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Started by dustole, May 07, 2012, 08:15:54 AM

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Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Ehndras on August 01, 2012, 04:38:37 AM
Wait, wait, wait. He's bitching about treachery and HE offered to betray us?

Discussion over. Goodbye.

Dont worry you should have heard what Kabrinskia offered  more recently...
We live lives in beautiful lies...


I'm all ears.

And feet. And hands. And Eyes. And other appendages, but still.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.

Glaumring the Fox

But still this is a forum and I am dissappointed in all of you , mostly Geronus for trying to score OOG points with stupid stuff said in game. Funny how his character IG says " oh yeah u can trust me " but now he is using IG information to hurt me OOG . You guys get his version of events, you dont care what I say. Im the underdog, you guts believe everything the stringer kingdoms say at face valye because yoy guys are scared. Anything I say the majority here is going to twist or use against me. Hell even the BM forum bot said I should be careful what I say here or risk being banned because so many people complain. Is it sll really that bad? So harsh so tormenting? Is it the worst stuff ever? Really? Are you guys all 13 years old? Im 35 sorry, I play with heart, I love playing loud and brash barbarian style sorry. This is a game to RP medieval warriors, not dandies and panzies.

Geronus, your word is donkey dung. You are worst than me because you've actually fooled people into believing you are a good guy.

One word out of my mouth has more soul... I'll be your enemy, better than to be a sycophant.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Glaumring on August 01, 2012, 05:19:49 AM
But still this is a forum and I am dissappointed in all of you , mostly Geronus for trying to score OOG points with stupid stuff said in game. Funny how his character IG says " oh yeah u can trust me " but now he is using IG information to hurt me OOG . You guys get his version of events, you dont care what I say. Im the underdog, you guts believe everything the stringer kingdoms say at face valye because yoy guys are scared. Anything I say the majority here is going to twist or use against me. Hell even the BM forum bot said I should be careful what I say here or risk being banned because so many people complain. Is it sll really that bad? So harsh so tormenting? Is it the worst stuff ever? Really? Are you guys all 13 years old? Im 35 sorry, I play with heart, I love playing loud and brash barbarian style sorry. This is a game to RP medieval warriors, not dandies and panzies.

Geronus, your word is donkey dung. You are worst than me because you've actually fooled people into believing you are a good guy.

One word out of my mouth has more soul... I'll be your enemy, better than to be a sycophant.

I'm just going to let this speak for itself.


Quote from: Glaumring on August 01, 2012, 05:19:49 AM
But still this is a forum and I am dissappointed in all of you , mostly Geronus for trying to score OOG points with stupid stuff said in game. Funny how his character IG says " oh yeah u can trust me " but now he is using IG information to hurt me OOG . You guys get his version of events, you dont care what I say. Im the underdog, you guts believe everything the stringer kingdoms say at face valye because yoy guys are scared. Anything I say the majority here is going to twist or use against me. Hell even the BM forum bot said I should be careful what I say here or risk being banned because so many people complain. Is it sll really that bad? So harsh so tormenting? Is it the worst stuff ever? Really? Are you guys all 13 years old? Im 35 sorry, I play with heart, I love playing loud and brash barbarian style sorry. This is a game to RP medieval warriors, not dandies and panzies.

Geronus, your word is donkey dung. You are worst than me because you've actually fooled people into believing you are a good guy.

One word out of my mouth has more soul... I'll be your enemy, better than to be a sycophant.

To be fair, you have often tried to score points at my/Astrum/Kabrinskia's expense here on the forums. Your post got under my skin because large parts of it were blatantly false and/or misrepresented, and it is not the first time that has happened. If you're going to criticize other people's characters and/or realms on the forums, you ought to be prepared for them to respond, and you can't really complain when they do.

That said, I think you're mixing IC and OOC a bit much here. What I say here shouldn't matter IG, and vice versa. The player of Mendicant recently revealed on the forums that Aurvandil apparently considers itself to be the last member of the League of Free Nations. If Lysander knew that IG he would be screaming for a crusade, but he doesn't, so as a result he has actually been steadfastly opposed to the idea thus far. What I say here is not what Lysander said, and if you create some sort of IG vendetta because of it, well, that's not really awesome of you. Though granted, there are probably plenty of IC reasons for Glaumring to dislike Lysander at this point...


Sometimes I think Tom has deprived us of food so that he can deliberately come to our rescue and go for a "Give them Bread and Circuses" strategy to keep all of us bitchy players happy.

Other times I think he's supernaturally raining Manna down upon us while we wander the desert.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


I just wish he had done it a couple of weeks ago, before we lost Paisland and Port Raviel. It's no fun playing with starving regions.


still a net loss of about 20 a day in nebel... major ongoing drought XD

maybe net surplus of 2 in avengmil XD


Quote from: egamma on August 01, 2012, 07:08:36 AM
I just wish he had done it a couple of weeks ago, before we lost Paisland and Port Raviel. It's no fun playing with starving regions.


HOLY !@#$.

How did I not notice that Paisland, Rettlewood, and Port Raviel all rebelled?

I am so out of touch...
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


We're doing fine up in Iashalur, plenty of food to go around.  And we even got our one region that went rogue back. :)
MacGeil Family: Cathan (Corsanctum)
Formerly the O'Faolain, then Nisbet families


Things are getting pretty crazy. Tons of rebelling regions :(.

Any news or stories about the two new realms from Asylon and Auvindel we now have? I only saw their successions.
Mithridates Family: Vessol (Nivemus), Samos (Farronite Republic)
The White Tree Times, Newspaper for the East Continent

Glaumring the Fox

I have nothing against Geronus, I just know that Terran will use OoG knowledge to affect IG relations. You guts know that the only reason Halleria went rogue was because of forum arguments, IG I had no reason to mistrust her too much, IG I was looking for a reason but couldnt logically RP it. It was the first time we experienced OOg influence our IG and everyone on the forums cheered. I have used Oog knowledge once, i !@#$ed up, i'll admit it. Since that time though i have been more careful. Excuse my spelling, writing on  a phone.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Perth on August 01, 2012, 06:42:56 AM
Sometimes I think Tom has deprived us of food so that he can deliberately come to our rescue and go for a "Give them Bread and Circuses" strategy to keep all of us bitchy players happy.

Other times I think he's supernaturally raining Manna down upon us while we wander the desert.

Tom is a cruel and capricious god. Maybe he's re-enacting the Old Testaments. :(
qui audet vincit


Lol @ hypocritical "damn everyone but me for using OOG information IG"


Quote from: Feylonis on August 01, 2012, 02:02:21 PM
Lol @ hypocritical "damn everyone but me for using OOG information IG"

Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)