the northern federation. We have a lot less help this time around, so it's going to take a lot longer.

When we have peace, you guys complain about peace. When we have slow wars, you guys complain about slow wars. When we have fast wars, you guys complain about gang-bangs.

The problem is not the game. The problem is youthful impatience and today's "instant gratification" culture. You all want to pull off big, flashy stunts, and you want to do it yesterday.

Also you kids get off my lawn.  >:(

Oh, I remember. :) I only had one character at the time, but I was there. I also agree the problem isn't the game... But this war has gone on for much more than a year now. Ravendon was appointed General in the middle of the original period of Corian military action and had been Marshal for some time before that (for the same war). Things have changed and there had been some interesting developments, but it had definitely stagnated again before the assault on Shanandoah. It doesn't matter if you think a slow war is acceptable or not if the majority tires of it. I think the people "complaining" here are the vocal ones speaking more out of frustration that the ones who don't speak out just silently stop participating. It doesn't matter if I personally don't mind long wars (few real wars last a single year)... a war just loses its allure when more than half your realm stops participating (the case with BoM).

Also, I'm pretty sure Tom would like us to complain about peace. He's said it before in an update: It's called BattleMaster for a reason. ;)