Author Topic: [Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Official Game  (Read 55397 times)

Dante Silverfire

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On behalf of the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan, Emperor Komei is announcing that all current relations with western nations are hereby considered void.

For too long, Japan has been looked down upon by the nations of the world and been treated as an unequal partner in treaties and treated as an essential puppet state to those who have more influence and a stronger military. Japan will no longer accept such treatment. Any nation that would seek to have relations of any sort , diplomatic, trade, military or otherwise with Japan must make a public announcement of their recognition of Japan as an equal partner in all future agreements which should include their recommendation to all of their allies that they would do the same.

Japan would seek positive relations with all nations of the world, but will not do so on unequal terms. The west has denigrated the people of Japan for longer than should have been allowed and this is a disgrace to the Japanese people and the Japanese nation. The Emperor urges every nation to consider this proposal as a matter of immediate importance. If any nation seeks to continue to subjugate Japan to its whims; such action will no longer be tolerated and will be dealt with using military force.

-Sent on behalf of Emperor Komei of the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."