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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Heh, well it has not been easy, i guess Eston needs us as much as we need them. Infact for somereason it is harder to work with Eston than it is with Talerium... and we are defending Eston against Talerium :P

I dont know what would be situation incase Talerium and Eston would get along well... which is my dream :D Will they then wink eye to each other and spank the crap out from Darka? Or would there become real threat to CE coalition? But i guess CE & Tal history is so long and good working alliance that they simply wont sacrifice it because of Darka.

But... gotta say i afraid time after KK... Some hothead on the throne could quickly cause some serious mess up on our side of island... but same goes with Eston and Talerium, our good relations are pretty much based old friendships between rulers & other council members...

~Violence is always an option!~


Well then here's to hoping for change! I'd like nothing better than to see some of those relationships that are seemingly etched in stone get completely blown up whether it hurts my character's interests or not. We need new blood on the thrones of Atamara!


Quote from: jaune on August 01, 2012, 07:07:28 PMSome hothead on the throne could quickly cause some serious mess up on our side of island...
ah that would be very cool and entertaining 8)

Blue Star

Quote from: Geronus on August 01, 2012, 07:27:02 PM
Well then here's to hoping for change! I'd like nothing better than to see some of those relationships that are seemingly etched in stone get completely blown up whether it hurts my character's interests or not. We need new blood on the thrones of Atamara!

In the north that is true perhaps. Yet, you see they are all monarchy or tyranny governed. If you take the King/tyrant down it makes no difference if they re-elect few days later. So very little point. Unless you send say 4-5 infiltrators to take them down very little is to change.

Once comfortable why would one aspire for more, if it required a great deal of effort?

I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Quote from: Geronus on August 01, 2012, 07:27:02 PM
Well then here's to hoping for change! I'd like nothing better than to see some of those relationships that are seemingly etched in stone get completely blown up whether it hurts my character's interests or not. We need new blood on the thrones of Atamara!

People say they want change on the island and in the power structures, yet gripe and complain that Eston is friends with Coria. What the hell is that but an obvious attempt to change how things work on the island?

Quote from: Uzamaki on August 01, 2012, 03:55:37 PM
How I read it.

Again, don't complain about Eston when Darka 1) refuses to change their stance on Talerium and 2) has been the single biggest barrier to big changes happening in both the war and the island's power structure. No offense, but KK's whole political stance on everything is "let's maintain the status quo." Which is understandable, it's pretty cushy for Darka. But I don't see why Darkans like to criticize Eston for it.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on August 02, 2012, 04:28:21 AM
Again, don't complain about Eston when Darka 1) refuses to change their stance on Talerium and 2) has been the single biggest barrier to big changes happening in both the war and the island's power structure. No offense, but KK's whole political stance on everything is "let's maintain the status quo." Which is understandable, it's pretty cushy for Darka. But I don't see why Darkans like to criticize Eston for it.

I don't particularly like Darka's set up with Talerium, but the way I see it, if Darka were to break the border treaty with Talerium, Darka would be forced to stay on the Western front, which would allow the Eastern front to get basically slaughtered considering that at least half of the strength that the Eastern Front puts out every campaign is Darkan. Also, Darka is still a mercenary realm. If they started attacking neighbors and breaking border treaties, they would never fight another mercenary war as long as they live, as no neighboring realm would trust them enough to use their lands to accomplish their mercenary goals.

Whereas if Eston attacks Coria, they don't really lose anything, but the Northern Alliance could gain something. Coria is on the breaking point on the Eastern front, and that is with Darka traveling close to a week there and back every campaign. If Eston and Darka had options to go either West or East in their attacks against Coria, Coria would be crushed. Without Coria, CE and Tara have no puppet to expand and then, essentially, have lost the war unless they make some extremely drastic changes.


Quote from: Uzamaki on August 02, 2012, 04:39:39 AM
I don't particularly like Darka's set up with Talerium, but the way I see it, if Darka were to break the border treaty with Talerium, Darka would be forced to stay on the Western front, which would allow the Eastern front to get basically slaughtered considering that at least half of the strength that the Eastern Front puts out every campaign is Darkan. Also, Darka is still a mercenary realm. If they started attacking neighbors and breaking border treaties, they would never fight another mercenary war as long as they live, as no neighboring realm would trust them enough to use their lands to accomplish their mercenary goals.

Mercenary? Since when are they still mercenary? They certainly aren't fighting this war as a mercenary realm, as far as I am aware. If so... who is paying them?

Quote from: Uzamaki on August 02, 2012, 04:39:39 AM
Whereas if Eston attacks Coria, they don't really lose anything,


Right, nothing to lose.

I'm sure the 30,000+ CS of Talerium and Cagilan forces sitting in Cantril will just chill while we're like "Oh hey, guys! I know we've doing this whole standoff thing, but we're going to go sack Barad Falas real quick just wait here till we get back, brb!"

Or, you know, they could rage across the Eston heartland burning and pillaging unopposed as they did at the beginning of the war. But whatever, nothing to lose.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on August 02, 2012, 04:47:14 AMOr, you know, they could rage across the Eston heartland burning and pillaging unopposed as they did at the beginning of the war. But whatever, nothing to lose.
Well, yeah, but... it's the Eston heartland, so no big deal, right? ;)

Quote from: Perth on August 02, 2012, 04:28:21 AMDarka 1) refuses to change their stance on Talerium and
Back when the war as at it's peak, and Carelia was slugging it away with CE, toe-to-toe, my character advocated a massed strike at Cagil. Darka/Eston together could have plowed right through Talerium and northern CE with no resistance, and burned Cagil to the ground. time it with an offensive by Carelia and we could have had a major impact on the entire course of the war. Grumpy old KK wouldn't let me.  :'(

Quote2) has been the single biggest barrier to big changes happening in both the war and the island's power structure. No offense, but KK's whole political stance on everything is "let's maintain the status quo."
Oh, blah... That's bogus. Darka was one of the realms to instigate the war on CE & Co. IIRC, Darka was pretty much the first to declare the war, barring Carelia, and march to attack CE, in an attempt specifically intended to change the island's entire power structure. KK's stance is merely that Darka will not break our border treaty with Talerium. Beyond that, there is no support for any kind of status quo.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on August 02, 2012, 05:01:19 AM
Back when the war as at it's peak, and Carelia was slugging it away with CE, toe-to-toe, my character advocated a massed strike at Cagil. Darka/Eston together could have plowed right through Talerium and northern CE with no resistance, and burned Cagil to the ground. time it with an offensive by Carelia and we could have had a major impact on the entire course of the war. Grumpy old KK wouldn't let me.  :'(

I could have written that exact same paragraph, lol.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


People are so risk aversive.  As someone with little invested in the situation and no knowledge of the circumstances, I only firmly reprimand them for their incomprehensible cowardice. 8)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


There sure was moments when KK was reallly close to march through Cantril, to simply test if Talerium would let it go.

KK has time to time tried to make Tal & Eston to sign peace, it would release Eston forces to fight on other front... but then again, Coria is blocking that way from Eston.

KK also consired retiring and let someone else do that risky move, that was when there was pretty high pressure to attack Talerium from outside and inside Darka... it was close, really close that we didnt open front line there.

Darka cant be mercenary atm. CE threatened to attack us if we defend Eston... but since Eston is good jolly friend of us, we did it for free and declared war to CE. And Perth, believe me i could make a good deal at any moment, which would be good for Darka and baaad for Eston(atleast short term) :) We just need to think a bit future as well.

Anyway, even this war is very frustrating and havent gone well for the "coalition"(not much of a coalition after south betrayed us) there is, like Perth pointed out been some changes on diplomacy.
~Violence is always an option!~


I really don't understand why it is so difficult for some people to understand how Darka acts after so many years in Atamara.
Darka is not fighting this war as a mercenary realm yes and in fact i think it is the second time i witness that in the realm, last time they fought for personal vendetta it was against Red Span.

As Indirik correctly said Darka was one of the realms to start this whole war against CE because the  threat of that realm growing constantly and pretty much having the alliances it has was scary for the north and the whole continent as well.

But you cannot really expect that Darka would turn her back to Talerium.I mean if we logically think of it ,yes Darka would love to maintain the her current size throughout this war.Since so far she was used to be neutral territory because she was mostly paid to fight by one side she wants the same even now.

Let's not forget Eston, Talerium and Darka incident before this war that started off a war between Eston and Darka.It is is difficult to bring down your defences when such things take place behind your back.

Yes we cannot demand from Eston things against Coria when we have the same agreement with Talerium but we are talking about realms with totally different history and alliances and friendships on a completely different level.Darka is allied to Talerium for ages and mostly when their leaders remain the same it is rather difficult to break that bond.

Also let's be honest,yes Darka used to be a super organized realm ,always with lots of gold in order to make the difference on the battlefield but that is not the case in this war, the restrictions for the Northern Alliance are so many that you cannot have fun without ending up stabbing someone at the back.And i expect to see who will take the knife to be honest hoping that at least that will bring up some sparkle to this war.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Perth on August 02, 2012, 04:28:21 AM
People say they want change on the island and in the power structures, yet gripe and complain that Eston is friends with Coria. What the hell is that but an obvious attempt to change how things work on the island?

Right, because it's soooo game changing.  8)


If I'm not mistaken, we're just about to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of this war.

Blue Star

@ Misericordia

you can't exactly say for others to take a risk when your not willing to take one yourself... Eston and Coria have both taken a risk for change by going for peace instead of fighting.

Hmm so Darka was scared of the central alliances power... interesting.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)