BattleMaster Community

Community => Other Games => Topic started by: Ketchum on October 24, 2012, 04:05:18 AM

Title: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 24, 2012, 04:05:18 AM
[Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion

Starting Date: 7 November 2012 Asia time GMT+8 


It's the bi-annual monster reunion! Ghosts, ghouls, werewolves, vampires, djinns and any other assorted mythical creatures have gotten together to share their plans and past experiences. Oh, don't mind the security flaws, what human would be dumb enough to come here?  


Special Roles will be handed out after the last person signs up.

The game will start with a Night Zero(N0).

The game is divided into two periods - Day and Night. For practical reasons these two periods take place at the same time, from one update till the next.
Each day, all players gather and decide to lynch one of the players - the person they think is most likely to be a werewolf. Each night, the werewolves decide who to kill. In each 24 hour period, the village will lynch, and the werewolves will hunt. The villagers can try to lynch multiple people by creating a glorious, Lemeard-approved, TIE, and the werewolves can also decide not to hunt anyone at all at night. Beware of Crovaxian slips as well!


The werewolves win if they manage to reach parity with the villagers.
The villagers win if they manage to kill all the werewolves.

Player Roles:
The Good:
?x Monsters (Villagers): They just want to scare people, preferrably ones with shaky arms and crappy cameras.
1x Head witch(Seer):  Knows something isn't right. Can use a dark ritual once per night to find out a player's allegiance.

The Bad:
?x Human infiltrators (Werewolves): They know monsters are real. And they're going to stop them once and for all.

The Traits:
Blessed:  A Blessed person will survive a werewolf attack, but only once (the next attack will be fatal as usual). Will be revealed as a "no kill during the night". The Blessed will be unaware he is blessed.
Spiritually Attuned:  A Spiritually Attuned person has a 100% chance to sense when someone is scanning them. They will have a 50% chance to learn the scanner role, and a (seperate) 25% chance to learn the identity of the scanner.
Hunter:  Although strictly forbidden, this player managed to sneak in his beloved gun. He can use it to attempt to kill one person at night with it - will be shown in the update as 'player X shot player Y' - after which his trait will be used up.
Conman:  Can switch one persons vote to someone else, 3 times per game. The update will not show whos vote was switched by whom, though the official votecount at the deadline will account the changed vote as normal.
Egomaniac (rival):  Only cares for himself, but has a list of people who wronged him during the previous Monster Reunion installments and who he now intensely hates. Wins if he's alive at the end and those on the list are dead. If it is ever made public (posted in the thread, by himself or anyone else) that he is an egomaniac he will die of shame. Or made die of shame. However since it's a heavy allegation to call someone an egomaniac, a false one bears with it a 50% chance of dying under "unclear" circumstances.
Cursed:  If a Cursed person is targeted by the Werewolves, they become one themselves. It will be revealed as a "no kill during the night". The Cursed will be unaware he is cursed until attacked by a Werewolf.
Brutal:  If lynched, has the power to immediately kill one person before being subdued. Only werewolves can have this trait.

Leader: May declare that the victim/all victims of a lynching will not be lynched, and pick one other character to be lynched instead. If the lynched character is not a baddie the Leader ability is used up. There will never be more than one Leader at any given time. If used the identity of the Leader will be announced in the daily update.

Second in command: Will become the Leader if the current Leader is used up (eg killed or has leaderlynched a goodie). There will be no more than one Second in command at game start.

Third in command: Will become the Leader if the Leader and Second in command are used up (eg killed or has leaderlynched goodies). There will be no more than one Third in command at game start.

Fourth in command, Fifth in command etc.: should be obvious, no?

Not necessary, but feel free to do so. Otherwise GM will do Roleplay for your Monsters, during the Death Update.

The Deadline:


The deadline of this game is ( <- BM Sunrise Time, Battlemaster forum Time will be 6.00AM)
Votes and orders made before BM Sunrise will count.

A vote posted at BM Sunrise will count. One posted at 6:01AM will NOT!
Voting Ends At Deadline Even If Game Moderator Is Not Present!

Other Rules:
§1A. - You sign up to the game by requesting so in a post in this thread.
§1B. - No new players will be admitted after the game has started, EXCEPT if substituting for another player. For dead players, you are allowed to sub in on following conditions. Bad guy sub in for bad guy is usually not a good idea.
§1C. - You may at any time be substituted out by requesting so in the thread.
§1D. - Players are responsible for any Private Messages (PMs) missed due to inbox being full.

§2. - Orders and votes submitted after deadline are ignored.

§3A. – Players will vote daily. Should they not vote, they can inform GM early. There will be no exceptions unless the Game Moderator states otherwise.
§3B. – Invalid votes (Voting for Game Moderator/Ghosts) will not be accepted.
§3C. – In the event of a TIE, BOTH players will be executed.
§3D. - The player(s) with the majority of votes at deadline is considered dead. He will not reveal any inside information after the deadline.

§4B. - When doing ghost/spectator commentary, please use a non-white colour.

§5. - Alliances and Feuds which aren't based on your characters or roles in the game between players are forbidden. Alliances and Feuds which continue from one game to another undermine the whole idea of the game.

§6A. – The Game Moderator has the last word on all matters.
§6B. – If the Game Moderator makes a mistake (e.g. with the vote count, hunt/scan orders), if critical information has been revealed, the mistake will be kept.

§7A. – Forging PMs is allowed. Screenshots of PMs is not.
§7B. - Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is allowed - have fun trying to convince everyone that the GM actually wrote it. GM will not confirm the thread posted PMs from the GM.

§8. – Voting must be done in the following way. Write "VOTE" and the person you are voting for in as big bold text. For example:

VOTE Ketchum

If you wish to un-vote someone, write UNVOTE:

UNVOTE Ketchum - VOTE Pokemon

Any other type of voting will not be counted and will make you eligible for subbing. In case of re-voting without un-voting the original vote will be the counted vote. DO NOT EDIT VOTES AFTER POSTING THEM.

§9. - The GM can and will remove players if the GM believes the player is not participating at his/her full capacity. This will be done through the use of killing the player's role, or using substitutes, if they are available. All such decisions are made solely at the discretion of the GM. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE GAME IF YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T PARTICIPATE.

§10A. – Trust no one. Especially not the GM.
§10B. - Always Trust the GM.

§11. - Ketchum will deal with all medical problems, you know.
§11.1 - Sadly, even Ketchum can't cure stupidity.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 24, 2012, 04:05:32 AM
Player List:

1. Ketchum, the lasagna-eating Garfield/NPC Monsters (Villagers) hunted Night 0
2. Penchant
3. Lefanis
4. D'Espana the Werewolf, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Second in command / Conman was leaderlynched by Norrel Day 2
5. Zaki
6. DK the Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac is hunted during the night 2.
7. Fury
8. Norrel
9. Sonya the Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command was lynched on Day 2
10. Disturbedyang, Ginger the Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed was lynched on Day 3
11. Stabbity the Goblin, Monsters (Villagers) / Fifth in command was lynched on Day 1



Zaki/Ghoul, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Fourth in command / Brutal / Former Conman

Due to GM overpowering Conman trait to bad guys, the last surviving guys that affected by bad guys in the last day
are declared Winner as well.

Joint Winners:
Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader
Lefanis/Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Former Hunter / Formerly Blessed
Penchant, the Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed
Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Formerly Blessed
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 24, 2012, 04:05:43 AM
Day -1 The GM ate some Lasagna. It was delicious.
Night 0 Ketchum the NPC villager was hunted.
Day 1 Stabbity the Goblin, Monsters (Villagers) / Fifth in command was lynched
Night 1 No hunt during the night
Day 2 D'Espana the Werewolf, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Second in command / Conman was leaderlynched by Norrel the Leader in Command
Sonya the Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command was lynched on Day 2
Night 2 DK the Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac is hunted.
Day 3 Disturbedyang, Ginger the Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed was lynched
Night 3 No hunt during the night
Day 4
Night 4


AAR Day 1,3386.msg81975.html#msg81975 (,3386.msg81975.html#msg81975)

AAR Day 2,3386.msg81976.html#msg81976 (,3386.msg81976.html#msg81976)

AAR Day 3 and Day 4,3386.msg81978.html#msg81978 (,3386.msg81978.html#msg81978)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Penchant on October 24, 2012, 04:23:26 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on October 24, 2012, 04:23:48 AM
In. But don't start it for a week to 10 days.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 24, 2012, 04:25:16 AM
In. But don't start it for a week to 10 days.
Roger that. I am considering extending the Starting Date as we have 2 Werewolf Games going on :)

If you all have question about the Role, do ask.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on October 24, 2012, 04:26:28 AM
Awwwwwww, someone's gonna be a furry furry char again?  ;D

I hope I don't have to say I'm in, right?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 24, 2012, 04:33:48 AM
Awwwwwww, someone's gonna be a furry furry char again?  ;D

I hope I don't have to say I'm in, right?
You are In. As some help pointer to what monsters role you all can choose yourself.

Some examples:
Phantom of the Opera
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Freddy Kruger
Jeeper Creepers
Pumpkin Head
Headless Horseman
Bloody Mary
Grim Reaper
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on October 24, 2012, 05:06:41 AM
Sign me up  8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on October 24, 2012, 05:16:39 AM
I'm in!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on October 24, 2012, 05:18:09 AM
Woohoo! Finally a Ketchum game - IN.  8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on October 24, 2012, 06:03:41 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Sonya on October 24, 2012, 03:21:15 PM
Didn't notice this game, i have been blind for the last 24 hours -_-
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Velax on October 24, 2012, 04:48:57 PM
I'm in, but I hope it doesn't start until after The Thing Attacks is over.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on October 24, 2012, 07:37:09 PM
Mmmmmm, I could pick Gollum... and try to steal Lefanis's medal! That would cut his boasting definitively, wouldn't it?  ;D

But no, I'll definitely stick to the werewolf. Furry furry power!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 25, 2012, 02:22:33 AM
I'm in, but I hope it doesn't start until after The Thing Attacks is over.
Yes, that is sure.
On another note, I am lacking Internet access at my house for 24-26 Oct due to maintenance.
So this game wont start so soon yet ::)

Mmmmmm, I could pick Gollum... and try to steal Lefanis's medal! That would cut his boasting definitively, wouldn't it?  ;D

But no, I'll definitely stick to the werewolf. Furry furry power!
Ok, sure. Have fun trying to steal Lefanis's medal then ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on October 25, 2012, 12:00:22 PM
Mmmmmm, I could pick Gollum... and try to steal Lefanis's medal! That would cut his boasting definitively, wouldn't it?  ;D

You could try and take it from Two Face... But you'd regret it...

flips medal like a coin
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on October 26, 2012, 04:19:33 AM
You could try and take it from Two Face... But you'd regret it...

flips medal like a coin

Looks at the medal with wide eyes Ssssssh, my preciousssssss...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on October 28, 2012, 03:04:02 AM
Shoot an arrow at D'Espana Legolas style. :p

I am in, but like they said, don't start this until the other has ended. Or it'll confuse me more. Haha
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Stabbity on October 29, 2012, 08:08:52 PM
I'm so in.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 30, 2012, 01:19:57 AM
I'm so in.
You are In. Not planning to start this Game until the other Werewolf the Thing game is over at least.

If we have many players, I may consider more Werewolf to balance the game 8)

I am considering putting up a Revised Roles and some additional Roles.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 30, 2012, 04:03:17 AM
OK, Revised version updated has been completed. Please refer the first post. I will be posting update in Blue color :)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on October 31, 2012, 08:35:27 AM
Updated 2 New Traits, go check it out :D

Conman:  Can switch one persons vote to someone else, 3 times per game. The update will not show whos vote was switched by whom, though the official votecount at the deadline will account the changed vote as normal.
Egomaniac (rival):  Only cares for himself, but has a list of people who wronged him during the previous Monster Reunion installments and who he now intensely hates. Wins if he's alive at the end and those on the list are dead. If it is ever made public (posted in the thread, by himself or anyone else) that he is an egomaniac he will die of shame. Or made die of shame. However since it's a heavy allegation to call someone an egomaniac, a false one bears with it a 50% chance of dying under "unclear" circumstances.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 06, 2012, 01:15:10 AM
Is anyone here? Are you all ready to start?

If I receive enough interest within 48 hours, I may consider start this week or at your convenient time(next week). As look like the Thing game about to come to a grand finale ending soon 8)

Some updates about the Roles colors.

Roles colored in Green belong to Good guys.
Roles colored in Red belong to Bad guys.
Roles colored in Yellow mean it can belong to either Good guys or Bad guys.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Velax on November 06, 2012, 03:23:45 AM
I'll need to pull out, I'm afraid. I just don't have the time needed to dedicate to this at the moment. Good luck, everyone.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 06, 2012, 09:42:21 AM
I'll need to pull out, I'm afraid. I just don't have the time needed to dedicate to this at the moment. Good luck, everyone.
Is okay, I understand Real Life take priority over all :)

I will send PM to all players, to ask if anyone want to start this soon.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Sonya on November 06, 2012, 10:05:52 PM
And you expect us to wait for the next week for another game?


The WW games are more popular that BM now!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 06, 2012, 11:48:18 PM
And you expect us to wait for the next week for another game?


The WW games are more popular that BM now!

Hahahahaha, I sort of agree with it. Ketchum, we'll get our vengeance on you for making us wait for so long!  :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 07, 2012, 12:34:04 AM
LOL, I never expect the Thing game to end early  8)

With Velax pullout, I need redistribute roles and traits again ;)

Let get ready to start then  :)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 07, 2012, 01:43:53 AM
Roles Distributions and RolePlays sent out to everyone already.

Those not receive, please clear your PM inbox 8)

You may trash talk, color not needed since you are not ghost and die yet.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 07, 2012, 02:07:30 AM
D'Espana enters the monster reunion, shaking his fur in order to get rid of the many water drops that had adhered to it in his way to the gathering. Looking back at the storm he had left outside, he licks his sharp teeth at the smell of the food floating everywhere. He approaches the fire, lying down at the floor as he bites at the raw flesh he had just taken, and lets out a loud roar to notify everyone that he had arrived. Then he rests from his journey, waiting for the rest of his fellow monsters to appear.

(OOC: Hahaha, privileges from the first poster! Now suffer the rain until you arrive!  ;D)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 07, 2012, 06:11:50 AM
Night 0

The monsters keep pour in from every corner of the world. No amount of rain going stop them from attending this Monster Reunion.

Ketchum the Garfield / Monsters (Villagers) is welcoming each unique monsters to the Monster Reunion seventy-nine installments.

The reunion started with the usual amount of bickering - werewolves were duking it out with vampires, ghosts were causing mischief among the guests and quite a large percentage of participants were at each-other's throats(or equivalent body parts). It was sort of a nice tradition. An ice breaker, if you will.

And it was perfectly safe - no-one had been seriously harmed in the previous seventy-eight installments. That is, until this particular reunion. While all of the guests went to bed, one of them never got up. The zombie maid found Ketchum the Garfield lacking a head. What is more, this feline was also a powerful warlock, who used his powers to summon more lasagna(and some other evil stuff. But mostly lasagna).

You gather in the hall filled with rage. Whoever did this must pay!

Ketchum the Garfield / NPC Monsters (Villagers) was hunted

You may now vote.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 07, 2012, 07:00:18 AM
"Preciousssss.......", a voice sounds throughout the hall

Smeagol walks into the room and there lays Ketchum in the room. As Smeagol walks closer, Smeagol asked the audience, "Ssssmeagol wantsss meat! Ssssmeagol do anything for precioussss meat!" before the audience could answer Smeagol himself replies "Noooo Ssmeagol...... Smeagol must not eat..... Ssssmeagol must wait......"

Angered, Smeagol walks out of the room, having no bothered to what has happen.

The hall echoes, "Precioussssss......... Precioussssss........ "
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 07, 2012, 08:19:58 AM

Day 1

In the morning, all the monsters were outraged.
Ketchum the Garfield always summon lasagna for them to eat. He was their best Cook.
From now onward, the food going to taste very bad for those lasagna lovers among the monsters.
The monsters curious to investigate how their cute feline missing its head. A headless body of Garfield was a gruesome sight, even for the toughest monsters among them.
Checking on Garfield's room, his room handle has been peeled off.
No evidence can be found, somebody have clean up the room after the cute orange cat killing.

The rain still continue outside the monster sanctuary. Perhaps the Garfield spirit is crying or lamenting the fate about to befall the monsters.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 07, 2012, 08:44:01 AM

Casper the Friendly Ghost reporting for duty. Don't bother lynching or hunting me, I'm already dead and have a corporeal body.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 07, 2012, 08:48:36 AM
Standing at the door, Two face flips his coin.


Harvey smiles wickedly, and walks into the party.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 07, 2012, 12:25:46 PM
Stomps into the room and shout, "Who the hell named me Ginger???" while leaving trails of toilet paper attached to my body. Oh, i do not do hopping..
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 07, 2012, 04:18:22 PM
I believe we have to vote regardless don't we? So can everyone post? Or we should just go with the most inactive ones?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 07, 2012, 04:31:05 PM
The Deadline:


The deadline of this game is ( <- BM Sunrise Time, Battlemaster forum Time will be 6.00AM)
Votes and orders made before BM Sunrise will count.

A vote posted at BM Sunrise will count. One posted at 6:01AM will NOT!
Voting Ends At Deadline Even If Game Moderator Is Not Present!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 07, 2012, 04:35:35 PM
We have no clues and we don't know what everyone's character is yet. I'll just vote what whichever character most likely wants a cat dead.  ::)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 07, 2012, 04:54:15 PM
Sssssmeagol votes scary monster around.... Ssssssmeagol votesssss.........
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 07, 2012, 04:54:33 PM
Two Face surveyed the assembled guests. A nasty bunch, to be sure. The body of Garfield had been disturbing, but frankly he was glad he'd died. He never fitted in well with the other monsters anyway.

He decided it was time to vote. If anyone would get that human, it would be him. His eyes settled on Gollum, the weirdly misshapen villain that was crawling around on all fours getting in the way of everyone. He flipped his coin. tails... He grinned. Gollum lives.

Harvey flipped his lucky coin again, this time looking at the one calling itself Norrel. heads. Harvey's strange smile reappeared.

You die, he whispered.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 07, 2012, 06:05:22 PM
Disturbedyang got awoken by a commotion down at the hall shouting, "Vote now vote now!". Then he saw Lefanis, the agent that betrayed humankind when he was still not a mummy yet. It was so clear what he has to do. He has to get his revenge. And there was also DK, the ugly smeagol that betrays humankind even more.


Then when he becomes more awake, he went and read the rules and realized he has to forget everything that happened when he was still a human. He shrugged and goes...


Just because he hates back stabber and that's a bad name.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 07, 2012, 06:06:44 PM

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 07, 2012, 06:25:12 PM
You have to change your signature, Fury....lolz
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 07, 2012, 07:42:44 PM
D'Espana stomps his way to the main hall, still engaged in a quite heated discussion with a particularly annoying vampire.

- Of course you don't care about his death, you vampire scum! You consume that bloody disgusting thing of yours, but some of us have to actually EAT things to survive! He was the best damn cook in here, how the heck you want me to not be angry?

After a few more exchanges (which included things such as bloodsucker, pale face and flying rat), D'Espana cuts the conversation with the vampire, and gathers with the rest of the monsters. Listening to what they say and following Smeagol with his eyes, he finally comes to a conclusion:

- I AM HUNGRY! - a howl comes as he says so.

A little bit afterwards, and with some meat in his hand, he is now much more willing to engage in the debate, and nodding with the rest he decides to
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 08, 2012, 12:28:48 AM

Norrel[3]: Lefanis(41), Fury(43), D'Espana(45)

Stabbity[1]: Disturbedyang(42)

Not Voted: Penchant, Zaki, DK, Norrel, Sonya, Stabbity
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 08, 2012, 01:19:31 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 08, 2012, 02:10:34 AM
Ssssmeagol wantssss someone dead tonight...... Sssssmeagol votesss Norrel........ (VOTE NORREL) PPPPPPRECIOUSSSSS!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 08, 2012, 03:41:16 AM
Mummy thinks we should vote for the inactive one, so please change to Stabbity!!

*Mummy holds banner for the latest election and runs around with it*
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 08, 2012, 04:53:45 AM
Kind of a bizarre bandwagon. I'm generally the guy with the most analysis so lynching me maybe isn't the greatest idea? Especially since I'm quite likely to get shot night one.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Penchant on November 08, 2012, 04:57:50 AM
I agree with Disturbedyang, Vote Stabbity
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 08, 2012, 05:04:25 AM
OFFICIAL VOTE (Less than 1 hour to go)

Norrel[4]: Lefanis(41), Fury(43), D'Espana(45), DK(48)

Stabbity[3]: Disturbedyang(42), Norrel(47), Penchant(51)

Not Voted: Zaki, Sonya, Stabbity

NOTE TO Norrel: Your vote on Stabbity is counted this time. Please use Red Color Highlighted when vote lynch. Or I may miss out on your vote next time. It will be a bad Roleplay happen if it does ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 08, 2012, 05:23:50 AM
Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm (Sure) Mrrrrrrrrrrg (Why not) MMMMMMMMM! (Let's vote for inactive people first)

Zaki the Ghoul growls and VOTES STABBITY then walks off to find a grave for him to sleep in.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 08, 2012, 06:00:08 AM
"Smeagol...... They are looking at Sssssmeagolllll...... What ssssshould we do?? WHAT SSSSSHOULD WE DOOOO!?"

"Quiet! Look Ssssssmeagol........ They are watching.......... We must........ We must......... Ssssomeeeonnneeee hasssss to die tonight, too many people are watching......... Cassssttt...... Casssssttt....... Casssstttt!!!!"

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 08, 2012, 06:01:49 AM

Norrel[4]: Lefanis(41), Fury(43), D'Espana(45), DK(48)

Stabbity[4]: Disturbedyang(42), Norrel(47), Penchant(51), Zaki(53)

Not Voted: Sonya, Stabbity

*DK changing vote at Forum Time 06:00:08 AM failed by 8 seconds. Oppsie!

Update coming soon.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 08, 2012, 06:03:07 AM
The Deadline:


The deadline of this game is ( <- BM Sunrise Time, Battlemaster forum Time will be 6.00AM)
Votes and orders made before BM Sunrise will count.

A vote posted at BM Sunrise will count. One posted at 6:01AM will NOT!
Voting Ends At Deadline Even If Game Moderator Is Not Present!

Hey, you said 6.01AM will not!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 08, 2012, 06:03:44 AM
Hey, you said 6.01AM will not!
Ops, hold on. Your vote is counted then.

Recalculate in progress.


Norrel[3]: Lefanis(41), Fury(43), D'Espana(45)

Stabbity[5]: Disturbedyang(42), Norrel(47), Penchant(51), Zaki(53), DK(54)

Not Voted: Sonya, Stabbity
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 08, 2012, 06:05:26 AM
Ops, hold on. Your vote is counted then.

Recalculate in progress.


Norrel[3]: Lefanis(41), Fury(43), D'Espana(45)

Stabbity[5]: Disturbedyang(42), Norrel(47), Penchant(51), Zaki(53), DK(54)

Not Voted: Sonya, Stabbity

Arigato  8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 08, 2012, 06:19:16 AM
Day 1:

Normally, monsters are quite civil.
Sure, their jobs are slightly less civil than delivering the mail or helping you with your computer, but they have a certain sense of professionalism, one they are very proud of. Seeing one of their kin murdered in what was supposed to be a sanctuary did evoke a certain, for lack of a better word, monstrosity in them. Looking for evidence is for humans - monsters lynch one of the possible suspects each day, based on a democratic vote system. The unlucky one chosen to be lynch were Norrel and Stabbity at first.

DK the Smeagol decides to take matter into his hand.
He says "Thisssss Goblin smellsssss more disssssgusting than Sssssmeagol."
He pushes Stabbity the Goblin, Monsters (Villagers) in front of Norrel for the lynching.
Thus he saved Norrel from being lynch.

Night 1:

Garfield's memory was commemorated improperly with a bad lynching of Goblin.

The sanctuary are full of all fun activities to do.
You all decide to continue your Reunion carnival atmosphere properly.
And by properly, I mean with lots of booze. Now, all monsters are so happy and they are all affected by alcohol.
The rain continues. All monsters wake up to another day of democratic vote system.
Some of the monsters cannot sleep well during the night due to thunder.
Fortunately when the next Day 2 come, every Monsters are all accounted for.

You all lynch Stabbity/Goblin, Monsters (Villagers) / Fifth in command.
No hunt during the night.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 08, 2012, 06:30:04 AM
All PM confirmed and sent. You all can continue with Day 2 now.
I have updated the first page of this game to better reflect those who have been killed.

No need to read into my this post, no hint whatsoever. Move on, move on 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 08, 2012, 06:32:49 AM
Two Face snarled as he woke up, realising he'd just survived the hunt against him. He was still angry that the goblin had been lynched over Norrel, who no one even recognised as a monster.

Picking up his coin, he surveyed the list of voters, realising he had seen Sonya active right before the lynch, but not voting to break the tie that might've killed two monsters.

He flipped the coin. heads.

He was beginning to enjoy this.

Vote Sonya.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 08, 2012, 06:43:16 AM
What do you mean by goblin? Mummy pondered while walking towards the kitchen for lasagna, but just remember that the cat was killed.

Angrily he thinks, how come no one were hunted at night? Maybe the werewolf was sleeping. Mummy was about to vote Sonya until he heard Lefanis said...

Picking up his coin, he surveyed the list of voters, realising he had seen Sonya active right before the lynch, but not voting to break the tie that might've killed two monsters.

hmm, maybe it isn't her afterall. But VOTE SONYA anyway, since she's boring.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 08, 2012, 06:44:19 AM
"She was looking...... Ssshe was looookinnggg! Right before the Goblin perish! But..... Sssshe was quiet...... Too quiet...... Sssshe observesss....... SHE WANTS SMEAGOL~!!"

"I saw her with my own eyesss....... Cause she was looking, I voted last minute......."

"Butttt........ Ssssshe might beee good..... Ssssmeagol don't want to hurt good no more......"

"Goblin wasss smelly! Ssssmeagol don't like ssstink..... They are loookingg...... We must ssstick together...... We are........ Small....... Smaller than otherss........."

"Ssssmeagoll......... Scared......... Very sssscared......"

"Wait we must....... Observe we sssshouldd........"

OOC : My findings and clues will be in RP form, good luck 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 08, 2012, 07:14:42 AM

Sonya[2]: Lefanis(61), Disturbedyang(62)

Not Voted: Sonya, Fury, D'Espana, DK, Norrel, Penchant, Zaki
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 08, 2012, 07:33:54 AM
Mummy heard the smeagol mumbles away but smells something delicious.


(OOC: Had to vote for someone since i will be away until the next night, i think)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 08, 2012, 08:00:51 AM
All right, let's check Sonya out  :P

BTW, something happened last night. Someone knows what so you know what to do - Call me (with proof). ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 08, 2012, 08:02:45 AM
All right, let's check Sonya out  :P

BTW, something happened last night. Someone knows what so you know what to do - Call me (with proof). ;)

Harvey roared in pain as he saw Fury's post, running away to retch.

My eyes!!! They bleed!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 08, 2012, 08:05:33 AM
That's what ghosts words look like. 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 08, 2012, 08:06:13 AM

Zaki the Ghoul VOTES SONYA
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 08, 2012, 08:35:28 AM

Sonya[3]: Lefanis(61), Fury(66), Zaki(69)

Lefanis[1]: Disturbedyang(65)

Not Voted: Sonya, D'Espana, DK, Norrel, Penchant
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 08, 2012, 08:55:11 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Sonya on November 08, 2012, 01:36:11 PM
Realises that is late for class, and quietly tries to enter when the teacher is writing on the board, slowly walks to the backside of the class to sit when someone yells.

Is Sonya, teacher look, she is late!

Hey hey what is this about?

Is this the new tactic? Bandwagon to those who remain quiet, you already killed a townie, now you blindly want to kill another.


You are leaving the bad guys manipulating you to lynch innocent.

First Stabbity now me? ok i accept your challenge!

Vote Sonya
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 08, 2012, 08:02:11 PM
D'Espana makes a facepalm when Sonya votes for herself, and thinks that he always gets confused when monsters do such stupid things. Not sure about who to vote this time, he decides to leave the decision for later, and picks some booze and a few questionable content magazines to clarify his mind, entering the bathroom and locking the door altogether.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 09, 2012, 01:15:41 AM
The Deadline:
A vote posted at BM Sunrise will count. One posted at 6:01AM will NOT!

BM Sunrise is 6:00:00AM. One second after this is past the deadline. One minute after this (6:01:00AM) is ALSO past the deadline and is given just as an example (a better example would be 6:00:01AM and is probably what the GM had in mind).

Original deadline rule is:
6:00:00AM (sunset)

6:01:00AM (after sunset) is not a deadline but an example.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 01:25:46 AM
BM Sunrise is 6:00:00AM. One second after this is past the deadline. One minute after this (6:01:00AM) is ALSO past the deadline and is given just as an example (a better example would be 6:00:01AM and is probably what the GM had in mind).

Original deadline rule is:
6:00:00AM (sunset)

6:01:00AM (after sunset) is not a deadline but an example.
Yes, anyway what I have done, cant be undone. It is quite a borderline interpretation of what GM should determine. Especially when the lynch votes are very close. Future GM has to keep all this in mind.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 09, 2012, 01:49:34 AM

I have gained strong (but not conclusive) evidence that Sonya is not a baddie! PM me if you want to know. So, I'm going back to my original vote of Norrel.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 02:37:04 AM

As our Battlemaster Forum Time has Second behind.
And seeing I determine in Day 1 that DK change vote at 6:00:08AM was counted,
for this game ONLY, changing vote up until 6:00:59AM is counted.
6:01AM change vote will not COUNT!


Sonya[2]: Lefanis(61), Zaki(69)

Lefanis[1]: Disturbedyang(65)

Zaki[1]: Norrel(71)

Norrel[1]: Fury(76)

*Sonya[0]: Sonya(72)

Not Voted: D'Espana, DK, Penchant
*: Not counted due to Edit Post in Vote
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 09, 2012, 04:09:21 AM
I'm at a friend's house, so I'll skip the RP for today. VOTE SONYA
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Penchant on November 09, 2012, 04:28:40 AM
Vote Norrel
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 09, 2012, 04:38:07 AM
"Norrel, Sssonya........ Norrel, Ssssonya.......... Ssssssmeagol is confuse......."

"But sssshe looked.... Sssssheeee LOOKED.... Do it Ssssssmeagol......... DO IT!!!"


(OOC: Lol, I read through and I feel I'm gonna get lynched or hunted just for being annoying!  ??? )
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 09, 2012, 04:44:31 AM

Just have a gut instinct here. I don't think Sonya's our guy.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 09, 2012, 05:25:47 AM
Harvey glares at Sonya. She seems stupid enough, but sadly that's only a sign to be expected from most monsters. He decides to go along with Fury for now, but he will certainly have to keep a closer eye on him from now on.


Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Sonya on November 09, 2012, 05:27:31 AM

*Sonya[0]: Sonya(72)

*: Not counted due to Edit Post in Vote
Ohh least i can try double lynch, is the least i could do as a Townie, try to get a baddie!

Still is nothing but just random votes....sooo.

I vote for Zaki!

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 09, 2012, 05:59:21 AM
"Norrel, Sssonya........ Norrel, Ssssonya.......... Ssssssmeagol is confuse......."

"But sssshe looked.... Sssssheeee LOOKED.... Do it Ssssssmeagol......... DO IT!!!"

(OOC: Lol, I read through and I feel I'm gonna get lynched or hunted just for being annoying!  ??? )
No way, I get a laugh out of reading Smeagol's thoughts everytime.  ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 07:20:49 AM

Hold on, processing.... order...

Cringe, you all changing vote. Roleplay need to be revise 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 07:42:04 AM

Sonya[3]: Zaki(69), D'Espana(78), DK(80)

Norrel[3]: Fury(76), Penchant(79), Lefanis(82)

Lefanis[1]: Disturbedyang(65)

D'Espana[1]: Norrel(81)

Zaki[1]: Sonya(83)

Wow, double tied lynch.
You all sure know how to honor Garfield memory :P
Hold on, Day 2 update coming shortly
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 07:57:36 AM
Day 2:

In the first place, most if not all the monsters select Norrel to become their Leader in command.
What a sudden turn around that they decide they have changed their mind.
Norrel, Leader in command of monsters decides that only he alone should not be lynched today.
He still has strong authority and almost every monsters bow down in respect and admiration of his leadership.
Suddenly one of the monsters can be heard saying "Who should be lynch in your place, our glorious Leader?"
Norrel points his finger at D'Espana, a Werewolf.

D'Espana/Werewolf, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Second in command / Conman was leaderlynch by Norrel, Leader in command.

Finally Garfield's memory and the death of the human infiltrator was commemorated properly.

Their attention turned to Sonya. She was seen at the Day 1 lynching time, quiet and
unwilling to vote anyone. Amidst monsters discussion that consist of grunting,
grumbling and ghost talking, most of them say Sonya could have changed the lynch
voting. As it was 2 assumed monsters were tied in vote and this could lead to double lynching.

And so majority monsters agree to lynch Sonya.
In the end, the good singing of Phantom of the Opera cannot be hear anymore.
Sonya was Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers).

Lefanis the Harvey Dent has enough of Fury the Casper Ghost.
He throws up a coin toss of "Tail" mean die, while all monsters looking at Sonya the Phantom of the Opera body.
Lefanis the Hunter shot Fury the Casper Ghost to death.
But Fury the Casper Ghost is already ethereal, he survives the shooting.

Night 2:

Satisfied with the day lynch, some of the monsters start their performances.
Zaki the Ghoul keeps play hide and seek in many graves nearby. Many child monsters try guess which grave compartment he hiding in.
Lefanis the Two Face coin is toss up in the air and he asks the other monsters that gather around him.
"Head or Tail, my fellow monsters?"
As night start to fall, all monsters retire to their rooms for a good rest.

Some monsters didn't go to sleep out of fear of being killed. If only that had helped Smeagol. A loud scream pierced the silence of the night, but when the residents rushed to his room, Gollum was already gone, with although his hand still holding tightly to his precious Ring.

There is a note on the Smeagol desk, it reads "It's payback time!"
It is written in Smeagol blood. Uhhh...

Lefanis the Hunter shoots Fury the Casper Ghost but Fury survives.

Norrel Leader in command, leaderlynch D'Espana the Werewolf, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Second in command / Conman
You lynch Sonya the Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command.
DK the Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac is hunted during the night.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 09, 2012, 08:06:22 AM
TRIPLE KILL! Good luck guys!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 09, 2012, 08:35:29 AM
Alright. So I'm confirmed good at this point, and I'll also be leading.

Everyone PM your roles and all your investigations to me and I'll lead a lynch.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 09:12:29 AM
All PM confirmed and sent. You all can continue with Day 3 now.

I have updated the first page of this game to better reflect those who have been killed.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 09:45:55 AM
The Death of DK the Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac.
Even in Smeagol death, his hand still hold tightly to his preciousssss Ring.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 09, 2012, 10:13:39 AM
At first, mummy throws the toilet roll at Lefanis. He seems rather suspicious by the way he started the vote. Then Zaki seems even more suspicious for bandwagoning every single time he is able to.


OOC: GM, it's very hard to read your RP...i had to highlight it to prevent the already deteriorating eyes from deteriorate anymore. :p 
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Stabbity on November 09, 2012, 10:53:38 AM
Stabbity the Deceased Goblin twitches slightly and then explodes in a spray of visceral gore. The stink of dead goblin is everywhere. Perhaps someone should have done something with the body to prevemt the gases building up inside the body.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 12:16:14 PM
OOC: Next update will be in Orange color. Thanks for the feedback :)


Zaki[1]: Disturbedyang(92)

Not Voted: Penchant, Zaki, Norrel, Fury, Lefanis
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 09, 2012, 01:35:13 PM
Alright. So I'm confirmed good at this point, and I'll also be leading.

Everyone PM your roles and all your investigations to me and I'll lead a lynch.

No, you're not confirmed monster. You're only confirmed leader. Leader is in white. Not red or green. All of us here LOOK like monsters. But someone ISN'T. I'd like to hear your decision to lynch D'Espana or was it a SACRIFICE to ESTABLISH your credentials? I hear D'Espana might have agreed to it to give him time to spend on another project - AMIRITE?

I'M the only confirmed MONSTER (ghost) thanks to Lefanis. (Why'd you shoot me, Lefanis?  >:( Don't tell me you can't help yourself. Just who is tossing that coin, exactly?

Also, didn't I say Sonya wasn't a baddie? In light of all this, I think you monsters need to give my words more consideration. :-\
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 09, 2012, 01:53:24 PM
Needless to say, DON'T PM Norrel your Roles!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Sonya on November 09, 2012, 02:13:14 PM
I knew this will come to failure since the moment you started to vote blindly..... told you Right?

Off i go!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 09, 2012, 05:04:24 PM
I did not vote blindly though... :) And Fury, if you claimed you are a good guy, maybe Lefanis should say something? Or Lefanis is a bad guy too?

All i know, Fury, is that you got the news from DK. He did hint that Sonya is a good girl from his roleplay. Hence i did not vote for Sonya too.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 09, 2012, 08:18:28 PM
Fury is a monster, as am I. More tomorrow morning, when I'm actually awake.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 09, 2012, 08:56:10 PM
... Are you guys for reals? There's no way the GM would give the primary leader role to a bad guy, that'd be way too unbalanced. If he did give the leader role to a bad guy, he would balance it out by only having one bad guy. Obviously there isn't only one bad guy, so I'm good.

Also, sacrificing your partner is almost always totally stupid and nobody actually does it.

If you want to continue to blindly shoot in the dark, though, like you did last day, that's fine. I can still direct the vote so we might still win.

Zaki's a good choice, though I would prefer to know everything before making such a decision.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 09, 2012, 09:08:25 PM
Uh... My post seemed so very much intelligent last night... Kids, trust the oldie' D'Espana, don't drink and play a Werewolf Game at the same time! It can kill you (literally)  :(

Anyways, good game and keep it goin'!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 09, 2012, 09:16:07 PM
I'm a bit confused - how is Fury clear? Can't you be immune to night kills and still be a baddie?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 09, 2012, 09:41:35 PM
Personally, i don't trust quiet people. Hence it's either Zaki or Penchant. And obviously as of now Zaki seems more suspicious, so my vote stays.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 10, 2012, 02:36:54 AM
I did not vote blindly though... :) And Fury, if you claimed you are a good guy, maybe Lefanis should say something? Or Lefanis is a bad guy too?

All i know, Fury, is that you got the news from DK. He did hint that Sonya is a good girl from his roleplay. Hence i did not vote for Sonya too.
TWO strikes and Red flag for Disturbedyang.

... Are you guys for reals? There's no way the GM would give the primary leader role to a bad guy, that'd be way too unbalanced. If he did give the leader role to a bad guy, he would balance it out by only having one bad guy. Obviously there isn't only one bad guy, so I'm good.

Leader is in white. Not red or green. BTW, way to AVOID answering me when I asked to hear your decision to lynch D'Espana because wow you weren't surprised at all when D'Espana turned out to be a human.


I urge all monsters to vote him. He'll either have to sacrifice another human (Disturbedyang) or be expelled as leader when he chooses a monster to lynch instead of him. Either way, it's the only way to get to him or he'll be immune as leader.

Gogo monsters!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 10, 2012, 03:53:18 AM
These are the two messages that Fury sent and replied.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on Yesterday at 03:39:27 AM
    Why is Sonya not a baddie and why can't you post it in the public?
The spirit of Garfield (GM) dislikes Sonya giving up without defending herself unlike Norrel.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on Yesterday at 10:13:57 AM
    What? That's the best reason you can give? lolz
In the end, the good singing of Phantom of the Opera cannot be hear anymore.
Sonya was Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers).
What do you have to say now??

From there, i seriously do not know how you define EXACTLY and you seems very suspicious now.
And you are most likely just blessed. Why would Lefanis tries to kill you and then said you are monster? Must be two of you are trying to come up with something and most likely are together in this.

It just seems to me that Fury wants to get rid of Norrel because he doesn't want him to lynch another one of his own, a human.

Despite Zaki being very quiet and i would like to vote for him, but it seems here that Fury leaves me with little choice. If you are indeed a monster, you played a wrong card and got us all to die-again. And your stunt with sonya most likely is to try to create a smoke screen and use that as an excuse you are not a bad guy, which i highly doubt now.


Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 10, 2012, 04:26:59 AM
EXACTLY means I told you it was Garfield who clued me NOT DK like YOU said it was. So LIAR you. You don't get the English do you?  You can't fool monsters. ;D Night Event PROVES I'm a ghost (I'm still waiting to hear why Lefanis shot me). By going against me you're either:

1 not very smart at understanding
2 human

Once we get Norrel lynched (after 2 nights at least, 1 to get rid of his immunity) and he's a human and we're still going on then you're NEXT.  ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 10, 2012, 04:31:06 AM
Blessed is a clearly green trait. I survived the first hunt of the humans, and Fury survived by gun blast that'd have killed anyone who wasn't blessed.

Harvey snarled in Norrels face but passed him by as as he left to vote.

In what had become a usual sight around the house, he tossed his coin as he leered into Disturbedyangs face.

I Vote Disturbedyang.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 10, 2012, 04:34:00 AM


Norrel and Disturbedyang are highly humans. If there are 2 humans left, they can win immediately after 1 lynch and 1 attack reaching parity!

So, since we can't take Norrel out in a lynch immediately... and Disturbedyang is confirmed a liar...

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 10, 2012, 04:54:49 AM

Leader is in white. Not red or green. BTW, way to AVOID answering me when I asked to hear your decision to lynch D'Espana because wow you weren't surprised at all when D'Espana turned out to be a human.

It's pretty unfortunate that you're clear... it's like you're deliberately misrepresenting my arguments.

1. I wasn't surprised about D'Espana turning out bad because I was the guy who had him killed. Because I thought he was scum. Obviously I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be exactly what I expected...

2. I wasn't saying that leader is only green and maybe you should actually read what I say before responding with inane accusations. What I was saying is that it's highly doubtful that Ketchum set the primary leader to be scum AND also had two or three scum in an 11-person game.

I'm strongly considering killing you because town would be better off with no leader than with someone who's leading it into a certain loss. Never before have I seen scumhunting to be evidence of being scum.

VOTE ZAKI because every time he's talked he's scumtelled.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 10, 2012, 05:06:40 AM
I'll also note that D'Espana was also second in command. Even if they were to give scum leader, Ketchum certainly wouldn't give both first and second to scum. That means four lynches to kill both scum and basically no chance for a town victory. There is NO WAY that things were set up like that. To think that I am scum is patently absurd because it relies on TONS of assumptions (namely that, somehow, lynching scum makes you scum) and that Ketchum, for some reason, set up an insanely pro-mafia setup.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 10, 2012, 06:40:56 AM
I gave you a chance to explain why you chose D'Espana but you didn't so that's why I voted for you AFTER you replied without giving a reason. If you're the only remaining human then a leader as human is highly likely, albeit powerful. Everyone is scumhunting, doesn't mean we know for sure who is a scum, and doesn't clear us and sure doesn't clear you. I'm sure you can see that. Lefanis didn't explain why he shot me either but he's been cleared and no, I'm not telling why this time.

As for Disturbedyang, he's either human or really misrepresenting things either on purpose or not.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 10, 2012, 07:00:08 AM
I gave you a chance to explain why you chose D'Espana but you didn't so that's why I voted for you AFTER you replied without giving a reason. If you're the only remaining human then a leader as human is highly likely, albeit powerful.

It's not just that. It's that the first AND second leaders would need to be mafia.

That's insane and impossible.

Everyone is scumhunting, doesn't mean we know for sure who is a scum, and doesn't clear us and sure doesn't clear you. I'm sure you can see that. Lefanis didn't explain why he shot me either but he's been cleared and no, I'm not telling why this time.

Except the ONLY tell on me that you have, the ONLY reason for wanting me to be lynched is that I killed D'Espana. You have literally no other reason but apparently being the ONLY successful scumhunter here means with certainty that I'm scum.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 10, 2012, 07:32:56 AM
Weekend shopping. GM just come back.

Will process update soonest possible.

Wow, more spark flying around 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 10, 2012, 07:48:53 AM

Disturbedyang[2]: Lefanis(107), Fury(108)

Fury[1]: Disturbedyang(105)

Zaki[1]: Norrel(109)

Not Voted: Penchant, Zaki

Almost double lynch. Hehe 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 10, 2012, 08:14:06 AM
Day 3:

Previous night's events have startled all the surviving monsters.
Some of the smaller monsters even flee the sanctuary. Those cowards!
Never mind that, they are still small monsters.
Maybe they have even better survival chance outside the sanctuary.
There are only 6 monsters left.

They all argue back and forth.
Finally a narrow majority is reached. All eyes turn to Disturbedyang, the one Mummy they nicknamed fondly as Ginger.
Maybe he was better off mummified in Egypt dates to 3500 B.C.
For today Ginger the Mummy and its toilet paper can no longer move.

Night 3:

Despite the day's event spirits were on the rise.
They had killed one of their own good monsters.
Why their spirit still rising?
Ah, it had to be amount of booze consumed last night.
Or nobody was killed in their sleep last night either. Maybe a combination of both.

The Day 4 begins with a cheerful mood.
After the lynching and no hunt. There are only 5 monsters left.

Is Lefanis the Two Face is the one or two left?
Is Fury the Casper Ghost who was pointed out by Disturbedyang before he dies, is the human they are looking for?
Is Norrel the Leader in command of the monsters, his authority disputed, the one they looking for?
Or will it be Zaki or Penchant the quiet ones?
Did some monsters sympathize with the humans and changed to the other side during the No-Hunt night?
Come Day 4 morning, last 5 monsters look at each other in suspicion at the great hall of the sanctuary.

The only certain thing, the sun is shining brightly in today Day 4.

You lynch Disturbedyang/Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 10, 2012, 08:22:49 AM
All PM confirmed and sent. You all can continue with Day 4 now.

I have updated the first page of this game to better reflect those who have been killed.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 10, 2012, 08:28:51 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 10, 2012, 08:43:30 AM


Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 10, 2012, 08:56:17 AM
Vote Zaki.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 10, 2012, 09:55:00 AM
We should double-lynch Zaki and Penchant.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 10, 2012, 11:36:03 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 10, 2012, 04:55:55 PM

Zaki[2]: Lefanis(119), Fury(121)

Norrel[1]: Zaki(118)

Penchant[1]: Norrel(120)

Not Voted: Penchant
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Penchant on November 10, 2012, 05:55:16 PM
Vote Zaki
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 10, 2012, 06:24:52 PM
A scans B.
B says call me.
A says Hi.
A scans C.
A says scan D.
A says B, C, D monsters.
A, B, C, D say buh bye Z. (

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 10, 2012, 07:56:30 PM
A isn't clear...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 10, 2012, 08:05:42 PM
Well, A said to B the same thing that happened in the RP that B received. Can't be clearer than that. And no other A has stepped forward.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 10, 2012, 08:49:57 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 11, 2012, 04:19:39 AM

Zaki[4]: Lefanis(119), Fury(121), Penchant(123), Norrel(127)

Norrel[1]: Zaki(118)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 11, 2012, 04:50:07 AM

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Stabbity on November 11, 2012, 06:25:47 AM


It's well deserved for your obvious racism against Goblins.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 11, 2012, 06:28:09 AM

Norrel[2]: Zaki(118), Penchant(123)

Lefanis[2]: Fury(121), Norrel(127)

Zaki[1]: Lefanis(119)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 11, 2012, 06:35:14 AM
Day 4:

Human are clearly out of their minds when they infiltrate this Monster Reunion seventy-nine installments.
There are just too many monsters to be kill by Humans Infiltrators.

Norrel their Leader in command, he requesting for a double lynch of Penchant and Zaki.

Fury the Casper Ghost fruitful explanation, with an oomph, convinces the rest of the monsters to lynch Zaki.

A quiet monster is not a good monster, only Human will be that quiet.
After all, their Head witch(Seer) has cleared all the monsters. Except for one.

Unfortunately some intelligent Human has tampered with the votings.

Night 4:

Penchant, their Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed was hunted during the Night.

You lynch Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader
You lynch Lefanis/Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Former Hunter / Formerly Blessed
Penchant, the Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed was hunted during the Night.

Fury was surprised and shout "What is going on? I thought I voted for Zaki, and so are them."
Zaki grins "Have you ever hear of Ghoul who can disappear and appear in other coffins?"
And human walks toward a sunset where in the future monsters was frightened by humans instead.
Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Formerly Blessed killed due to Parity.

WINNER: Zaki/Ghoul, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Fourth in command / Brutal / Former Conman
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 11, 2012, 06:36:29 AM


Well played guys.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 11, 2012, 06:37:14 AM
GM AAR(After Action Report) will followup after this. Will need take sometime.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Penchant on November 11, 2012, 07:46:22 AM

Zaki[4]: Lefanis(119), Fury(121), Penchant(123), Norrel(127)

Norrel[1]: Zaki(118)

Norrel[2]: Zaki(118), Penchant(123)

Lefanis[2]: Fury(121), Norrel(127)

Zaki[1]: Lefanis(119)
What happened here? No public vote changes so how did that happen?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 11, 2012, 07:55:09 AM
What happened here? No public vote changes so how did that happen?
I had the ability to change up to 3 votes. Muwhahaha Conman ability is the name I believe.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 11, 2012, 07:55:45 AM
Conman tried to con the GM.

Conman: Can switch one persons vote to someone else, 3 times per game. The update will not show whos vote was switched by whom, though the official votecount at the deadline will account the changed vote as normal.

This means only ONE PERSON'S vote can be changed each time for a max of 3 times NOT 3 person's vote can be changed.

I demand a recount! MUWHAHAHA (
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 11, 2012, 08:14:50 AM
Conman tried to con the GM.

This means only ONE PERSON'S vote can be changed each time for a max of 3 times NOT 3 person's vote can be changed.

I demand a recount! MUWHAHAHA (

Pretty sure Ketchum meant it by I can only change someone's vote once. He did mention somewhere I can use all of them in one day.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: DK on November 11, 2012, 08:33:00 AM
Zaki is the werewolf again??? OMG...... The quiet one is always the werewolf......
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 11, 2012, 08:41:38 AM
I've been quiet because I was somewhat busy this week. Sorry about that.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Fury on November 11, 2012, 10:43:28 AM
Conman: Can switch one persons vote to someone else, 3 times per game. The update will not show whos vote was switched by whom, though the official votecount at the deadline will account the changed vote as normal.

This doesn't mean it can be used all in a day or it will say "who's voteS were switched..." and "will account the changed voteS". It's all in the singular.  ;D It also says ONE person's vote not THREE persons' vote. Otherwise this would be even more powerful than a human leader, manipulate up to 3 votes to get a double lynch plus one attack.  :o
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 11, 2012, 10:58:11 AM
This doesn't mean it can be used all in a day or it will say "who's voteS were switched..." and "will account the changed voteS". It's all in the singular.  ;D It also says ONE person's vote not THREE persons' vote. Otherwise this would be even more powerful than a human leader, manipulate up to 3 votes to get a double lynch plus one attack.  :o
Hmm, Conman trait too powerful and unbalance the game :(

Actually I was suppose give Conman to Velax, the Villager/Cursed. Will give further explanations.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Lefanis on November 11, 2012, 02:42:37 PM
Imba.  :o
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 11, 2012, 07:13:04 PM
Yada yada, you with your "perfect" english, Fury. Remember this game is dominated by non-english speaker. Hahaha :p Serve you right for lynching me for my English!!! Muahahaha
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 11, 2012, 07:35:47 PM
Pretty sure Ketchum meant it by I can only change someone's vote once. He did mention somewhere I can use all of them in one day.


That's true, I'm afraid. Somewhere I also read that all changes can be made in only one day, after which you lost the ability. And well done Zaki! Human's power 4ever!  ;D Now I can rest in peace in my grave...

Yada yada, you with your "perfect" english, Fury. Remember this game is dominated by non-english speaker. Hahaha :p Serve you right for lynching me for my English!!! Muahahaha

Also true. I always try to bear in mind that I might not be dealing with native speakers, just as in my case. What I don't know is why the leader didn't use his ability more times, though. Was it also a one-time perk?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 11, 2012, 08:15:53 PM
Yeah, i was quite pissed at Norrel anyway. Because i could had gone against him, but yet i felt he is innocent and Fury aggressive approach but without a very clear reason, i had to oppose him. And instead of voting Fury with me, he went and voted someone else, and then let me die.

I wanted to get rid of Zaki. My sixth sense prevails again cause i felt he was the one after the no hunt night. That is why i said served you guys right :p
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 11, 2012, 08:36:37 PM
I didn't hunt that night because I forgot to LOL
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Disturbedyang on November 11, 2012, 08:47:53 PM
Exactly! So it isn't hurt to guess from there. I think only you and Penchant were inactive that day.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Stabbity on November 11, 2012, 08:54:10 PM
Zaki had me killed. That should have been enough for everyone to lynch him :p
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 12, 2012, 01:44:48 AM


Zaki/Ghoul, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Fourth in command / Brutal / Former Conman

Due to GM overpowering Conman trait to bad guys, the last surviving guys that affected by bad guys in the last day
are declared Winner as well.

Joint Winners:
Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader
Lefanis/Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Former Hunter / Formerly Blessed
Penchant, the Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed
Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Formerly Blessed
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 12, 2012, 01:48:07 AM

Day 1:

They start discussion on who to lynch after Garfield the cat death.
3 votes mounted very fast on Norrel by Lefanis, Fury and D'Espana.
Fury even stated he wish to bandwagon, not a good choice by him really.
And 1 vote on Stabbity by Disturbedyang.
This not going well for Norrel and the village themselves as Norrel is Monsters (Villagers) / Leader.
Not the Human infiltrators (Werewolves) that they are looking for.

=Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader=
Fortunately for Norrel, he has Leader ability.
He PM me to change lynch him to D'Espana if he is lynched.
A smart move as he will kill D'Espana the Human infiltrators (Werewolves).
In a way, he will retain his Leader ability as he kills bad guy.

In last 1 hour before deadline.
Norrel and Stabbity tied at 4 votes each with both Werewolves voting for both of them.
Norrel only mentions he will save himself, not Stabbity.
So be it. Hehehe.

=DK/Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac=
DK the Egomaniac has not vote any of the 3 people in his must-kill list(D'Espana, Fury and Sonya).
Not that this matter anyway if this is his playing strategy.
As D'Espana will be leaderlynch by Norrel.
This will clear 1 person from his 3 persons list, leaving 2 more persons he must get them killed.
He need kill the 3 persons in his Egomaniac list or he will lose even if Village wins.
He vote on Norrel too, not a good choice.
And he changed his vote from Norrel to Stabbity, thus indirectly helping Zaki the Werewolf saved Zaki's packmate D'Espana.

Smeagol choose D'Espana, Fury and Sonya  >:(

=Lefanis Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Hunter / Blessed=
His Roleplay of Harvey Dent or Two Face is nice. Make the villagers mood cheer up somewhat.
Still Werewolf does not forget the past where Lefanis the Two Face tormenting Werewolf with his Nobel medal boast.
Not something to worry for Lefanis as he has Blessed to save himself from hunt one time.

Standing at the door, Two face flips his coin.


Harvey smiles wickedly, and walks into the party.

=Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned=
Fury decide to become Casper the Ghost. Now this is my favorite Ghost from all Ghosts choices.
His vote on Norrel was not a good choice still.

We have no clues and we don't know what everyone's character is yet. I'll just vote what
whichever character most likely wants a cat dead.  ::)

Penchant the Seer scan order is on Fury. And added with Fury being Spiritually Attuned, Fury know he being scanned.
I used a coin toss(Thanks to Lefanis Harvey Dent aka Two Faces) to determine Fury 50% chance to learn the scanner role. He got a Head, mean he know Seer scans him.
Now I need determine Fury 25% chance to learn the identity of the scanner. Coin toss will not do.
I used then. Fury failed to learn that Penchant is the Seer who scanned him.

=Disturbedyang/Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed=
His PMs asking questions, sound like he fishing for information or slip-up from GM.
GM gotta be careful with this young curious Padawan. Heh.

Errm, so you can be mummy and werewolves at the same time? lolz

Yeah, i mean what about the bad guys? they wouldn't be say, roleplayed as mummy and is a
werewolf right? lolz

His RolePlay is a nice thing especially the toilet paper part.
He choose Ginger as his name, look like he has some interesting RolePlay up his sleeves.

Stomps into the room and shout, "Who the hell named me Ginger???" while leaving trails of toilet
paper attached to my body. Oh, i do not do hopping..

=D'Espana and Zaki, Human infiltrators (Werewolves)=
D'Espana places a hunt order on Lefanis.
Zaki seems inactive or he just play along with D'Espana.
Werewolf Hunt on Lefanis is not really good, as Lefanis is Blessed.
GM curious to see D'Espana reaction if their hunt fails.

In the last 1 hour before deadline for today lynch voting.
Zaki vote for Stabbity, this brought Stabbity to 4 votes and Norrel also on 4 votes earlier too.
His action kind of changing the game.
Now if 1 more person vote Stabbity, Zaki action has indirectly saved Norrel from lynching.
And if Norrel is saved from lynching, Norrel wont leaderlynch D'Espana the Werewolf.
Now that would be a masterpiece move by Zaki if he does save his packmate D'Espana.
Deadline reached, DK changed his vote at last minute to Stabbity.
And so Zaki saved his packmate D'Espana.
I am happy because D'Espana's Conman trait has not been used at all yet.
It will be interesting to see D'Espana use his Conman trait.

Analyse Day 1 vote.
Zaki Werewolf votes Stabbity and D'Espana Werewolf votes Norrel.
This way nobody among Village can analyse the voting pattern of Werewolves.
Future Werewolves are encouraged to learn from these experienced Werewolves.

We'll hunt Lefanis tonight. Death to the medal boaster!  :P

=Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer)=
Last but not least, nothing complete GM AAR if there is no report on their Village Seer.
Hmm, no scan order from their Seer yet.
Penchant also same just like Zaki, he acts in last 1 hour.
This is a good gameplay by him as he monitors who is the most likely person for him to scan.
Oh well, he choose Fury the Spiritually Attuned. This may get interesting when he find out Fury is good guy.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 12, 2012, 01:51:13 AM

Day 2:

=Lefanis/Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Hunter / Formerly Blessed=
When he realize he was hunted last night but failed due to his Blessed trait.
He throw his Harvey Dent coin and he realize Sonya should have break the lynch ties between Norrel and Stabbity last night.
So he places his vote on Sonya. Godo reasoning but the quiet ones are not really good choice.
As seen in Stabbity the good Villager, and soon Sonya.

=Disturbedyang/Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed=
After Lefanis place vote on Sonya, he votes Sonya for the second vote.
In a sudden move, he changed his vote from Sonya to Lefanis.
He say real life thingie and he wont return till next night 3.

=Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer)=
His Day 1 scan on Fury returns good Villager result for him.
Now the Justice League has Fury and him in it.
I wonder if they both start chatting without GM in the loop. Hehe.

=D'Espana and Zaki, Human infiltrators (Werewolves)=
What word best describe Werewolves? They have the best partnership.
Day 1 lynch voting where Zaki started to vote on Stabbity the Villager and other Villagers follow him.
In the end, Zaki saved his packmate D'Espana from being leaderlynch by Norrel.
Such interesting Day 1 activity. Hope Day 2 also has same thing.
After Fury votes Sonya, Zaki moves early to vote on Sonya.
Zaki "under the radar" strategy works very well. It is commendable too.
Next, what will be Werewolves hunt order for Night 2?
They select DK the Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac.

=Sonya/Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command=
She was very quiet. Probably real life took sometime out of her.
Her quiet presence and did not vote during Day 1 lynch voting, caught many people attention.
Hope she can convince her fellow Villagers. After all, she is innocent.

=Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Blessed=
Fury is so happy to be scanned by the Seer.
His post on forum hinting for someone(Of course he hints to Seer, he doesnt know Penchant is Seer) to contact him with proof, sound very open.
Werewolf may sniff him out if he keep this up further.
He places his vote on Sonya to test out Lefanis Two Face's theory.
Later he changed his vote from Sonya to Norrel.
It would be interesting if everyone make Norrel use Norrel leaderlynch.

=DK/Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac=
DK is waiting and observe more before voting. Wise choice.
1 of his 3 people Egomaniac list, Sonya is leading in the lynch vote.
He could have D'Espana ticked off his list if he did not change his Day 1 lynch vote.
Oh well. What is done, is done.
I realize DK 3 persons must-die list consists of 2 Villagers and 1 Werewolf.
2 Villagers: Fury and Sonya
1 Werewolf: D'Espana
Look like DK vote is the trump card that could make or break the Village.
Well, good news is nobody accuse him of being Egomaniac.
Bad news is GM want see more blood, as in false Egomaniac allegation in the forum.
This is so that someone falsely accuse other, has to bear 50% chance to die under "unclear" circumstances.
Unluckily for him, Werewolves hunt him tonight.
And the funny thing is he almost got all 3 persons in his must-kill list killed.

=Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader=
He is lucky to survive Day 1 lynch. Or could it be unlucky since he would have leaderlynch D'Espana the Werewolf instead?
Only time will tell.
Interesting to see Day 2 he votes on Zaki the Werewolf.
Seems he always get his first guesses right on every werewolf out there.
If he keep this up, he will bring some pressure on Werewolf hunt choice tonight.
First day he set his leaderlynch on D'Espana the Werewolf if he got lynched.
Second day he votes to lynch Zaki the Werewolf.
I wont be surprise to see Werewolf hunt him tonight.
Of course Werewolf does not know his first day leaderlynch order.
Or I wait how he convince the rest of Villagers to vote together with him.
Maybe not, since I see he gave no reason when he vote Zaki.

=GM Own Note=
3 Blessed trait given to good guys Villager side.
Now left only 2, after Lefanis was hunted in Night 1.
If Werewolf keep hunt him second time, they will succeed this Night 2.
Doubt Werewolf will do this, as some better hunt targets have pop out: Norrel who vote Zaki the Werewolf.
Come deadline, Lefanis the Hunter used his Hunter Trait on Fury. Fury lost his Blessed trait due to it.

Make GM announcement to avoid misunderstanding.
And seeing I determine in Day 1 that DK change vote at 6:00:08AM was counted,
for this game ONLY, changing vote up until 6:00:59AM is counted.
6:01AM change vote will not COUNT.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 12, 2012, 01:58:13 AM

Day 3 and Day 4:

=Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer)=
Now he has scanned and cleared Lefanis.
Who's next up for his scan? Ah, it is Norrel.

=Zaki, Human infiltrators (Werewolves)=
Zaki No Hunt night 3 is proving costly to Werewolf win.

=Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Blessed=
He keeps saying Garfield who give him clue about Sonya not being possible bad guys.
Of course he has a hard time to convince Disturbedyang.
So with his thought of Norrel and Disturbedyang being Human(Bad guy),

=Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader=
His continued voting on Zaki has returned a good result.
He was scanned by Seer in Day 3.

=GM Own Note=
Penchant the Seer Scans:-
Day 1: Fury
Day 2: Lefanis
Day 3: Norrel
Day 4: No send scan order

Werewolf Hunts:-
Night 1: No Hunt, Lefanis(His Blessed saved him)
Night 2: DK
Night 3: No Hunt
Night 4: Zaki set Hunt on Norrel, then change to Penchant

5 players left: Penchant, Zaki, Fury, Lefanis and Norrel.

Zaki is the only unscanned left.
Not a surprise all of them vote Zaki.
It looks like Zaki missed hunt on Night 3 is proving costly to Werewolf win.
Zaki Hunt order on Norrel for Night 4 maybe too late.

Advice for Werewolf that not going to tell Werewolf anyway
This gonna be interesting ending. If Zaki change their Votes using Zaki Conman and save himself.

Then convince them that someone use Conman trait to accuse Zaki.
Then have a theory about someone inside their scanned people being turned Werewolf, who sympathize.
Zaki can use back my GM last Day Update 8)

Then Zaki cut down their Seer or Zaki cut down their Leader namely Norrel. Since second, third in command are dead, Zaki can become Leader.
And Zaki use the Leader ability and KO the village. Wow, voila :P

Disturbedyang suggestion about no PM game rule sound good for game balance.
As the Seer establish Justice League full of scanned people quite fast.
Werewolf bad luck at hunting Seer, missed Hunt and hitting Blessed(Lefanis) proved too much for them to recover.

GM was surprised greatly when Zaki put in these below PMs.
This Conman trait is overpowering and give too much of the game power to Werewolf.
GM is stumped... Have to decide to give the good guys win as they have figure out who is the last Werewolf :)
The last Werewolf should be given Win as well, because he has figure out creatively and innovatively how to use Conman.
Conman trait should only be use 1 time per game, not 3 times per game. GM wrong Trait PM to Werewolf has imba the game :(

Totally forgot to send you an attack order rofl.

Kill Norrel

That was a hunt order.

For Brutal - Lefanis

KILL Penchant

MOVE 2 Votes to Lefanis

Move 1 Vote to Norrel
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 12, 2012, 03:00:00 AM
It's always good to read the GM notes. I agree with most of it, especially with Norrel's good sense of baddies. You don't have a radar under the bed, don't you?  :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 12, 2012, 03:13:11 AM
It's always good to read the GM notes. I agree with most of it, especially with Norrel's good sense of baddies. You don't have a radar under the bed, don't you?  :P

I've played this game probably thousands of times more than anyone else here, so it's just practice paying off I guess, as well as some luck.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 12, 2012, 04:00:43 AM
Leader: Good guy
Second in command: Bad guy
Third in command: Good guy
Fourth in command: Bad guy
Fifth in command: Good guy
Sixth in command: Bad guy
Spiritually Attuned

Egomaniac is Neutral Trait and can make or break the Villagers.

Due to Velax pullout, Conman originally given to him, now given to Werewolves for game balance.
While left 1 Cursed only due to Velax was originally Villager/Cursed. Originally 2 Cursed given.

Velax Supposed Role
Velax/Chucky, Monsters (Villagers) / Conman / Cursed

=====Roles and Traits Distribution
Monsters (Villagers) / Leader
Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command
Monsters (Villagers) / Fifth in command
Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed
Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Blessed
Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac
Monsters (Villagers) / Hunter / Blessed
Head witch(Seer) / Blessed
Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Second in command / Conman
Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Fourth in command / Brutal
10 Players:

Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader
Sonya/Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command
Stabbity/Goblin, Monsters (Villagers) / Fifth in command
Disturbedyang/Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed
Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Formerly Blessed
DK/Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac
Lefanis/Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Former Hunter / Formerly Blessed
Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed
D'Espana/Werewolf, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Second in command / Conman
Zaki/Ghoul, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Fourth in command / Brutal / Conman
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Ketchum on November 12, 2012, 04:03:53 AM
I've played this game probably thousands of times more than anyone else here, so it's just practice paying off I guess, as well as some luck.
Norrel, you are correct when you say you know Leader trait wont be given to bad guy.
Of course I cannot answer you on the suppose GM setting used 8)

You also have an uncanningly ability to guess who is the Werewolf.

The only mistake I done is probably giving Conman trait (3 times per game instead of 1 time per game) to Werewolf :(

Another mistake I done is in Last Day Update. Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed still has Blessed and would have survive Werewolf hunt that night. Thus Penchant and Fury against Zaki, and a win for Village ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Zakilevo on November 12, 2012, 06:49:19 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Sonya on November 12, 2012, 01:49:58 PM

Day 2:

=Sonya/Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command=
She was very quiet. Probably real life took sometime out of her.
Her quiet presence and did not vote during Day 1 lynch voting, caught many people attention.
Hope she can convince her fellow Villagers. After all, she is innocent.

There is something called Time Zone

I didn't knew voting was at 1:00 AM. and of course if you are a townie not voting is something good on first day, i always reserve the first day's vote. One thing is quiet people, another thing is those who no vote, Only Villagers won't vote.

Villain/werewolf will always vote, they will try to kill twice if they can, with the hunt, and with the lynch.

Stares at Zaki's Victory Banner for a while....


Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: Norrel on November 12, 2012, 08:34:19 PM
and of course if you are a townie not voting is something good on first day, i always reserve the first day's vote. One thing is quiet people, another thing is those who no vote, Only Villagers won't vote.

This is wrong.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
Post by: D'Espana on November 13, 2012, 12:31:42 AM
I've played this game probably thousands of times more than anyone else here, so it's just practice paying off I guess, as well as some luck.

That's possibly helping, then. I must recognise that I've played this game online only with you guys.