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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Quote from: Skiarxon on April 06, 2011, 09:21:30 PM
And now we wait for Bigmouth to strike again.

A bit uncalled for and unnecessary wouldn't you say? Let's at least pretend that we are adults.

Quote from: Munro on April 06, 2011, 11:49:58 PM
A bit uncalled for and unnecessary wouldn't you say? Let's at least pretend that we are adults.

It is uncalled disliking his char IG and wanting to see his realm burned to the ground? I do not think so...


And so after returning from a rather bloody and harsh campaign in the west and down south, fighting off Talerians, and Cagilans and Tarans, the Northern Alliance tromps home for some refitting and a hot, freshly brewed cup of tea.

As Eston and Darka begin feeling well again, they begin walking out the door. While the Barony of Makar is still getting its shoes back on. When all of a sudden one of their servants runs in a bit of distress.

"My Lords! Something most unusual!"

Eston and Darka look at each other, concerned, but curious. The Barony of Makar takes the opportunity to down another pint of ale.

"What is it?" Eston and Darka ask.

"Well, my Lords, I was cleaning up the trash and other left over items from the party in Coria's backyard as you instructed me too, when all of a sudden someone came barging into the place, grabbing leftover cake and punch and stuffing their face. Soon, he looked at me, at asked me where everybody had run off too! I am most confused and concerned, my Lords."

Suddenly, Minas Ithil barrels through the door, a glass of spiced punch in one hand and a party hat in the other.

"What the heck, you all? What're you doing over here? I showed up at the party in Coria and no one was there? Did I miss something?"
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on April 07, 2011, 08:37:33 AM

Suddenly, Minas Ithil barrels through the door, a glass of spiced punch in one hand and a party hat in the other.

Ahahaha! The mental image of that actually made me laugh :P


Quote from: Skiarxon on April 07, 2011, 07:06:33 AM
It is uncalled disliking his char IG and wanting to see his realm burned to the ground? I do not think so...

I agree, but this particular part of the forum is supposed to be OOC, not IC. (I concede that it is easy to blur the lines however, as I've nearly done so myself before now).


Quote from: Perth on April 07, 2011, 08:37:33 AM
Suddenly, Minas Ithil barrels through the door, a glass of spiced punch in one hand and a party hat in the other.

"What the heck, you all? What're you doing over here? I showed up at the party in Coria and no one was there? Did I miss something?"

This pure gold. Ha!
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.

johnny Hammarberg

Can someone remind me who was it that said that Atamara was dead and in a gridlock?  :P
In war, truth is the first casualty.  ~Aeschylus


Quote from: johnny Hammarberg on April 08, 2011, 06:50:08 PM
Can someone remind me who was it that said that Atamara was dead and in a gridlock?  :P

Your welcome... ;)


Been some interesting new developments lately.  Thoughts?

Gustav Kuriga

Well, all I can say is... Darka FTW.

Forbes Family

Forbes Family


Quote from: Celestine on April 28, 2011, 04:55:01 AM
Been some interesting new developments lately.  Thoughts?

Which ones you mean exactly :)
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Misericordia on April 28, 2011, 04:46:42 PM
Which ones you mean exactly :)

I would like to know about the ones in the south.


So, Coria is sending troops south to 'visit family', apparently because players in Coria are getting bored with all that peace  ;)

Speculation on what will happen next?


Coria will eventually get involved in a battle on CE's side.

Then I get to finish burning down Barad Falas.  ;D
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.