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Messages - James

SM General Discussion / Re: What even was this?
October 10, 2016, 08:49:03 AM
Are you after details about all three incarnations of it? As each was different in its own way.
Black Forest / Re: Beta Client Feedback
October 07, 2016, 01:25:46 PM
Quote from: James on October 04, 2016, 06:36:31 AM
Mismatch between level listed in scores and that shown on top players table?

My level is shown as 1 in the scores in bottom right, whereas the table has me (and everyone else) on 0

I've just gone up a level, table still shows everyone at 0 though.
Black Forest / Re: Beta Client Feedback
October 04, 2016, 06:36:31 AM
Mismatch between level listed in scores and that shown on top players table?

My level is shown as 1 in the scores in bottom right, whereas the table has me (and everyone else) on 0
Black Forest / Re: General Bug Reporting
October 03, 2016, 05:15:47 AM
Looking at another game, I've been attacked in a non PvP game (though my family does not have the option for any offensive actions against the other one). That's in Efeukirchen - not a PvP game but my hut and walls were attacked by the other player. (I'm not a fan of the PvP way of playing and have stopped selecting them as games to be involved in, so having it happen in a non PvP one is very sad :( )
Black Forest / Re: General Bug Reporting
October 01, 2016, 10:09:27 AM
Quote from: Tom on October 01, 2016, 09:28:55 AM
give me details please. which game, family, etc? I might take your family for a few minutes to check.

Can't get to my Mac to fully confirm at moment but, based on the emails, I'm pretty sure it's Eberhorst, family Meier.

We've just moved back to the top right after rebuilding our hut again (but issues were there when had hut, no hut, and living on common ground.
Black Forest / Re: General Bug Reporting
September 30, 2016, 11:17:03 PM
Quote from: Tom on September 30, 2016, 08:53:06 AM
That is strange, because there is no such check in the code. Is something else different about them, or the plot they are on? Or maybe it's just not a PvP game?

Definitely PvP (I've had my hut destroyed a few times by one of the other players (huts seem to break quite quickly now, it certainly didn't take 8 damage to destroy it each time)) and others seem to have been able to attack the fences (on common land) next to my plot, but I only get repair or improve options on any of the fencing (I was wrong first time, I've now looked and it's the same for fences, wood walls and stone walls), no attack option.
Black Forest / Re: General Bug Reporting
September 29, 2016, 11:15:48 PM
It appears that stone walls cannot be attacked in PvP. Only option I get is to repair them (and that's not what I want to be doing :) )
Black Forest / Re: Beta Client Feedback
September 29, 2016, 11:13:46 PM
In the randomly distributing things way... In one game I'm currently living on common land, and my gatherings are randomly going to other places on common land, included huts that are already destroyed (the game shows where the resources went, and some of the huts were not damaged that turn but are ruins, so resources being hidden in rubble :( )
Black Forest / Re: Gameplay Feedback / Questions
September 24, 2016, 10:48:27 PM
The 'recent things happening on this plot' text window. This is fine unless you have a few events happen that mean a scroll bar is there to view the extra - can't actually move to the box to be able to scroll down and read the rest, as soon as cursor is away from the bit that caused the box to appear, the box vanishes.

In PvP, when should attacking a building happen? I had a hut destroyed (it only had two damage the turn before and, with the issue above couldn't scroll to see how many people attacked it but my repair failed and I definitely had the resource to fix the original damage). Also, it's been previously stated that there can only be one action on any plot in a turn, but I was attacked by more than one family, both causing damage. Please clarify (I see both pro and con for this as it is right that separate families should and would be able to attack someone at the same time, but it has the potential to be abused with groups just getting rid of other families early in the game).
Black Forest / Re: Hourly Turn failing
September 23, 2016, 05:42:30 AM
Quote from: Bael on September 23, 2016, 12:17:35 AM
So the resources actually ended up in your stockpile, it didn't just say it did and nothing happened?  ;D

No idea... Haven't been keeping track of resources. Now you mention it though, possibly.
Black Forest / Re: Hourly Turn failing
September 22, 2016, 11:55:51 PM
Strange, last couple of turns I've had successful gatherings from the deep...
Black Forest / Re: Hourly Turn failing
September 22, 2016, 11:19:53 PM
Quote from: Bael on September 22, 2016, 06:56:30 PM
haha, Good morning. Yes, I figured as much.

PS: your deep forest gathering is also broken (opened ticket)

Has that only just broken as it had been working for me?
Black Forest / Re: General Bug Reporting
September 19, 2016, 07:16:30 AM
the Bronzewasser game has gone strange. The others I just played were fine, but that one doesn't load up a village, all I get is the grass texture. No other info at all, family not listed either. As if it can't be found to load it. Games before and after that village have been fine, just that one with the issue.
Black Forest / Re: Stone Houses...
September 16, 2016, 01:13:50 PM
Wasn't sure if it was basing it on total hit points left, and as wooden houses have more of those (albeit in wood rather than stone) whether that meant stone houses behaved like a slightly damaged wooden one (conspiracy theories and all that... why do my guys get dragged out of undamaged stone buildings whilst people in huts survive... ;) )
Black Forest / Stone Houses...
September 16, 2016, 12:08:27 PM
It could just be that I have more stone houses to experience it with, but it does seem that my peasants are dragged out more often from a stone house than they are wooden ones, or huts. I have had a few occasions where an undamaged house has a bear arrive and snatch a child.

Should it be less likely for peasants to be eaten if they are in stone houses rather than wooden ones?